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Everything posted by HeyItsMoses

  1. All questions pertain to the top 12 unless otherwise specified. 1) Will Seeking a Friend have a Saturday increase of more than 7.5%? YES 2) Will Seeking a Friend have an opening weekend of more than 6.95 mill? NO 3) Will any film playing in more than 1000 theaters have a weekend drop of less than 30%? YES 4) Will Brave open to more than 64.5 mill? YES 5) Will Brave decrease on Saturday? YES 6) Will ROA make at least a million more than That's My Boy? NO 7) Will Seeking a Friend make more than both ROA and TMB? NO 8) Will Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter open to more than 10 mill? YES 9) Will Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter open to more than 14.5 mill? YES 10) Will Brave's Sunday be bigger than be Lincoln Vampire Hunter and Seeking a Friend's 3 day total combined? NO 11) Will The Avengers have a Friday increase of more than 55%? YES 12) Will Prometheus drop less than 43%? NO 13) Will Moonrise make at least 300K more than Marigold? NO 14) Will film finishes higher? Battleship, Expecting or Dictator? Expecting 15) Will Madagascar fall less than 46.7%? NO 11/15 3000 12/15 5000 13/15 6000 14/15 7000 15/15 10,000 Bonus 1: What will the combined gross be of Brave, Abe Lincoln and Madagascar3? 4000 $104,607,010 Bonus 2: What will Prometheus WW total be after Sunday estimates? 4000 $268,534,869 Bonus 2.5: What will Madagascar's Thursday gross be? 4000 $4,723,082 Bonus 3: What finishes is slots: 7 Snow White 9 Avengers 13 Battleship 15 Hunger Games 2000 for each one right 5000 bonus if all 4 correct Bonus 4: ***Internationally*** what finishes in slots: 3 Snow White 4 Prometheus 6 Men in Black 2000 for each one right, bonus of 5000 for all three correct. Good luck! There are lots of points to be had this week!
  2. Glad to see that I'm not the only one. My numbers aren't that far off from yours.. MIB3: $168,063,282 SWATH: $144,760,813 PROM: $131,353,535
  3. Oh, right on.When I was figuring out my points, i just used the numbers, instead of having the film in the top 11. I also didn't input the placing of each movie, which matters a lot too!
  4. Google images is giving some lame photos. I have no idea how the hell you guys are able to find some of the awesome pics you put up.
  5. Whoever has TMB or ROA in their Top 11....is FUCKED!Won't even hit $50m, lmao.
  6. Google+ but I rarely use social networking sites these days.
  7. I have a $9m safety ($4.5m both ways), and my numbers are gonna be pretty spot on. Trust me, I aint gonna lose any points.
  8. I don't remember the answers that I posted in the message between me Doc and Creator. I'll just wait until it works, and you'll see my answers there.
  9. ^I say you do it. Too many contenders here can't seem to grow a pair. We gotta lead by example.
  10. No Guts..No Glory.SOTM 5:MIB3: $168,063,282SWATH: $144,760,813PROM: $131,353,535
  11. Bourne Legacy will be in the top 11.I think The Watch is this summers sleeper. Tropic Thunder numbers at the very least.
  12. 1) Will Moonrise Kingdom stay in the top 10? NO 2) Will The Intouchables increase? YES 3) Will Chernobyl Diaries drop less than 60%? NO 4) Will The Hunger Games increase more than 40% on Saturday? NO 5) Will Battleship decrease by less than 50%? NO 6) Will MIB3 finish within at least 7 mill of SWATH? YES 7) Will The Avengers have a Friday increase of more than 60%? YES 8) Will Rock of Ages make more than 26.5 mill? NO 9) Will That's My Boy make more than 32.5 mill? NO 10) Will Rock of Ages and TMB combine to make more than 60 mill? NO 11) Will That's My Boy decrease by less than 8% on Sunday? NO 12) Will Prometheus decrease by more than 25% on Sunday? NO 10/12 3000 11/12 5000 12/12 7000 Bonus 1: What will Avengers WW total be after the Sunday estimates come out? $1,413,031,985 Bonus 2: What will MAD3's WW total be after the Sunday estimates come out? $274.087m Bonus 3: What films finish is spots: 5 Snow White 9 Moonrise Kingdom 11 Battleship 14 Dark Shadows 2000 each 7000 bonus if all 4 are right.
  13. With the current films released, this is where I see it finishing with their runs. Take it for what it is.. [My predictions in brackets] The Avengers: $623m [$429.8m] Dark Shadows: $79m [N/A] Battleship: $65m [$144.4m] Men in Black 3: $170m [$154.2m] Snow White: $147m [$184.9m] Prometheus: $146m [$214.4m] Madagascar 3: $175m [$156.9m] I'm pretty good with MIB3, SW, and M3; but I messed up bad with the rest. Baumer, you said something about $20m increments, how does that work? Edit: Nevermind, found it. So according to the rule above, here is where I'm at: The Avengers: -$193m < -12,000 points! Battleship: -$79m < -6,000 points! Men in Black 3: -$16m < 10,000 points! Snow White: -$38m < No points lost. Prometheus: -$68m < -6,000 points! Madagascar 3: -$18m < 10,000 points! So, from my predictions alone, I'm at.. -4,000 points!
  14. Sorry, the reason as to why I quoted it, instead of editing, is because if I edit it, and my time is different then yours, and I'm passed the deadline, you won't accept my answers.So I quote it, so you can see the changes that I'm making to it. But I'll edit from now on.Looking forward to my make-up question.
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