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Posts posted by xiazhi

  1. 22 hours ago, tribefan695 said:

    If a movie makes 2x its budget, usually the narrative is that it's a success. We'll never know the nuances of it, but that is the general threshold for franchise continuation and/or added filmmaker clout, independent of more intangible factors like awards and critic/audience reception

    only if China BO takes a major portion (only 22%)

  2. 3 hours ago, doublejack said:

    I don't think it is just the WW number, either. TRoS is going to fall way short of 600M DOM. I think it is tracking for something in the 515-525M range. That's got to be far below expectations, and we all know the studios take a bigger cut of DOM vs INTL gross. I'll bet they miss profit estimates by multiple hundred million dollars.

    Is the rumor true that lucasfilm takes 65% of Dom bo?

  3. 2 hours ago, Marcos12 said:

    In USA, Mandalorian may even be more popular than The Witcher, but on the international market The Witcher will be much more popular, but I don't think it will beat  Stranger Things popularity.

    This is pretty dumb to say. Mandalorian is not even available in most international market therefore you can't compare. It's like saying tros is more popular than joker in China

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Marcos12 said:

    I don't think it has a big impact, Titans which is not even a big show, are ahead of Mandalorian (on Mandalorian debut), and Titans is also a weekly show.    


    And this research is made in  US, overseas I doubt Mandalorian is a popular show, Star Wars is not as strong overseas as it is in the US (in Asia and Latin America Star Wars is very weak,  except Japan).

    I assume one demand means one episode being wwatched. Mando's debut weekend has only one episode.

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, Marcos12 said:

    The Witcher (updated) demand is  126,818,590, And as I said, this is demand in the US, which is where Mandalorian / Star Wars is strongest (along with some countries in Europe,  in Asia and Latin America Star wars is pretty weak), abroad The Witcher will probably be much more popular.Overall-3.jpg

    Disney+ is not even in most international countries, the comparison doesn't make any sense. It's like comparing movie 1's NA BO with movie 2's WW BO.

    SW is very strong in Europe too. Mandalorian will do great there. Mandalorian is surprisingly quite popular in China.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Marcos12 said:

    In opening week Mandalorian had 39,991.019 demand, didn't debut as first either.


    The Witcher debuted with 126,818,590 was much higher.


    and this is on USA , overseas The Witcher advantage will probably be  bigger,, Star wars is not strong OS as it is in the USA.

    This is because Mandalorian is a weekly show while The Witcher releases the whole season at once. It's very unfair to compare them directly.

    This week Mandalorian has 112m demands while the Witcher only 64m.


    • Like 1
    • Disbelief 2
  7. 39 minutes ago, Nova said:

    I wonder when the MCU is going to open up a film during the Christmas season. Obviously not anytime soon but I would be interested to see the types of legs it would have. Like I wonder if an MCU film (not named the Avengers) would have a large opening ($150M+) and then get like a 3.3x multiplier off of that because of the holidays. 

    With MCU having 4 movies a year and SW possible holding back, it may be soon

    • Astonished 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Snark88 said:

    I mean what are they gonna do? The brand is damaged at this point because of the ST, so the question is how do they win audiences back in a way that they can restore the hype and box office success they had with TFA?


    I think the best thing they can do is put Star Wars movies on ice for a long time, and focus on television. I know they've got a few shows in the works, but I think they should come up with one show that's their main eventer. Have a show with an endearing and loveable cast of characters, hire brilliant storytellers, and aim the show at adults. Yes, adults. I'm not suggesting to fill a Star Wars show with hardcore violence, sex and cussing. But give it a more mature tone. Star Wars at it's best, has always taken the more mature and serious approach to storytelling.



    Let time heal SW. TFA came out a decade after the prequels and it did fine.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, LeoC said:

    I am Chinese and I only speak for myself. SW is one of the few franchises that I just can’t comprehend. I grew up watching hongkong action movies including Wuxia fantasy movies, and I think the choreography for those movies are top-notch. In comparison, lightsabers fights are very silly and clumsy to me. Also, the concept of force is not appealing to me. Have you ever watched a Chinese Wuxia movie like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon in which people suddenly fly on bamboos and walls like gravity doesn’t exist? I think the way westerners react to that kind of scenes (wtf is going on?) is how I react to the force concept. 


    All in all, the elements that define SW movies happen to be those that keep me away from SW. GoGT and interstellar don’t have those and therefore I love them, and they are highly rated and well received in China. But is SW willing to pander to Chinese market by abandoning these elements? Of course it won’t coz that’s what SW is about. So my conclusion is SW in pretty much hopeless in China (I just realized I said I only speak for myself but now I am generalizing to the whole market)

    To Asian countries, SW is like in another time 

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