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Everything posted by kayumanggi

  1. WEEKEND 03 (04 films) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 018.78 M RED TAILS 19.18 M Dom Cobb 17.13 M Jim Shorts 16.89 M CJohn ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 025.31 M UNDERWORLD AWAKENING 26.33 M Sixteen16 23.79 M Dom Cobb 27.75 M CJohn ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 010.05 M EXTREMELY LOUD & INCREDIBLY CLOSE 10.56 M bed005 10.69 M Sixteen16 11.52 M CJohn ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 008.43 M HAYWIRE 08.22 M bed005 07.45 M Jim Shorts 09.80 M acsc1312 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ SCOREBOARD Ranking - Gold - Silver - Bronze - Total - Players 01 | 02 - 00 - 01 | 03 | bed005 02 | 01 - 02 - 01 | 04 | Jim Shorts 03 | 01 - 01 - 01 | 03 | Dom Cobb 04 | 01 - 01 - 00 | 02 | Sixteen16 05 | 01 - 00 - 01 | 02 | acsc131 06 | 01 - 00 - 00 | 01 | Kayumanggi 06 | 01 - 00 - 00 | 01 | Mattrek 07 | 00 - 02 - 03 | 05 | CJohn 08 | 00 - 01 - 01 | 02 | Neo 09 | 00 - 01 - 00 | 01 | lab276
  2. WEEKEND 02 (03 films) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 017.75 M BEAUTY AND THE BEAST 16.88 M Jim Shorts 16.87 M CJohn 18.75 M Neo ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 024.35 M CONTRABAND 25.00 M Mattrek 23.15 M Neo 20.33 M bed005 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 011.23 M JOYFUL NOISE 11.30 M acsc1312 11.00 M lab276 11.79 M Dom Cobb ___________________________________________________________________________________________ SCOREBOARD Ranking - Gold - Silver - Bronze - Total - Players 01 | 01 - 00 - 01 | 02 | Jim Shorts 02 | 01 - 00 - 00 | 01 | Kayumanggi 02 | 01 - 00 - 00 | 01 | Mattrek 02 | 01 - 00 - 00 | 01 | acsc1312 03 | 00 - 02 - 00 | 02 | CJohn 04 | 00 - 01 - 01 | 02 | Neo 05 | 00 - 01 - 00 | 01 | lab276 06 | 00 - 00 - 01 | 01 | bed005 06 | 00 - 00 - 01 | 01 | Dom Cobb
  3. Hello there, how much is the IMAX ticket for this one?
  5. I'm happy too. 2012 is now more than 12% ahead of 2011. That's 93 M more. Ticket sales are ahead too.
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