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Posts posted by Chucky

  1. 8 hours ago, filmlover said:

    He could always retreat to streaming like Michael Bay. The kind of completely empty spectacle movie that these guys made their careers in back in the 90s really has no place at a multiplex these days.


    Midway is being basically dumped with little fanfare. At least all the talented people in it likely got nice paychecks out of it.

    Let's not pretend Michael Bay has no place today, he's already made his money and making smaller budgeted movies is probably down to his choice

  2. On 10/7/2019 at 8:14 PM, Giesi said:

    And this against 2010’s exchange rates, mighty impressive. It is really a genre-defining saga, carrying the legacy into another decade.


    On 10/7/2019 at 9:09 PM, TalismanRing said:

    And outside of the 3D boom


    But still had inflation and an expanded market. It's impressive but we can't pretend it isn't easier to make 1b in 2019 than 2010

  3. 18 minutes ago, Napoleon said:

    It didn't even open yet. Excellent word of mouth could turn things around for this movie.

    The problem with Terminator is the same problem with the Alien and Predator franchises. They were big hits a different generation ago, but not big enough to properly transcend the generations imo. Prometheus had the right idea by linking itself in whilst doing it's own thing and it worked to an extend from a marketing point until WOM got around.


    With terminator they keep trying to make sequels or heavy tie ins and I dont think enough people now are interested in watching the older stories progress. It didnt work with Superman Returns, hasnt worked with predator/alien and it won't work with this. They should have a reboot, start a fresh concept with new ideas and ditch the past, ditch Arnie and show a different take. it's worked for other franchises of a similar era, just look at MOS and ST09

  4. I've never taken the term 'produced by' seriously, im surprised you guys do. As for Speilberg vs Cameron they're too different. Spielberg is the greatest director of all time imo, no director has made 2 movies in 1 year, 1 of which becoming the highest grossing movie of all time whilst the other project swept the Oscar's. Spielberg is the sort of guy who can make movies in his sleep, so much diversity


    James cameron however is the director cinema needs, he's the guy who's happy to go over budget and keep his movie in post production for years more than usual so we get never seen before state of the art projects, I love them both.



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  5. On 10/9/2019 at 8:10 PM, Jake Gittes said:

    Saw this. Well what do you know, it turns out the real clown was Todd Phillips all along. A man who has nothing to offer here except '70s fetishism, being able to play music really fucking loud, and thinking that character drama = fakeouts and constant victimization (the worst offenders being asshole Wall Street bros who... know Sondheim lyrics by heart) - he even manages to take Phoenix down with him, given that he never seems interested in Arthur as a human being, only as a collection of crude surface tics to be paraded in front of the audience - and yet a man in a world (or should I say a society) where mass film culture has now been sufficiently infantilized that people can look at this rambling one-note Taxi Driver wannabe that pretends it has something to say and seriously take it on its word. Is it just me or is it getting crazier out there? 

    Relax it's a movie not a dick, dont take it so hard 

  6. In the UK they constantly do polls and Ross is always ranked as the best.  Personally Chandler is my favourite character but Ross does have the funniest moments and his expressions are priceless so I can see why he's the most popular of the show. 


    Phoebe is my least favourite character and shes still funny, it just goes to show how good this show is that every character is great. I'd call this the best show ever made, and probably the post popular show ever created along with The Simpsons, it's really easy watching and consistently funny through every episode.

  7. 1 hour ago, AndyK said:

    Not impossible, just improbable.




    But from my point of view, a sci-fi movie based on some facts, however stretched they are, can be ruined by introducing the totally incredulous, which is what the second movie did for me.


    Just my opinion.

    Ok fair enough that's your opinion but it's a fact that creating a T-1000 like in the movie is far easier in our lifetime than creating a time machine which as of now is impossible. We are talking about going back in time btw, not going forward in time.



  8. 27 minutes ago, AndyK said:

    Yes, time travel is based in some kind of reasoning in science.


    Robots with complex circuitry and power sources that maintain their structural integrity while becoming a gooey mess on the floor, makes no sense at all.


    If it was a sentient being with godlike powers or even a talking tree, that would be easier for the brain to adjust too in the cinema than a liquid metal robot.


    That's why T1>>>>>T2, the terminator was plausible.

    No travelling back in time has no kind of reasoning in science, its impossible but we suspend our belief for science fiction movies.


    Scientist have actually created drops of liquid metal to move like the T-1000 so as improbable as it is to create a machine like that it is still more believable than the concept of travelling back in time to kill a kid likely to cause havoc in the future.

  9. 43 minutes ago, HalloFromGermany said:

    If you don't care, good for you.

    Why waste your time here?

    I care, and many others do.

    And I am happy about the reactions so far.


    First reactions from German critics sound pretty good:


    Because I want to predict the flop before it happens as it's a box office forum, I'm also baffled as to why they keep releasing sequels to this franchise when none of them have been very successful since Judgement Day. This is the sort of franchise that shouldnt be touched for a while and if it is, it needs to be a reboot, not a continuation to a 30 year old movie. 

  10. 3 hours ago, reddevil19 said:

    Bay can plan an action scene. He just can't film and have it edited properly, all because he has the mindset of a 13-year-old. And you finishing that sentence with "kid" doesn't make you look as tough as you might think. 

    And no, those movies didn't make Shia a draw. They made him more visible to other filmmakers, who either mistakenly thought he would be a box office draw, or actually thought he could act. Which I agree with - he can act. But he had nothing to work with in those movies, especially after the first, being reduced to incoherent noises and screams for the most part. But, again, I can't blame him, just like I can't blame Wahlberg for 4 and 5 (he is also good with the right material). It's all on the horrid scripts and incoherence both in story-telling and visuals.

    Noone is trying to look tough behind a screen but claiming your opinion is correct just screams arrogance. I guess you just didnt understand who the target audience was for the earlier bayformer movies were. The film connected to young teens and Shia LaBeouf did do a good job with what he had bringing comedy and relatability to his role, people found him funny and theres no way a turd of a film like Eagle Eye could have touched 100m domestically if Shia wasnt atleast some kind of a draw after these movies despite going down a different path soon after. 


    And you can say Bay cannot film an action scene all you wanted but those with experience in the industry seem to all disagree

  11. 21 hours ago, Napoleon said:

    I thought Aquaman was terrible, but seeing Amber Heard humiliate Johnny Depp's Crimes Of Grindelwald at the box office, and outgross his entire career worldwide, was one of the most satisfying experiences of my life.

    You mean the woman who's likely getting sued for false allegations?

  12. 22 hours ago, reddevil19 said:

    Michael Bay's Transformers, especially from the 2nd on, look like they were shot by Michael J Fox holding the camera and edited by Edward Scissorhands, starring a screaming chipmunk for the first three movies and a confused drunk for the last two, so I'll talk shit all I want, as I am correct.

    It's easy to shit on Shia LaBeouf now but lets not pretend those movies didnt make him a draw. Some of the greatest movie directors out there have acknowledged Bays talent in constructing an action scene so excuse me Reddevil19 from the movie forums but your opinion really doesn't cut it kid

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