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Posts posted by Chucky

  1. 21 hours ago, Krissykins said:

    He has a tendency to shoot them in a way that it’s hard to actually see or keep up with what’s even going on, IMO. 

    Aquaman was so much clearer and cleaner. 

    I'd agree with this statement for his latest work where he lost a bit of his magic but there are action scenes in the first 3 movies which blew people away and many directors tried to mimic. Pearl Harbour may not he the greatest of movies but that middle segment was a work of art

  2. 28 minutes ago, reddevil19 said:

    LOL. Come on, now. No objective analysis can ever come up with that. If nothing else, the well-shot and edited action, which Wan knows how to handle very well puts it way above Bayformers. Add to that a likable cast, which is missing from Bayformers, and the MacGuffin chase being more clear-cut than in any Transformers movie and there you are.

    Michael Bay can handle an action scene better than anything we saw in Aquaman. Transformers 1 and 3 wipes the floor with it in that respect and the cast in the first 3 movies were far more likeable too 

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  3. 6 minutes ago, reddevil19 said:

    Don't think Joaquin Phoenix will ever be a box office pull - he always gives his all in a role, so if he's in a major profile film, people will talk about him, but I just don't see many people following his next indie just because they loved Joker. Which is a shame...

    He's also a strange guy so its hard for him to build a large profile of fans 

  4. 33 minutes ago, RealLyre said:

    Joker may not be the biggest DC character but it's outperforming films like Batman v Superman (on 2nd weekend and with a good chance to come very close WW) which had arguably the most popular superheroes at the time. 

    Batman V Superman had terrible WOM so its 2nd weekend makes for a poor comparison

  5. 4 hours ago, The Futurist said:

    Another one of my theory proven right.


    The biggest DC character was always  The Joker.

    Batman is actually its Robin.


    Give to The Joker a title like The Crazy Clown with the exact same film and you d be lucky to do 80m dom.


    The Joker is gonna do 300m, aiming at 350 with a shot at 400m.


    Man oh man, that Superhero fatigue is finaly kicking in eh ?

    If the joker was DC's biggest character then surely this would have opened over 150m? Wonder Woman will end up having a bigger gross?

  6. 19 hours ago, rukaio101 said:

    Yes, because God forbid people 'jump on the progressive wagon' by.... pointing out how the movie about racism is actually really terrible about handling racial issues.


    Also, buddy, it's a fucking Best Picture winner, not some adorable little Saturday matinee screening that we're being overly harsh on. It's not really in a position where you can dismiss how quickly it falls apart under the slightest bit of actual scrutiny, with 'It's just a feel-good movie'. 

    It falls apart under scrutiny in your unpopular opinion? It won best picture because most people didnt agree with that criticism so stop trying to act like your point of view is the correct one PC principle, it is not going to get you laid. I bet you're the sort of guy that brings up oppression whenever you meet a black dude.

    • Knock It Off 2
  7. 10 hours ago, rukaio101 said:




    Okay, for a more serious word though, Green Book is the sort of movie that I'm not surprised a lot of people like, because it is very superficially charming and likeable. But it's also the sort of movie where, if you do any kind of thinking about the actual subtext of the film (or, god forbid, actually learn about the real history/people this film claims to 'portray'), it quickly becomes clear that it's a big stinking pile at best and, at worst, downright gross in its rewriting of history. 





    10 hours ago, rukaio101 said:




    Okay, for a more serious word though, Green Book is the sort of movie that I'm not surprised a lot of people like, because it is very superficially charming and likeable. But it's also the sort of movie where, if you do any kind of thinking about the actual subtext of the film (or, god forbid, actually learn about the real history/people this film claims to 'portray'), it quickly becomes clear that it's a big stinking pile at best and, at worst, downright gross in its rewriting of history. 




    Green Book is the sort of movie where you can choose to jump on a bandwagon and pick the movie apart to gain that feeling of self importance by showing everyone how progressive you are, but for those who see it as the mild entertainment it is, it's an enjoyable feel good drama. It reminds me of Bohemian Rhapsody in that respect  

  8. 13 minutes ago, Jake Gittes said:

    Green Book is about as cinematic as a magazine photoshoot. Virtually any individual shot in Beale Street has more care and craft put into it

    I cant say I watched Green Book for the visuals, I watched it more for the performances and its ability to make me laugh and smile. It was a nice movie 

  9. 59 minutes ago, SLAM! said:


    This is an unpopular opinion, but I might agree with you on Beale Street; that film is great in its own right, but it never really breaks out of its novelistic approach to the story, while Green Book has more cinematic qualities to it. It comes down to what someone prefers, and I appreciate Beale Street for trying to be different, but Green Book is more successful and engaging in the way it employs some cinematic qualities. Of course, story-wise, Green Book falls short and I have to hand it to Beale Street, but I want to make sure not to over-emphasize storytelling when I analyze a film as a whole.

    It depends what people look for in a movie, I personally think characters are the most important aspect to a film, they can carry a shit film whereas a great film with shitty characters to me become less memorable. Green Book may not be the film to stop racism which many critics criticised it for but it has more relevance to every day life than something like Black Klansman or Beale street and it's just a much more charming film to sit through.

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  10. 5 hours ago, Melosh said:

    When I wrote “target audience”, I was referring to the fact that movies are either pitched or thought of to be for a certain demographic. “Spotlight” or “Schindler’s list” are not movies just for “Adults”, and “Winnie the Pooh” and “Dumbo” are not “kids movies”, we sometimes assume that based on stereotypes society placed on perception of life

    I dont know any kids who would enjoy watching 'spotlight' or 'Schindler's list' just like I dont know any adults who would care for 'Winnie the Pooh' or 'Dumbo' unless they are taking their children to see it. So I'd say you are wrong there

  11. 8 hours ago, lorddemaxus said:

    Last year was pretty great for African American cinema though where we got a lot of really good movies from African Americans and about them. Better films like Beale Street, Blindspotting, and Widows weren't competing for any major awards because of this (the African American aspect is a part of the voting process). I like The Hate U Give but it was one of the more generic movies. Queen and Slim looks more unique and is releasing in a year where doesn't have to compete against so many other African American focused films. It's also Waithe's feature film directorial debut which could help if its great.

    Green Book was good too

  12. On 10/2/2019 at 5:24 PM, Jonwo said:

    WWI movies never do as well as WWII movies for some reason, the only exception is Wonder Woman and that's a superhero film

    Because WW2 was just the better war overall. My favourite of the 2 wars, it had everything, bigger tanks, better planes, holocaust and nukes. Had a good villain too

  13. 1 minute ago, Avatree said:

    What a JOKE our government is. Prime Minister needs to be removed from position.


    Government has managed to get approval (from the queen) to shut down parliament until mid October. This is basically so that opposing representatives are unable to try to get any laws or bills passed that would prevent Brexit from happening at end of October. 

    Disgusting behaviour and I dont know how this is possible to happen. This is not what I voted for.


    I say good on him, and I was always a remainer 

  14. On 8/23/2019 at 7:09 PM, titanic2187 said:

    Indian film industry is such a crucial piece of art and culture to the world.


    It isn't substandard film industry, in fact it represent the Indian culture and their way of demonstrating visual art deeply that I have my high respect to indian film industry. Indian really use their visual style to stand out as a notable civilisation..       

    Indian films are pure shite, embarrassingly shite

  15. 8 hours ago, honestbharani said:

    I really don't see how it is even an argument.   Titanic was the most outstanding BO run globally followed by Endgame.    Avatar is a rather distant 3rd whose BO numbers were mainly a result of very good reception + premium format ticket prices + best ER situation in ages from an USD perspective.    Almost all numbers proves that.   Now if you wanna rake in the average movie going numbers overall year on year and then compare how much above others Titanic and Endgame were, you may actually find that Endgame edges closer given the surreal amount of entertainment choices we all have today, compared to 1999.    So even if you dig into every factor that is not BO numbers and therefore more likely to be comparable, Charlie's lists based on admissions still act as a great indicator of how good the runs of those movies were.

    Endgame was only smashing avatars ticket sales in recently developed countries so of course tickets sales are higher. Countries like Mexico, India, China, Indonesia were a fraction of the size they are today. 


    Surreal amount of entertainment choices? That's a desperate argument as theres very little evidence that entertainment services today negatively effects top tier movies. Blockbusters today actually have it easier as marketing through social media has become easy, the world now has a platform to generate buzz and WOM, hence why movies today open alot higher than 10-15 years ago, even with inflation.


    Fact is Endgame is just 1 of 6 movies to have made 1b this year so far, if 2009 was so favourable then why was Avatar the only movie to even hit that milestone? Use your heads people, theres a reason why box office analysis ain't your jobs, you all suck at it.

  16. 8 hours ago, Nero said:

    Bro enough.... When you are a critic and you get paid for it you have to atleast stay neutral just for the sake of it. You have little responsibility which others don't have. 

    Enough? No. The guy tends to give positive reviews to the very franchise you are claiming hes biased against, I'd say he's handled his responsibility well. Everything he's said when comparing avatar to Endgame is correct, what's wrong with him pointing out expanded markets like China when box office analysis is literally his job? Again he's giving people perspective, nothing wrong with that at all.

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