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Everything posted by RockyMountain

  1. There is no way they are going to risk making another 200m film unless the theater going audience proves they can support it. Tenet has made 29m domestically after two weeks and will probably end with a total WW cume around 300m or so. Sorry but until these films prove they can get at least somewhat close to a billion dollars again in this post covid era they will not make movies that expensive on a regular basis at all. And right now Tenet will probably make more than most as there has been a lot of buildup for that movie for the past six months.
  2. I think it might be quite a while before studios make another 200m dollar movie. I think for the next five to ten years 100-150m movies will be the largest productions they green light.
  3. Trailer will probably drop early to mid October. The reaction to the lack of a trailer so far has been laughable. THe main trailer for season 1 didn't drop until late October when the season began November 12th and they will likely be doing the same thing this year. There clearly isn't going to be a teaser trailer this year since they cancelled Celebration.
  4. I think people are overreacting a bit about the trailer. The real trailer for Mandalorian season 1 only came out about two weeks before the season started. The trailer we got prior to that was just a short little teaser for celebration that pretty much just showed what the atmosphere of the show was going to be like. I'm sure if there was a celebration this year we would have gotten another teaser but since there wasn't there really wasn't much of a need for it. It's not like very many people will be cancelling their memberships just because they didn't get a teaser. Those that would have potentially cancelled it probably would have cancelled regardless if they got a teaser or not. People just need to stop paying attention to these youtube channels that claim that they have sources. For a lot of them their 'sources' are other social media figures and they often just repeat what other social media figures have said. I watched a couple episodes of that Kessel Run Transmission lot and I am pretty certain all those guys do is throw educated guesses at the wall and hope that a couple of them end up coming true. As long as their guesses are realistic at least some of them will probably wind up being true.
  5. You can now purchase Mulan not only on Disney plus but also Apple, Google, and Roku. Article says it is available now for a 100m subscribers. https://www.digitalspy.com/movies/a33670805/mulan-disney-plus-streaming-release-apple-roku/
  6. Probably the big thing to look at for Tenet right now is rather or not it does well enough for studios to decide to keep their movies in theaters or just move them over to streaming. If Tenet does pretty poorly and Mulan does as well as Disney is hoping then Black Widow will probably be placed on Disney plus as well.
  7. In all honesty I think it is largely the movie industries fault. Something like this was bound to happen considering how reliant production companies and theaters had become on their massive blockbusters. If they were still making a lot of movies in the 50 to 100 million range than they could probably be releasing movies now/or if not very soon and they could get a large portion of their money back and may still even be able to make a profit on some of them. But we are in an age where 200m+ movies have become mainstream and it takes 700-800m dollars for them to make a profit and that is just not a sound long-term game plan. That is like a football team whose main offensive weapon is throwing a bomb. If the theaters are able to come back from this the industry needs to change significantly. Make a huge block buster once in a while but have your meat and potatoes be the medium sized films again. I don't think enough people will ever go back to the theaters in order to support the blockbusters the way they did the last couple years.
  8. Ahh. There will always be room to debate how many new subscriptions a release is bringing to a streaming service. And they may even throw you a bone from time to time and announce how many views a particular program is getting.
  9. At this point I think movies would just be happy to get a decent number of dollars on OW. I don't think you should be taking legs into effect for probably another year or so when people are comfortable out in public again. The days in which you were talking about box office numbers the way you were in December 2019 will be gone for some time (if it ever returns).
  10. Restaurants are only allowing take out. The places that are still allowing people to go in but are requiring social distancing practices are essential businesses.
  11. It is the same thing. Baseball stadiums have the ability to spread people out much more than movie theaters do. Plus they aren't in an enclosed room like theaters are. So if they are saying that fans won't be allowed to go to an outdoor baseball stadium this summer it is going to be a long time before they say it is ok for people to go back into an enclosed movie theater.
  12. Nope there won't be any theaters opening up this summer. Dr. Fauci said today that if the MLB tries to come back this summer it is going to be without spectators. Sports can still go on without people going to the game because people can simply watch from home. Movies have to have people going to the theaters in order to go on (and they won't be releasing big movies on streaming services). https://www.latimes.com/sports/story/2020-04-15/mlb-anthony-fauci-arizona-bubble
  13. THe chances of Theaters opening up sometime in summer are becoming more and more bleak. There were 2400 deaths yesterday and looks to be about the same or perhaps even more today. They aren't going to even think about opening places like movie theaters up again until the daily death total goes way down (I'd say as long as we are still getting more than a hundred or so deaths from this virus a day things will continue to stay closed). We are getting to the point to where things may stay closed until 2021.
  14. Almost 2000 deaths today. Criminy. Forget movie theaters. I'm beginning to think Fall sports will get cancelled. Things definitely need to start turning around in the next few weeks for movie theaters to realistically have any shot at all at opening up sometime during the summer. 2021 might be a year where they aren't terribly concerned about box office or competition. They will just need to get these movies out regardless of what might be opening up against them.
  15. Lee Fierro dies of corona. This is her scene from Jaws. She was 91. Not sure how good of health she was in.
  16. Reports are now saying that AMC theaters may not open back up if theaters have to stay closed beyond mid summer. https://deadline.com/2020/04/sp-amc-entertinment-cash-crunch-theaters-reopen-june-1202899484/
  17. Well Last of Us 2 just got delayed indefinitely due to Corona. Makes sense. Even if it is perhaps the most anticipated game in a long, long time probably not the best move to release a game about a global pandemic while a global pandemic is going on in real life.
  18. It may be difficult for any movie to reach a billion dollars from here on out. This very well could be the catalyst for streaming to truly take over.
  19. There were over a thousand deaths just today. I think we can pretty much count on theaters being closed for the rest of 2020. With fatality numbers like that on a daily basis they aren't going to open up places where crowds will congregate for a long long time.
  20. Well before we start worrying about the second wave we first need to get through the first wave. There was another 247 deaths yesterday. Honestly when we feel a future pandemics may be eminent NYC needs to be evacuated as much as possible much like it would if a hurricane was barreling down on the city. We have a big country and have the ability to spread that amount of people out if needed.
  21. Really too early to say right now when theaters will open back up. They aren't going to open until they get a handle on this and it stops spreading and people stop dying on a daily basis. If they don't start getting a handle on it within the next month or two I think it is very likely theaters will stay closed for the rest of the year. I just talked with someone who lives in the state over from me and they are going to start making people pay fines and possibly make them see some jail time if they are out for non essential purposes. And they just ordered a more intense stay at home policy where I live that is more significant than just the social distancing policy that was in play before. Basically they want people to stay at home period.
  22. The big problem with the beaches lately was that this was the week of spring break and a lot of these kids had probably been planning trips to the beach with their friends for months. Once spring break time ends we probably won't see as big of a problem with it (though it won't entirely go away as there are always going to be people that don't care. And we are still a long ways away from getting out of this as the spread of the disease and the death toll continue to get worse on a daily basis. New York City is where a lot of the infection and death is coming from which is no surprise since everyone is crammed together there. It's like all those tv shows and movies about these kinds of things. Crowded cities are the first places it goes bad. Take a look at this page which is charting the spread of the virus and where it is coming from. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ NYC is about ten times worse than anywhere else in the country.
  23. The few event films we were getting each year were masking the fact that the theater business had been a deteriorating industry for years. Once this is done the ones that make it through will try to go on but there indeed will be a lot of changes and it will be difficult to ever get the crowds back that were in the theaters for the past few years (especially considering that both Marvel and Star Wars ended their current storylines in 2019).
  24. No one is thinking it will last forever. But it is possible it could take a year or so before we really get control of this and if it takes that long the movie theaters will be all but dead.
  25. At the very least we are probably looking at them staying closed through May (they aren't going to even think about opening again until the virus stops spreading all that much). If we are still seeing numerous people die and get infected on a daily basis a month or two from now we could be looking at them staying closed for the rest of 2020.
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