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Everything posted by RockyMountain

  1. While that is true however there also is a bit of overreacting going on within this thread. Probably stemmed from people not enjoying the last couple movies. People who invest their money aren't going to be overreacting like people on message boards tend to do.
  2. People are often trying to point to merchandise with Star Wars however merchandise is falling pretty much across the board. People simply aren't buying physical action figures or toys like they used to.
  3. My goodness you are talking about four movies that all crossed a barrier that fewer than fifty movies in the history of cinema have done. You are really reaching here to try to imply that something is wrong with Star Wars.
  4. Yes but this was just a conversation about Disney releases in December.
  5. It's hard to make a big deal about diminishing returns when all the movies are still getting over a billion.
  6. I know some don't like Campea but he is still more reasonable than 99% of the other personalities out there and he is a hundred times better than many of the anti- Disney Star Wars channels are.
  7. Here is what John Campea said about the Star Wars and Aquaman thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OhGK9cBtp8
  8. There were actually a lot of people that didn't expect it too make as much. Most of the more reasonable movie people on youtube (not the clickbait individuals who say stuff merely to get attention) expected it to make slightly less than TLJ. Given the fact that sequels tend to not make as much in general most of the time and that there was a certain portion of people that weren't all that happy with the current trilogy.
  9. My guess was between 1.3-1.5 and that was depending on it being a well reviewed movie. It wasn't well reviewed and looks to make about 1.1 billion. A lot of this is just reactions to people not liking the movies under Disney (I myself didn't really like TROS that much but enjoyed the other ones).
  10. As much as people like to say that goodwill needs to be rebuilt all these movies that people are saying hurt all the good will still made over a billion dollars. The only other series of movies that has been able to accomplish such a feat has been the Avengers movies.
  11. They will likely announce what it is during Celebration. Just think about those Game of Thrones battles we had during the show and multiply that by about ten and that would be what an onscreen battle would be like for a potential Old Republic movie.
  12. If it turns out to be Old Republic that is in the middle of one of those big Jedi vs Sith wars I think you can count on a lot of people choosing to watch Star Wars over Aquaman.
  13. I think you might be forgetting that a Star Wars movie that scored a 57% on RT is still on route to gross over 500m domestic and over a billion worldwide. There is an absolute huge appetite for Star Wars when it can have a movie reviewed that poorly and still make that much.
  14. Yes even a non Skywalker movie would cause Aquaman to move. Non Skywalker movies are what people are in the mood to see right now. And Europe would watch a Star Wars movie over Aquaman anyday. And the U.S and Europe is all Star Wars really needs to be concerned about.
  15. Aquaman would likely be the one to move. THe only place a movie like Aquaman would be bigger than a Star Wars movie (especially if they go the Old Republic route which a lot of Star Wars fans are wanting to see) would be China and Star Wars doesn't get their business from China or other Asian markets anyways.
  16. I think it will stay. They have another Star Wars celebration coming in spring and I think they will announce who is directing the 2022 movie and what it is about at that time.
  17. All four Star Wars movies released under Disney in December will have grossed a billion dollars. They aren't going to move Star Wars. Only way it will get postponed would be if it is not done.
  18. THe intro to Top Gun is probably in the top 2 or 3 intros in cinematic history. THe plot is indeed paper thin and the movie is mainly sold on eye candy and an awesome soundtrack. I think this movie will do well just because people still like jets and people really love that Top Gun music.
  19. Yeah those worried that it might not hit a billion don't really need to worry anymore. Looking more and more likely it will finish about 1.1.
  20. 32.02m Christmas Day. Total domestic cume so far is 258. Probably be a few days before we get an updated WW cume but it will likely be in the 750m range by Sunday.
  21. Last Jedi had 368m by its second Sunday. If these predictions hold true getting to 600m might still very much be on the table for TROS.
  22. It would be terrible if this was actually a real good film and people were still choosing to not show up. But it was a film with a whole lot of problems which seemed to be a result of very poor planning. A movie like that crossing a billion is all we should expect.
  23. 550 domestic and WW total of over a billion would be good. Would make the movie still pretty profitable but low enough of a total to let them know that they need to do things a little differently than they did with the ST.
  24. Looks like 176 domestic and 374 WW total for weekend according to Hollywood Reporter. Disappointing but kind of expected due to the quality of the film. No doubt many fans liked it but it definitely has a massive amount of flaws. Will probably have to wait to mid January or so to cross the billion mark.
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