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Posts posted by JWR

  1. 23 minutes ago, exomassey said:

    Honestly I think this movie will break out big, my final total prediction is between 1400-1700.


    Also it is the first big movie release of 2022 to me, which makes it even better. Over 200 million opening weekend domestic? I’m positive it will happen.


    Well, there's a Pixar movie 2 weeks later, but I agree that this will likely be huge. I'm going with a "cautious" prediction of $115M OW.

    • Like 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, exomassey said:

    I was debating the box office potential for this movie with my friend and I want a to discuss it here. After the success of the first trailer, I believe it could be a runaway success. I know it’s a reboot but I don’t think that matters.


    Obviously it all depends on whether the movie is good or bad (I doubt it as I consider Matt Reeves a great director).

    The movie seems to be quite similar to the vibe of Joker. Joker was a runaway success making over a billion even though it was R Rated and no China (even though it has a 8.7 Douban score with over 800,000 user reviews).


    This film definitely has a high ceiling which means I can see it go over 1.5 million easily. Also Pattinson was one of the biggest stars in the world with Twilight. His return to a big mainstream blockbuster as a younger Batman is a winning combo I feel.


    What do you guys think?



    It's certainly possible. 


    1. First live-action solo Batman movie in 10 years.


    2. Early spring is usually a good weekend for movies.


    3. Very little competition until Doctor Strange 2.

  3. In a weird way, the pandemic might have been the best thing to happen to the MCU. It gave audiences a 2 year gap between the end of Phase 3 and the beginning of Phase 4 (the longest gap in the franchise since 2008). There's still lots of uncertainty, but audiences are beginning to return to theaters and I suspect that many are longing for a new Marvel movie.


    I don't know if I'm confident about Black Widow hitting $100M OW, but I do think it'll make around $85-90M.

  4. 6 minutes ago, RRA said:


    Whatever one thinks of those movies (and shows at this point), they know how to hype up their product and get their (global) faithful amped up. 


    Can they fail? Sure. Will they? Mathematically its inevitable. But I doubt it'll be on this one. 

    I mean, they've already had some missteps (Thor 2) and some outright failures (Iron Fist, Inhumans). 

  5. 1 minute ago, WittyUsername said:

    I’m having trouble picturing a scenario where it doesn’t cross a billion. This is the most anticipated Marvel movie since EG. 

    Any scenario where this hits a billion hinges on most of the world being vaccinated and cases not exploding in the fall/winter period like last year. 

    • Like 1
  6. 17 hours ago, grey ghost said:

    The Matrix was lightning in a bottle. Very few action sci fi movies have recaptured that magic since.


    It's not likely this will be the grand slam The Matrix was but audiences will be curious about what the message will be this time around and if they'll be another mind blowing red pill moment.


    Also being one of the most spoiler sensitive movies since Endgame will inflate opening weekend. 

    This. They're really hinging the movie's success on Keanu's newfound star power and the curiosity/nostalgia factor.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Chicago said:

    I just realised they made Cloud Atlas. Can't say I thought it was a good movie but the scene involving a british Tom Hanks pushing someone off a roof was probably the funniest scene of the year.


    I think its been long enough that any sour taste can easily be replaced with nostalgia and curiosity.


    People came back for Halloween after the Rob Zombie remakes. It's certainly possible as long as the movie is semi-decent.

  8. 1 minute ago, Hatebox said:

    I know covid has been a distraction and a trailer hasn't even dropped yet but I find the seeming lack of general interest in this odd. If you told me a few years ago this was being released I'd have thought curiosity would be through the roof. I guess superheroes really are the only game in town now.

    I suspect that we'll see the marketing ramp up after The Suicide Squad releases. 

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