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Posts posted by Potiki

  1. I know DS2 doesn’t have great word of mouth but personally feel it is more average than bad.


    I do wonder if inflation is going to make these event movies (or just movies in general) even more front loaded as the hardcore watch them but the rest save money and wait (plus this could hurt repeat viewings even amongst hardcore fans) and if that is just as much of an impact on DS2 or even more so than WOM.


    I guess I’ll be able to test that theory towards the end of June once we get around a month of data from Top Gun 2 and Jurassic World 3 (which I hope plays like a TFA crowdpleaser) as well as a couple of weeks of Lightyear which historically would play well as a family film during summer. 


    This on top of the fact that TV has gotten really good production wise and we have a lot of high profile shows coming up during the Summer and really through the rest of the year. 

    Going to plug a K Drama I’ve been watching called Bloody Heart but this level of cinematography and production design for a show on a ~$20-30m USD budget across 16+ hours is mind blowing to me: 



    It is crazy how 10 years ago GoT was really the only show “challenging” movie level productions and even then early GoT wasn’t as crazy as the latter seasons, roughly 20 years ago LOST (which is one of my favourite shows of all time) didn’t come anywhere near the likes of LoTR, Harry Potter, Star Wars Prequels, Pirates etc. It feels like since 2017 TV shows have gotten way better looking with Mando, Kingdom (Netflix Korean zombie show), GoT latter seasons and Stranger Things all looking really really good and well not at movie levels the gap between the two is much smaller. Hopefully Avatar 2 creates a gulf between how a movie and a TV show can look a bit larger once again at the end of the year.


    As for the talk that WandaVision wasn’t popular that seems like an easy (and false) excuse. WV was the most pirated show in 2021 (some of the comes from launching early in the year but it didn’t matter when a show like GoT or Mando came out which was later in the year both would still top the list) and was one of the most watched streaming originals according to Nielsen (US only/TV only, so no cellphone/laptop etc. data) Nielsen also tracks data for all episode so shows with multiple seasons or higher episode count benefit.


    Source for  most pirated show: https://torrentfreak.com/wandavision-is-the-most-pirated-tv-show-of-2021-211225/


    Nielsen data: 



    Anyway sorry for the long rant.

    • Like 1
  2. 33 minutes ago, excel1 said:

    Holy crap do some on the left overestimate the mass appeal of the positions. Just being realistic, nobody wants sex ed to start at age 7. 

    Problem is the wording is super open ended and isn't even related to sex ed or just for younger people even though that is the way it is framed.


    3. Classroom instruction by school personnel or third
    parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur
    in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-
    appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in
    accordance with state standards.

    If a LGBT teacher was talking about their same sex relationship for instance to a group of 16 year olds in relation to something educational this wording could still be used against them and it could be argued it is not age or developmentally  appropriate (which is bullshit) but that is how poorly worded and open ended this is.


    Hell with the wording even someone talking about a heterosexual relationship to children of any age could get in trouble as well (although for some reason i doubt that would happen)


    Edit: @Porthos pretty much wrote what I did whilst I was getting the text of the bill from the Florida government website and parsing my thoughts but will leave what I've written up anyway :)

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Porthos said:




    @Potiki any thoughts on this?

    Not familiar with the private equity group, although in general I'm not familiar with those types of groups. Pretty big price but they have pretty much a stranglehold on ratings for cable/broadcast (competitors, mainly lead by Comcast, are on the way but will have to see if they actually are legitimately competitive)


    Overall doubt there are any major changes maybe they get extra funding to get more competitive in the streaming, video games, music etc. space that is a lot more competitive than traditional TV right now.

    • Like 1
  4. On 3/19/2022 at 11:49 AM, Marek the Jedi said:


    we should have D+ sometime in summer over here in Slovakia and Czech republick, hopefully before KENOBI start :)
    they are removing Disney stuff from HBO MAX begining in april, so maybe good chance to get it in MAY :)

    June 14th is the date Disney+ will come there for you




    Sucks that they are not launching in time for Obi Wan for all of the countries with the exception of South Africa.

    • Sad 1
    • Knock It Off 1
  5. 14 minutes ago, Porthos said:


    At the same time, @Potiki is absolutely right about current consumption.


    Probably the closest analogue would be Olympic coverage.  More than a little difficult given the time differences out of Beijing this year, but how much did streaming really help there with the events that were streaming only?


    I suppose I am saying: Broadcast TV ain't dead yet, and let's not act like it is.


    Simulcasting on YT or D+ or even better a multitude of streamers would probably help more than streaming exclusive.


    The only danger here, I think would be the ***STRONG*** temptation to start shunting lesser things to 'streaming-only', as the Oscars already dipped their toes into the water with the tech awards fiasco.  


    Even with that said sports has more general appeal, it will interesting to see how Thursday Night Football does now it is exclusive to Amazon. ESPN+ even without really going big into NBA or NFL has over 20m subs so demand for sports is there be it streaming or broadcast/cable but if both options are there most so far we've seen most people will stick with broadcast/cable with the Olympics being a great recent example, although think that will slowly change over time.


    10 minutes ago, filmlover said:

    If I had to guess, one of the reasons why they haven't shifted to streaming is because of licensing issues regarding the movie clips (especially for the acting nominees). Go on their YouTube channel and watch winners from previous ceremonies and you'll notice that the movie clips that were featured in the ceremony as they were announcing the nominees are all missing.

    YouTube streaming is a bit different from what I thought you were meaning with sending it to an SVOD service but if the demand was there (which I don't believe it is, at least not on a large scale) they would be able to clear rights, the TV studios do it all the time with interviews leaving the film clips in such as below.




    • Like 1
  6. 37 minutes ago, filmlover said:

    At this point I think the only thing that can really save the Oscars show is moving to streaming.

    Lets say the average viewership per household was 2 and a half hours, the roughly 15 million or so viewers would make it the biggest show on streaming for the week just from the live broadcast, I'm not sure many streaming services has the infrastructure to handle that kind of demand Netflix doesn't do live, Disney has tested it but not to that scale etc. That is without this supposed bump that streaming would bring.


    Also moving entirely to streaming alienates the older demographic, if they want to draw a younger audience they should have it be something like The Game Awards that is shown globally on Twitch, YouTube etc. with trailer for upcoming games (in the Oscars instance it would movies) that said it would be weird to have anticipated MCU/DC/Star Wars etc. titles having trailers than seguing to an Indie film winning best picture so that is not likely to happen.


    So yeah streaming isn't a great miracle here, the reality is that for most awards shows is younger people will catch up with social media clips on YouTube, Tik Tok, Twitter etc. and watch the best moments rather than watch the live show.  The demographic that will still watch it live are hardcore cinephiles and older people both of whom are probably fine with watching it on ABC which is a free broadcast channel, Disney could simulcast it on Hulu and get a few people who don't have cable and have poor antenna coverage in their area but that would likely only lead to a minimal bump.

    • Like 2
  7. 3 minutes ago, AndyLL said:

    Give me a break.


    He wasn't talking shit about Jada and defiantly wasn't being abusive.  This wasn't some bar in the real world where Rock was making fun a Smith's wife. He was roasting a celebrity audience  member like every other comedian host is paid to do at award shows.  It's part of the entertainment and what he was paid to do.  He might not have even wrote the joke.


    I'm sure Will and Jada laughed at all the other jokes the hosts made.  He also seemed seemed to find that joke pretty funny at first until he decide to go off the rails. 

    Yeah "roasting" someone in front of an audience of millions is so much better than talking shit at a bar.


    The whole roasting/shock jock bullshit is unnecessary and gives people an excuse to say whatever and get away with it ... until they don't as is this case.


    People go to these awards shows to, shocker, celebrate their films and the films of their peers not to be degraded in front of a bunch of people watching at home.


    Also before you go saying some bullshit about how this is the way it has always been, I already know that and it has always been awful. This has been a problem with these award shows for too long in which these kind of jokes make the audience uncomfortable, like when Seth MacFarlane did the we've seen your boobs joke song which was disgusting and instead of valuing women fro their achievements it degraded them to being sexual objects.

    • Like 2
  8. Maybe there is a race or class divide (I think it probably is) but it is 100% fine in my book to get physical with someone who is being verbally abusive in order for them to stop. A lot of people talking about Will crossing the line but very few talking about Chris and his shock jock style humour that he has done to Jada multiple times.


    People have talk shit to me, friends, girlfriends etc. and I or people around me have confronted them and it gets to shut their mouth most of the time, that is probably what happened here just on a very public stage, the disrespect from Chris and the retaliation from Will both seen by millions.


    Hopefully both men go their separate ways and move on with their lives no need for apologies from either side from my point of view as it isn't like they were on friendly terms what happened happened and that is that.


    Also very much questioning lots of people that are saying Will should be be arrested or put in jail that just seems like some racist bullshit but that is a whole other issue.

    • Like 8
  9. 1 minute ago, Gamora said:

    The vaccine pass removal is 4th April, while the capacity limit increases are at 11:59pm this Friday, so essentially from Saturday if I'm not mistaken? That's why I checked for Saturday sessions.

    Ah cool, seems like we might have to wait to they move things to Orange then before we get full crowds. 


    2 minutes ago, Gamora said:

    It's definitely a possibility we could get to no capacity limits just with masking still in place, but we won't know for a few weeks. Although I'm wondering what'll happen with ticket sales and if we're still in red but then change to orange later. Would be annoying that there'd be all the social distancing gaps and would still affect capacity. Makes me wonder if cinemas here will hold off on presales a bit if there's a chance we could go to orange by the time of release.

    Yeah that is possible, I guess it depends what things are looking like 2-3 weeks from now for DS2 presales at least. 

    • Like 1
  10. 47 minutes ago, Gamora said:

    I think social distancing will still be a thing which kinda sucks, as it still means there's far fewer good seats to go around and will still limit cinemas in that way, as well as the smaller rooms, but oh well. I just had a look at The Batman for Saturday at the Embassy and social distancing is still being done so seems likely it's staying.

    Changes don't start until 4th of April so won't know for sure what it will be like for a week and a half but yeah it is possibly that if social distancing is still in place it will not have a major impact on things for now. 


    50 minutes ago, Gamora said:

    'm hoping things are better for DS2 as well, it's hard to say being that we're going into winter but it'd be cool if getting rid of social distancing and limits was safe because it's been a long ass time since I've been in a sold out or close to it screening. Black Widow opening night is the last for me and DS2 seems like it'd be great for the atmosphere of a packed theatre, so fingers crossed. Impossible to tell with omicron though, so who knows. At least I won't have to miss out for months like last year and cinemas in Auckland being closed for SO. LONG.

    Yeah I think my last packed cinema was Free Guy right before the Delta wave, I'll be watching Doctor Strange probably no matter what opening night (unless I have COVID or some other medical or family issue) but yeah low cases and a packed cinema would be cool. Spider-Man was still pretty hype even with 1/3 to 1/2 capacity but the pops would have been better with a full house and I think the same will be the case for DS2 

    • Like 1
  11. Good news for Cinemas



    From 4 April, My Vaccine Pass will no longer be required by the Government meaning Kiwis will no longer have to be vaccinated in order to enter those venues covered by the Pass. Scanning in requirements for the vaccinated will also end.


    We recognise that some businesses, events or venues may still choose to use vaccine passes, so we will maintain the infrastructure for them.


    From 4 April, vaccine mandates will be removed, except for health and disability, aged care, corrections and border workforces.


    We also believe we can lift indoor gathering limits at Red with little material impact on hospitalisations, so these will double from 100 to 200.


    Orange settings remain broadly the same with no gathering limits but extra guidance on holding safe events, and a new requirement for workers to wear masks at indoor events.


    And so, simply put, Red means indoor gathering limits and masks, Orange means masks, and Green means guidance.


    At all levels, the testing and isolation requirements remain as they are now.

    Source: https://covid19.govt.nz/news-and-data/latest-news/post-peak-plan-a-safe-return-to-greater-normality/


    Don't know if social distancing is still required but if not capacity should now be 200 seats for cinemas which is more than most screens, masking will still be around and no need to the vaccine pass (I Imagine both Event Cinemas and Hoyts will scrap that)


    On a personal note I hope case numbers are much smaller by the time Doctor Strange 2 comes out, which is likely when I will next go to the cinema. 


    I don't think I have had COVID so far, I guess could be asymptomatic but haven't been around any friends or family when they have had it, fingers crossed it stays that way as I would rather not get it. Luckily this recent spike has all happened during summer so apart from the last few days have had plenty of BBQs and outdoor meet ups with friends and family but looking forward to cases coming down and doing some things indoors as we head into winter here. 

    • Like 1
  12. 7 minutes ago, Porthos said:



    I hope not lol 


    We did get a WandaVision trailer with the Emmy’s at one point but I can’t think of anything coming soon that doesn’t already have a trailer so just expecting a highlighting what Disney+ has or has coming soon for their ad spot. 

    edit: actually thinking about for a couple of minutes I would guess it was spot showing WSS, Encanto and other nominees and saying they are streaming on Disney+.


    Paramount+ might be a shorter version of the trailer they just released for The Offer as the Oscars is likely that demo.


    Peacock probably something movie related as well.


    Lionsgate might be for the Nic Cage film coming soon.

    • Like 1
  13. 4 hours ago, Grebacio said:

    ABC (owned by Disney) is trying to make this year's Oscar more accessible for general audiences, I wouldn't be surprised if they announced the premiere of Thor's trailer at the Oscars.

    Walt Disney Studios is listed as a sponsor:


    Advertisers of this year’s show include proud sponsors Crypto.com; Pfizer; Rolex and Verizon; and participating sponsors: Amazon XCM; Anheuser-Busch (Michelob); Bacardi (Bombay Sapphire); Bank of America; Best Buy; Capital One; CBS Interactive (Paramount +); CNN+; Corona; Discovery+; Disney+; Eli Lilly; Geico; Google; Incyte; Kellogg; Kraft; Lionsgate; Lucid Motors; Macys; Mastercard; Meta; Peacock; Reckitt (Mucinex); Snapchat; State Farm; Stellantis; Subway and Walt Disney Studios, among others.”


    source: https://dmedmedia.disney.com/movie-lovers-unite


    Also getting something from Lionsgate  and streaming related stuff from Disney+, Paramount+ and Peacock. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, Marek the Jedi said:


    we should have D+ sometime in summer over here in Slovakia and Czech republick, hopefully before KENOBI start :)
    they are removing Disney stuff from HBO MAX begining in april, so maybe good chance to get it in MAY :)

    Yeah Summer 2022 for a bunch of countries, with both Kenobi and Ms.Marvel coming in late May/early June getting the service out around that time would make a lot of sense. 

    • Like 1
  15. 9 minutes ago, Porthos said:

    Trailer is finally up on D+, @Potiki


    Also an official description:




    Not exactly anything we didn't already know about Vader but could also refer to the Inquisitors, since most if not all are ex-Jedi.


    Could be something more to it though. Find out soon enuf. 

    Yeah watched the trailer last night, it is beautiful in Dolby Vision ❤️

    • Like 1
  16. Great to see public pressure already allowing for things to change that are just months away from release!


    2 hours ago, YourMother said:

    I’m really excited for the Ashton Corbin movie. Bought time a sister gets to direct an animated film.

    I'm going to assume autocorrect got you with this one but it is Aphton Corbin, I wasn't aware she was working on full length film though so thanks for the heads up.


    If anyone is interested in her work she directed Twenty Something which was a pretty great Spark Short on Disney+

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