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Posts posted by 21C

  1. 16 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

    I mean, sure, but the problem at this point isn’t about X or Y movie individually 


    Pretty much all the slate for nearly half of the year bombed, no matter what genre, what budget and how good or bad the movies are

    This is just another example, there’s some really big holes in the industry, just saying “oh people don’t want sports dramas”, “people don’t want meta comedies”, “people don’t want another Mad Max” to explain admissions hitting an all time low is starting to feel like shallow excuses that even studios likes to use. They need to find out the actual reasons and work out, and soon.


    I really don't think there's anything particularly off about Challengers or The Fall Guy doing the way they did. If they had done those numbers in 2019 it'd have weirded out nobody. In both cases I think people were buying into the idea of a certain type of star power that just does not exist for Zendaya or Gosling outside of recognizable IP work.

  2. 1 hour ago, excel1 said:

    My bigger irritation at the moment is that it really doesn't have to be this way. Bizarre to me that WB/Disney couldn't find a way for there to be a Holland (or even McGuire) Spider-man film or The Batman 2 ready for May 2024. It was so clearly wide open for a major event film but nobody moved. JOKER 2 will be a big hit but imagine if it had the early May release date?


    Matt Reeves is slow. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

    Great reception, on par with Fury Road and the standard considered great for any Rated R movie 


    Clearly the problem here goes way beyond the movie

    The problem could be modern audiences are simply not interested in Mad Max as a franchise and this film came far too late.

    • Like 2
  4. 32 minutes ago, SaltyPistola said:

    I think it actually looks pretty cool and I have near absolute faith in Gunn, but it's a bit concerning to me that discourse around this is already mixed this far out.


    I think this will need at least The Batman numbers to be considered a hit, and it's a pretty stark contrast when you compare the  positivity surrounding the suit rollout of that film. This thing really needs all the good word of mouth and hype it can get, because currently I just don't see how it's possible given the box office history of both the character and Gunn (not including MCU). 


    Well you should include the MCU. The fact Guardians 3 did 800 million+ despite initial lackluster pre-sales and with Marvel being in its worst possible year clearly indicates that yes you can and should absolutely credit him for the success of those films.

    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, dudalb said:

    That alone is why bringing the Phoenix Joker in the Patterson Batman universe is a bad idea.

    But then I don't pay attention to the people who think this such a great idea.

    It'd be closer to 10-13 which isn't that big a deal lol
    The ship has sailed but back in 2018 when both films were in the writing process they could've absolutely connected them both. And I bet that WB feels extremely awkward it didn't happen. Having an extremely succesful Joker that you can't connect to your other Batman which has extremely slim chances of ever being as succesful is an inherently weird position to be in.

  6. 7 hours ago, BadOlCatSylvester said:

    I agree that he's an asshat, but the movie simply being bad isn't impossible. These movie directors are human too, and can slip up and make mistakes once in a while. That's just as possible as Zaslav, a glorified reality TV executive, not understanding a weird genre movie and automatically assuming the worst as far as revenue is concerned.

    Why in the actual hell does everyone keep acting as if Zaslav is doing every single decision at WBD by himself? Mike DeLuca and Pam Abdy would be the ones responsible for the release dates. In fact they were literally namedropped as the ones that don't have faith on the film's commercial prospects.

    • Like 1
  7. 10 hours ago, excel1 said:

    Its now come out that Jacob Elordi was indeed their first choice and the only one they sought after but he indeed did not want the role and refused the audition. 




    He should read Josh Hartnett's current opinion of his own decisions re: Batman and Superman. Elordi will be surprised how quickly he becomes a nobody if he isn't careful. 

    Nowhere was it ever mentioned by absolutely anyone that Elordi was the "first choice" for Superman. Even Elordi said he was invited to audition, the role outright was never offered to him (and if he had auditioned, my feeling is he would've still lost to Corenswet)

    • Thanks 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, Porthos said:


    Any one voice is irrelevant.  It's whether or not those voices gain traction with people with similar concerns and they amplify the message.  It's far too soon to say whether or not folks like Justine Bateman are going to be irrelevant when it comes to this deal.  It's absolutely probable that there won't be a backlash to this deal. Hell, I explicitly warned against taking too much stock into social media whining.  


    But that doesn't mean to ignore potential red flags, either.  Mostly what I am saying is that we shouldn't conflate our personal desire for all of this to be over with how the rank and file *might* feel about red line issues. 


    I've seen a lot of takes on this thread that basically all but state that actors will settle for any deal that gets them back to work and, well, as WB just said:






    Looking at all of this a different way, yes the odds are good that this deal will pass.  Probably very good. And if one views the difference between a deal getting approved by a 55-45 margin and 90-10 as "irrelevant" then yes, people like Justine Bateman are likely "irrelevant". 


    Hell I'm not even willing to place a bet right now on the margin of the vote as it's just too damn early to tell.  It could in fact be an overwhelming vote to ratify (90%+ in favor)


    All folks like @Youngstar and @Ryan Reynolds are saying/reminding is that there are potential, emphasis on potential, warning signs here.  Warning signs that were not around for the WGA strike resolution and  not around as much as when the DGA contract was being ratified.


    On the flip side, I do think it's probably not going to be as contentious as the IATSE ratification vote was.  Which is another sign that this is likely to pass.  But and again this is all some of us are saying, it's a little too soon to tell as there hasn't been much time for folks to really sink their teeth into this deal and evaluate the pros and cons of it all.




    When it comes to future labor talks/fights?  Completely disagree that opposition like Justine Bateman's is "irrelevant" as how happy one side is overall with a deal often sets a tenor for future negotiations.  And here the difference between, say, a 55-45 ratification and a 70-30 ratification and a 90-10 (or greater) ratification is in fact relevant. 


    Bro why do you like to doomsay so much. We'll cross that bridge if we ever get to it.

  9. 23 minutes ago, Porthos said:


    Um... When it comes to issues of AI within the actors union?  She kinda is.


    Not that this is guaranteed to sink the deal, but she absolutely is someone some folks listen to on this issue.

    Out of the 160,000 members that SAG has, probably only about 5,000-7,000 know who she is, and out of that there are probably about 100 that listen to her enough to vote whichever way she demands it. And even if it was actually up to 1,000, it's a drop in the bucket. She is irrelevant.

  10. You know I am actually extremely curious as to how this movie will perform in opening weekend the more and more I think about it.

    One would normally look at current trends of superhero movies and DC movies and think "70-90 million maybe" but I've noticed that there is a strong, strong correlation between fan excitement and opening weekends.

    The DC fanbase was barely excited over Shazam 2, and Blue Beetle, therefore those films flopped. With The Flash they were very mixed and I distinctly remember a very large segment of the fanbase getting more and more turned off with The Flash with every trailer even tho there was a segment of Keaton fanboys that tried to keep hype afloat. On the other hand, DC fans were really excited about The Batman and that opened really big.

    Likewise with Marvel. People were really excited over Dr. Strange 2 and that opened gigantic, same with Black Panther, and even Thor 4, meanwhile they don't care about The Marvels and that's about to flop. 

    Typically I'd say "just listen to the fans" is bad advice since fans don't constitute the majority etc but there seems to be a real correlation here. And I'd say that since The Batman, Superman: Legacy is the most excited I've seen the DC fanbase over anything. Hell, James Gunn being in charge in general, since a year ago when he got crowned head of DC I remember that was extremely well received and even trended.

    Completely anecdotal but just look at the posts when Corenswet was announced, 100K and 220K twitter likes. 




  11. 9 minutes ago, Cmasterclay said:

    Sure. I can buy this. But that means every kernel of truth that he gives is going to come with a slant, right? Talks are progressing. That is the truth! But by framing that bit of truth as a "done deal," it is with the intent of making SAG look bad for "unreasonable demands" if things go south. So yeah, I don't think the guy has zero information. But I think he takes bits of truth and runs them through an ideological filter in a manipulative way. In this case, it is priming the pump to make SAG look bad again.

    To me it's less about EC and whether he's right or wrong and more about the fact that him tweeting that means that some studio person told him that which right now, and based on the WGA last month, seems like a very positive sign. I don't really care if he's technically right about the deal being "officially" done or not, but the fact that someone is telling him it is a good sign to me, even if it's a sorta "false flag", it's still a good indication combined with the IATSE agent comments, Sneider's reporting and the fact they'll be meeting through the weekend like the WGA.

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