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Everything posted by Willowra

  1. As I recall, Brie herself said before the release of Captain Marvel that she wanted Ms. Marvel in the sequel, and as far as Monica Rambeau is concerned, she was in CM, so she was anyway going to be in the sequel. This guy was basically trying to create a narrative that Brie hates black people by saying that she had a beef with Teyonah on set. If I were Disney, I would have taken this fake news very seriously. After creating the narrative that she hates white men, this is another narrative some people are now trying to create.
  2. I think WF, L&T & MoM awareness was 50+ or close to 50 before the release of trailer. Someone should correct me if I'm wrong.
  3. If we go by quorum tracking, awareness is low at present. Its current awareness is 43%; it will need 60%+ final awareness to get past 300M if the quality is good.
  4. It would've done good on Netflix or Hulu. Even Star Wars shows are failing on D+ now.
  5. Yes, but this fake news spread on the Internet because this sub posted it; they should've been careful about what they should post. This is not the first time they did this; they also allowed someone to post fake hate news about Gemma Chan before the release of Eternals.
  6. Yes because it was spreading hate by posting fake thing. After Rotten Tomatoes this is another good thing Disney did.
  7. Good. A few day ago this sub posted fake hate news about Brie Larson. Disney should've taken down this sub long ago.
  8. Sexists and misogynists can be reliable for some other things; it's not hard to understand. There was a similar type of scooper known as Jeremy Conrad; he was also reliable, but he turned out to be an alt-right racist and misogynist, so Marvelspoilers reddit blocked that person.
  9. Paul Rudd's salary for Ant-Man 3 was $8 million, as per Forbes. As per some other sites Bendict Cumberbatch Salary for DS2 was 7.5M & Tom Holland salary for NWH was 10M. Chris Hemsworth was paid 20M for L&T & Brie Larson will be paid minimum 15M for The Marvels. So Benedict isn't as big a name when it comes to salary as some people think.
  10. TLJ wasn't a problem. Nostalgia was. TFA did 2B because of nostalgia. TLJ wasn't going to repeat that. TLJ box office was also boosted by Luke Skywalker. Star Wars' actual box office strength is 1.2B max because the franchise isn't popular in Asian or Latin American countries except Japan. Spider-Man 4 will also face a TFA to TLJ-type box office drop, but no one will blame Amy Pascal for that.
  11. Except for Deadpool, everyone else's success is not guaranteed. If they want Avengers, F4, and X-Men to do very well at the box office, they'll need to make sure both the GA and hardcore bases continue to be interested in the connected storyline. And here comes the problem: To make sure people continue to be interested in the overarching storyline, they'll need someone who can replace Tony Stark, but Marvel Studios was reluctant to reveal that name in Phase 4 and now they have to reveal that name, as KD is releasing in 2025. But will the MCU fanbase accept that name? because all they want is for their favourites to take Tony's place. Who'll be that character? Are MCU fans already excited for that character? Until we know answers to these questions we can't say anything for sure.
  12. No, we aren't telling the same thing. NWO won't be a Civil War or Avengers 2.0 movie because it won't have other big Avengers characters. It is just another MCU solo movie. We can expect She-Hulk, though, because Red Hulk will appear.
  13. NWO won't be Avengers 2.0. Feige said that the Avengers as a group don't exist during the events of the NWO. So don't expect any major Avengers characters in NWO. Also, KD's writer said that the Avengers are scattered now and will assemble in KD.
  14. By "delay," this scooper means KD and SW delays; we don't see him saying that DP3 is getting pushed to 2025 or that any other non-Avengers movie is getting pushed. I don't understand why these people want only the Avengers movies to get delayed.
  15. If they are going for three movies a year, then the first news we'll hear is that DP3 has been pushed to 2025. CA4, Blade, and Thunderbolts are filming spring and summer this year, and DP3 is also scheduled to start filming this year. So we'll first hear news of the DP3 delay if they are releasing three movies a year instead of four.
  16. It's easy; they just need to tell the audience who'll lead the Avengers now that Tony and Steve are gone. And they have to because they have announced Avengers KD and SW.
  17. Main characters do exist, but Marvel Studios didn't reveal them in Phase 4. May be they were afraid of a possible civil war among the fandom or they wanted assumption that your favourite is the main character. Fans want their favourites to be the central characters of this saga.
  18. The net Budget of Disney's Star Wars movies and Andor as per Disney The Force Awakens: $446.6M Rogue One $232.4M The Last Jedi $300M Solo $270.8M The Rise of Skywalker $416M Andor $194.8M Source Forbes https://www.forbes.com/sites/carolinereid/2023/02/26/star-wars-the-force-awakens-becomes-the-most-expensive-movie-in-history/?sh=66a1283b8053
  19. The problem with Phase 4 was inconsistent quality, and this will continue in Phase 5 as well because Feige can't oversee 4 MCU movies a year; he oversees 2 movies and leaves the other 2 to directors.
  20. Feige can't oversee all MCU movies. This is clear now. Out of eight MCU movies, four turned out well and four were average to bad. I think this will continue in the future as well.
  21. This is definitely not my concern; if she is the lead or one of the leads of Avengers: KD, as they themselves are giving indications and now scoopers are also saying, then it makes sense to them to reveal it to GA before The Marvels so that they take her movie more seriously. The Marvels is a Captain Marvel movie in the same way that The Brave and the Bold will be a Batman movie. So it's silly to discuss this topic.
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