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Everything posted by DavidBrennan

  1. Thanks for the quote. Any argument to make, or just more impotent SJW rage?
  2. cool. i dont remember you at all. (although there was a cuckold fetishist i mocked after his repeated post about his lust for "giant black" private parts. that you?)
  3. lol. still drawing a blank on presenting an actual argument. hey, if my position were basically, "AVTR was small indie movie that caught the world by surprise", i'd be scrambling for a misdirection when pressed for coherence, too
  4. Sure I didn't. You said it. Any falsifiable theories about, ya know, Avatar in the Avatar thread are welcome. Your declarative statements about AVTR being a small movie that nobody saw coming are also welcome for their LOL value.
  5. LOL. I wish this "cochofles" person was around when AVTR opened. This would be so much more accurate.
  6. More long-winded (and bogus) declarative rants. Instead of just barking out random crap, present a logical, falsifiable theory which can be tackled, rather paragraphs of foggy gibberish.
  7. Cool. So then stop contradicting yourself and make a clear, falsifiable theory.
  8. It's worth noting that the avian ancestry of most dinos was not only known in the time of JP....it was openly discussed in the movie and the message of its final shot. Spielberg and crew didn't make the raptors 2-3x normal size out of igorance, they did it intentionally. Shame on people who get worldviews - including paleontological info - from Hollywood. Not shame on Spielberg or Trevorrow. Also, where is that painting from?
  9. No doubt. But JW is not too far behind. (This is talking only about tentpoles, not astonishing small movie runs like MBFGW and such.)
  10. More relevant was the phony marketing hype Cameron and Co. expertly gamed concerning 3D. Tens of millions of people truly believed that the 3D was so revolutionary (it wasn't at all) that they would literally be "looking through a window and transported to Pandora". This is a non-replicable fad (although Cameron will do his damndest to repeat the play-action by hyping his 48 fps and maybe one or two other gimmicks) which, in my opinion, was the primary cause of AVTRs success. This 3D theory of its success explains why the movie evaporated entirely from the zeitgeist in mere months. People were actually embarrassed to have bought into the hype and didn't want to relive the debasing memory, just the same as you don't want to relive the time or two you played the fool in a romance as a young person.
  11. AVTR -Biggest budget in Hollywood history -Special features on 'Oprah' '60 Minutes' front page banners on Drudge, HuffPost -From director of #1 movie in history -Unprecedented marketing push, including 'Avatar Day', renting Dallas Cowboys Jumbotron, etc. -Most downloaded trailer in Hollywood history Flash forward six years: "Avatar was a small indie movie and NOBODY saw it coming!!!" -BOT posters
  12. lol. (Raw numbers + contemporaneous source docs + industry comps) > declarative statements from people who know zero about AVTR
  13. Don't even indulge these people's fake outrage. It's just WPMP (White People's Moral Prenning) in an attempt to look morally superior. "In a world where God is dead....people prove their moral superiority by becoming SJWs. They are the new church ladies." The claim that Hollywood consumers are offended by the violence , of all movies, in 'Jurassic World' is laughable on its face.
  14. It's so funny watching contemporary Hollywood consumers suddenly decide that they're "disturbed" and "offended" and "unsettled" and "concerned by" a gag death of a fourth-tier character in a monster movie. There's nothing white people love more than being offended....http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/2008/05/28/101-being-offended/
  15. Sure....when its BD was released at peak BD four months from its release. I agree there was tremendous hype about it at that time, and so it goes without saying a quick home video turnaround would be a hit. But how did its Special Edition video sale go (a fantastic project with tons of new footage and comprehensive "making of" vids)? How did its Special Edition BO run go? How are its current TV ratings?
  16. Good article on how AVTR is the most forgotten blockbuster: http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2013/08/05/avatar_sequels_three_no_one_cares_here_s_why.html People hate on 'Home Alone' for becoming a top 10 smash in 1990. I have no doubt people remember the characters, punchlines, and it gets bigger audiences today than AVTR will 25 years on. Hell, Home Alone might top AVTR in TV ratings already.
  17. Slate is a "movie nerd" site? Google is, too? Regardless, BOM wrote as a box office metric forecaster, not your hated "movie nerd". Anyway, you claim AVTR had no hype among the "GA". What's your source? Thanks!
  18. "lack of hype" for AVTR. lolol 100% bogus. some random pre-release sites specifically using "hype" in their descriptions of AVTR: RT: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/avatar/news/1859804/tomatometer_watch_will_avatar_live_up_to_the_hype/ BOM: http://www.boxofficemojo.com/news/?id=2632&p=.htm Slate: http://www.slate.com/articles/arts/movies/2009/12/here_come_the_cats_with_human_boobs.html And here's a quick Google search using the word "hype" from two weeks before release: https://www.google.com/search?q=avatar+%22hype%22+&source=lnt&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A12%2F1%2F2009%2Ccd_max%3A12%2F19%2F2009&tbm=
  19. This is a word salad of unfalsifiable junk statements. -The movie had the most downloaded trailer of all time....four months before release. Proof the masses were anticipating it. -Contemporaneous media accounts (including Slate, BoxOfficeMojo, and others) described - correctly - AVTR as having <i>"massive amounts of hype"</i> before release. They were there writing live (as was I), you are trying to rewrite history. They have more credibility. -You are correct about the first teaser: it was hugely anticipated because AVTR was such a hugely hyped movie. The trailer was meek, and fanboys mocked it. The audiences at large were obviously still interested in the hype train. -AVTR Day was a novel marketing gimmick which, as a unique historical event, is a literal anomaly and therefore has no true peers and no relevance for comparison. The only statement that can be made about AVTR Day was it demonstrates the enormity of Fox's marketing campaign for the movie.
  20. Why do all of JW's daily estimates - almost every one, going back to opening day - heavily lowball actuals? It's a safe bet Father's Day was the main source of its Sunday boost, so I have to predict Monday will be sub 15m, for sure. With a heavy heart.
  21. I'm not sure of the point of this, but if you're claiming that AVTR was a small movie that caught people off guard in the post after a link proving it had the most downloaded trailer in history four months prior to release, it's an empirically false statement. Here's BOM on its opening weekend, "massive amounts of hype". BOM notes it would have the December record, which it missed by an inch, were it not for blizzards in the northeast. So the numbers and the contemporaneous record is clear: AVTR, the most expensive movie of all time, was also one of the most hyped and anticipated by the general audiences. It's hilarious for me, somebody who was tracking all of this closely, to now come back six years later and see history being written as the complete opposite of the reality.
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