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  1. not even going to respond to that, nothing I said warranted that language
  2. WTF is a "young woke avenger", might be one of the stupidest things I've heard on here
  3. I think we'll see post credit scenes with characters showing up and setting up Avengers like Wong in Cap 4, and then maybe Cap or Hulk in Thunderbolts etc
  4. Totally agree barring quality will likely be somewhat like the first Guardians.
  5. $148M OW is a very bold choice for Superman maybe asking too much tbh, no Superman film has opened that high, none of Gunn's films even in the MCU have opened that high, even BvS was only able to open $18M above your prediction, The Batman couldn't even do that and Batman is a much more popular character. Imo around $100-120 is far more realistic and doable. And that may also be hard if Jurrasic doesn't move. But I hope you're right
  6. I think any total doom or gloom prediction right now is just stupid with this film, once we see audience reception to a trailer then we'll know. Most important for its and Cap 4's performance rn is Deadpool and Wolverine being well received, making bank and recovering audience good will. I think quality wise Thunderbolts looks the best bet for 2025 with the creative team that worked on it, so even if OW is lower it can always be big through WOM
  7. 2.5 Million Riyal OW for Inside Out 2 in Saudi Arabia, Bad Boys added crazy 22 Million over the week
  8. Any numbers as of yet for Inside Out 2 from any Middle East market?
  9. Yes unfortunately China is no longer the market it used to be for hollywood. But as IO2 has shown domestically sometimes you just need the right film to reinvigorate the market. I think we’ll get back to those numbers at some point just need the right film
  10. The way I see it, Eternals was a hint of what could happen if Marvel missed the mark, but then they salvaged themselves with NWH and MOM back to back. MOM treaded a bit into mixed territory but it was mostly well received, then Love and Thunder shit the bed afterwards in terms of quality and really was only saved because of audience good will for Thor. Wakanda Forever then showed people the MCU could still deliver and brought a lot of goodwill back, Ant-Man 3 trailers looked good and people were hyped seemed like people were ready to forgive LAT and Eternals hence the good OW, and imo that opening weekend was the moment Marvel lost the audience's good will. It was a case of people actually did show up and Marvel just shit the bed, if they had nailed that one film imo we would be in a very different position in terms of audience goodwill. It brought light to all the wackyness and worst parts of Phase 4 that before people were ready to forget if Marvel had delivered. In a universe where Quantumania was good and setup Kang well, i think Gotg Vol.3 could've made a Billion, The Marvels could've atleast made $500M we'd be going into 2024 with amazing momentum. And now we're at a pivotal situation again, the audience is ready to give Marvel one last chance based on past trust of Deapdool and Logan, and Guardians 3 delivering. And I think if they do deliver, they have a pretty good 2025 lineup to build up positive momentum again
  11. Yes Obviously, that's why i said Guardians 3 making $86.9M is the important comp, and this getting the first Marvel press tour in the market since FFH is important. If Guardians 3 can do $86.9M, I see no reason as to why this can't make atleast that. And the talk of pre-covid vs post, Guardians 3 equaled Vol1's BO, and came in $13M lower than Vol2. So not really an earth shattering decline as you are suggesting. The only reason I mentioned previous Wolverine, Deadpool 2, X-Men numbers was because this was being written off based on those movies not making much of a market for DP&W, but clearly there was a market.
  12. Logan did $106M, Deadpool 2 was able to make $40M even though it had a PG-13 cut released 8 months later, X-Men Apocalypse did $120.8M, and most importantly Guardians 3 did $87M clearly showing that there is still a market there for Marvel. They've also announced a press tour in China with Jackman and Reynolds, the first since Far From Home. I think with all those factors it surely could outgross Guardians 3's $87M there, if not pass $100M, I absolutely don't get the complete skepticism under all these circumstances.
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