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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Movie not so much but Arkin is overrated beyond measure. Outside of Argo Fuck Yourself he had nothing Oscar-worthy to do and yet stole the spot from worthier contenders.
  2. Still, wow, huge amount for TLJ + Sally Field movie.
  3. There`s no way I`m gonna pay for Penn-Gosling movie, ever. Can`t stand any of those smug fucks. Plus, WOM is toxic, reviews are toxic. What`s there for me? Nothing. And I wasn`t against it because of Emma Stone since I hate that she`s in a bomb. But Marlon`s underrated so I`m glad his movie`s doing at least better than Penn-Gosling turd.
  4. Devil Inside and Cloverfield had pretty embarrassing drops if I recall correctly.
  5. 34% is shit. It may be fun shit but shit`s shit. Therefore, I can root for other shit over this particular shit.
  6. Hello, GS and THH are shit. I`m rooting for shit with unhyped cast because it wasn`t supposed to be anything but shit. But GS was supposed to be at least decent and it`s a shitturd of the highest order.I`m not rooting for THH over ZDT.
  7. Leo`s career is this incredible ebcause he knows when not to be nominated. I bet that he didn`t press for stronger campaign for himself when Waltz started to emerge as likelier nominee. Stars have power to pull a rank but he obviously didn`t so more power to him.The trick is to get nominated when you`re undeniable in your movie and DU had a triple standout situation although Waltz is de facto one of 2 leads. And to win when you are an undeniable favorite to win. Marisa Tomei winning over favored Vanessa Redgrave (I think it was Vanessa) stalled her career for long. Ditto Brenda Fricker who was shunned by Hollywood on her winning night because she won over favored Julia Roberts. Point is, a win that`s perceived as undeserved whether because it really was or because another person was so favored that upset felt like a cold shower is career-damaging in the long run. So may Leo win when nobody can dispute his worth one way or the other.
  8. GS had ZERO likable characters in the trailer. You have Penn as the bad guy and Gosling and Brolin as bad cops. Who to root for? Now if they cast likable actors as bad cops, maybe. But these two? Bomb. Plus the movie didn`t seem to have any plot but relentless shoot`em`up.
  9. LOl,no. There was no interest in GS whatsoever. No matter how hard Hollywood tries Gosling isn`t gonna happen as a star. Too many people think he`s an obnixious prick. Too many people hate Penn. Nobody cares for Brolin. Even Emma Stone looking like billion bucks in red couldn`t help, but she`s a chick flick draw anyway.
  10. Please don`t hit $10 mio! I hope it`s overestimated and that NFL Sunday drop will be big. Next week it`s going to start making under $1 million Monday - Thursday,right? And please, please, big TC drop for MLK.Go Marlon!
  11. I`m always amazed how perfectly Spielbergian Abyss is. I don`t know if Cameron intended to pay homage to Close Encounters and some other Spielberg movies but he captured the feel to a T, much much better than JJ Abrams in Super 8. Which is why Abyss holds up so well while Super 8 is one of those movies that were hits but nobody talks about anymore. This must be the first time in a long time someone mentioned it.
  12. How the hell Glee managed to be hailed as open minded equal opportunity show when such offensive sterotypes trive on it? Oh, and they totally made me hate that stupid Xtina song Beautiful. I never cared for it but since it`s now so identified with "open minded, be yourself" Glee I hate its guts.
  13. Absolutely. I can`t believe that a show starring irritation sensations such as Michele and Colfer and that bland-o-med teacher guy became so popular. Who the fuck can watch those people for longer than 5 minutes?
  14. I tried to watch Glee once but everyone was so annoying I wanted to smash their heads into the edge of the metal table and smash and smash until there were no heads to be smashed. So that was the first and the last episode I`ve ever seen.
  15. Get the bill in the first hour which supposedly plays like a really slow TV episode. Absolutely don`t get the billin the last 20 minutes which are suppsedly super tense and gripping.
  16. Oh, Jesus, that`s such a bad fanfic. In slash fics, angst and bullying are always prelude to a kiss. Drarry, Snarry, you know the drill.
  17. Nobody touches Spielberg so calling so-and-so up-and-comer (they called PJ that in 2003) is ridiculous. The guy is a prodigy. He made his first megahit at the age of 29, unheard of in movie business. He`s to directors what Leo`s to actors - long spanning successful career since very young age (for the profession).
  18. Not at all. Marlon Wayans beating Sean Penn and Ryan Gosling, two of the most obnoxious actors working, is a cause for cheer. Go Marlon! We want White Chicks 2,3,etc!
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