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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. $95.4 mio from 54 territories? So how many plus Japan are left since some movies open in almost double that number of countries? I`m asking because at this rate it could reach $1 billion OS. Please do so!
  2. I don`t see what could stop TA from reaching at least $659 mio.
  3. :lol: The eco thing has gone to his head. he wants to spread the emssage through his movies. Fine, noble cause and all. BUT WHY IT MUST BE THE SAME MOVIES??????
  4. :lol: :lol:PJ, the king of all Kiwis everywhere, is the world`s richest glutton. Once his Tolkien luck runs out, he`ll be on a rich obese people reality show together with some African kings, Arabian sheiks and other billionaire hippos.
  5. I hope TH doesn`t make that much. The amount of Doritos,fries and cheeseburgers that PJ will buy and gulp for that money will be headspinning. Must. not. happen.
  6. NO! TA is going to disembowel Shrikapoo tomorrow domestically since Katniss has already castrated its miniscule member and it`ll behead its pathetic carcass WW sometimes next week. And than, it`ll feed its OS remains to the dogs before Japan.
  7. But DH2 had day and date release or something, no? yet TA caught up with it.
  8. I don`t get fixation on JC save that his movies are the only ones TDK couldn`t beat domestically. WW and OS, there are many more directors to hate, so I guess Nolanfanboyism is domestic thing. OTOH, as film-makers, they are very different so hating Fincher because he`s touted smart genrius director would make more sense. he makes intelligent movies like Nolan. Yet hate is absent most likely due to Fincher`s boxoffice that lags well behind Nolan`s biggest hits.
  9. Not to mention that people are more reluctant to spend money, let alone several times, on a pricier ticket. That Avatar had such insane repeat business while costing more than regular movies is saying something. It`s beyond just 3D gimmick. People loved what they saw, deal with it.
  10. But it will. Why wouldn`t it? Unless something unpredictable happens and it loses half of its theaters early in its run, over $600 mio is happening.
  11. Oh, baumer, don`t you know that TDK sold the most tickets ever, made the most money ever, had 100% fresh reviews , but those numbers were forged to make JC come on top because he`s the head of Illuminati who have their fingers in faking boxoffice to their king`s advantage.
  12. Than we have aBest Picture winner already. Sad.
  13. Ugh, that dom total is irritating. I hope actual takes it over $300 mio on Friday.
  14. I did the numbers and they show $650 mio is reasonable and that`s $50 mio away from $700 mio. Avatar may be safe but TA could come in close proximity. Depending on how new movies affect it. DS didn`t do dent, most likely badly buzzed Battleship won`t either.
  15. So Depp fatigue finally kicked in? people tired of his picking shit scripts?
  16. If it`s gonna blast past $500 mio by Mmeorial day than $600 mio is a lock. Disney won`t it alet miss the milestone.They made Tangled cross $200 mio and that movie never had 1/32 of TA importance, prestige and merchandize power.
  17. How`s Avatar safe if TA is going to cross $400 mio sometime next week and still has record or near record 3D weekedn and low drop memorial weekend to go. Sounds awfully like $700 mio range happening.
  18. That`s what I`m saying about ROTPOTA 2. If you cast Chuck Norris as an ape, you don`t need a mocap.
  19. Yes, please. What`s the record number that TA should target?
  20. This success couldn`t have happened to better cast. Unfortunately, Winsome Whedon Worshippers must ruin eevrything. Campaign is already on the way to get Nathan Fillion in TA2.
  21. I`m certainly hoping 3d weekend won`t be 50% drop but much less.
  22. Please jump big today. I`m seeing it again.
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