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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Where are the Friday numbers? isn`t it about time for Nikki to post them?
  2. So pop goes the theory that 3D is dying. better weekedays, OS explosion. It`s not going anywhere anytime soon.
  3. Game over. UW:A will overtake UW:E.
  4. Whatever was 10 they made sure to cut it off.So it definitely wasn`t Clooney`s Ides of March. Something they didn`t want in. Most likely DT since The Finch got snubbed as well.
  5. It`s beside the point what was 10. Nothing was 10. The nominations are obviously fixed, hence why EILAC with no tracking with precursors whatsoever getting in.
  6. It`s a complete proof of rigging. It came out of nowhere and number of nominees curiously stopped at 9 so we can assume DT was 10th because success with Guilds points out in that direction. Heck, I bet it was higher than 10 but the system is obviously rigged so...
  7. Goddess Lily Mo can never be forced on anyone. She`s the gift to humanity.You put her in movies with care.
  8. That teen romance is in the cards for UW5, unless Kate bails out of the movie thus killing its production which is unlikely in the wake of sure-fire superbomb Total Recall.Don`t say you weren`t warned. Now that Speedman showed some dignity and didn`t want to do UW4, they`ll shift the romance to teens. Same thing, younger, much worse actors. heck, Kate knows this is going to be shit so she didn`t let the Goddess Lily Mo play Eve.
  9. Go MiP! I hope it wins Best Ensamble SAG and upsets the Artist.Also, more than any other eyar, this one proves nominations are rigged to the core.Gopher, TDKR won`t get any nominations say maybe in supporting actor/actress category if any newcomer proves as iconic as Ledger (and his death helped the nom although BSA is the category that favors villains of any kind). TH is likely to get in on LOTR coattails, though. Plus AMPAS hate Nolan and love Jackson. Fact.
  10. I`m glad you`re entertained guys! Isn`t it why you are here?
  11. Thank you! Amen! QFL!I totally 100% have ZERO interest in Oscars this year. ZERO. I don`t give a shit about anyone.
  12. So what you are saying is under 50% drop?I don`t get UW fandom at all. Any normal fandom would reject an attempt to twilightize the series with teen daughter bullshit. Blade fans rejected Blade Trinity which was the same type of a set up to continue the series with younger stars. But you guys are going ga-ga over this shit. I don`t mind 20something teenagers in Twilight because that`s what Twi is about but UW was never that kind of movies and now it has that cash-in thrown in. Pathetic.
  13. You people should congratulate me on predicting that Oldman would push out Fass. I was calling it and eevryone was,like, not gonna happen, relax, your Fass is save. Well, looks like jealousy over his golf club gave Oldman wind in the back.
  14. Not among non-fans. It won`t crossover since it obviously didn`t OW.
  15. Twilight sweeps again. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.So,no, not better at all.
  16. Add to that Fass snub cause the movie isn`t their cup of tea. Either way, Potter snub which really is outrageous (96% RT speaks for itself as do 10 years of constant ritical excellence) will kill their ratings.
  17. Of course, since Fass was kicked out by Oldman, everyone`s glossing over that. Not fair. if it was another actor who robbed Fass, there would have been an outcry. Happy for Maramania because this is the only just way of acknowledging the movie. It wasn`t anything special save St Maramania and we won`t have to go through 3 years of DT domination or whatever shit. Sasha Crone Stone is ridiculous as always. keep posting reactions.
  18. I totlaly called Oldman Fass switch. I told you. Oldman gets Brit vote. be careful what you wish.Happy that Leo didn`t make it so nobody cna say he stole Fass`s sopt. Oldman did it.Fact. I called it. Fuck this life.
  19. Please guys post nominees in the first post so I cna find them right away when I arrive at work. Have fun at the live streaming. I`ll re-read comments later.
  20. I hope he doesn`t waste his talent on sequels and I hope Maramania opts not to return either. She`s too talented and gorgeous to spend 4-5 years of her life as that freak Salander.
  21. Yeah, post conversions.Shit, LexG just outdid himself: http://hollywood-elsewhere.com/2012/01/enough_1.php
  22. Tomorrow is the historical day. Jonah Hill will become the Oscar nominee and Hollywood`s most devout Catholic since Mel Gibson, St Maramania, will become the first alive person ever to receive Beautification from the Pope for saving the world from Glenn Close`s abomination nomination. What time?
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