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Everything posted by theultimatebiu

  1. But even with ths drop it still beats THG OW and it will beat it WW. So I hardly think there is a need for mass suicides. I dont see any meltdowns coming until the second weekend.
  2. lol LG really did take the piss. That's a big difference from the estimates
  3. Eurgh what a dull movie So when rth stops posting like the joker can he tell us what we should expect please
  4. If I was Lionsgate I'd put a estimate of $165M and then get the difference from Ender's Game total. Like anyone remembers how much that made.
  5. TDKR - Talia - Final Act - Dumb police force that all conveniently get trapped underground + More Batman vs Bane + Stronger Narrative = Much Better Film
  6. TDKR does have a great movie inside it but it is so wildly uneven it just ends up being a somewhat decent movie
  7. I still believe 3D is cheating and most films don't need it. Gravity is the only film this year that actually benefits from 3D.
  8. I'm actually not disagreeing I just can see a few nolanites not being to happy with that comment. TDKR suffers on repeat viewing and the less said about the finale the better. Such a drop in quality from the brilliant TDK.
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