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Everything posted by theultimatebiu

  1. MJ1 will be the lowest grosser of the lot. I can't see that hitting well with audiences at all
  2. That is what confuses me. Twilight was able to hit so hard but it was trash. A overlong franchise in which the protagonist's only concern was who was going to fill her snatch.
  3. Yuck. Just yuck. So I was right when I said this will either shoot for 189m ow or go below THG ow
  4. I mean in the internet world not real life...duh Its a puppy now
  5. Don't you fucking dare. Its like Scream 4 all over again only this time it isn't half as funny
  6. I still have not seen it cos everyone who has said it sucked
  7. THANK YOU GOD. Someone else sees it. I honestly thought I was going crazy when I got so bored in the final act of Avengers because I had seen it done twice in TF1 and TF3.
  8. It is better than the second but it suffers from shitty villain, weak narrative, bad character development and a dumb climax. It is funny though.
  9. Are we still pretending IM3 is a good movie?? I mean it has its moments but after a second viewing it really is a mess and drags in a lot of places.
  10. Exactly my sentiments. Thor was cool but honestly not really interested in the sequel. I'll gladly wait for DVD.
  11. I can't remember the last time the Academy awarded a political movie. If anything they usually try to stray away from politics. Plus, I hardly think 12YAS clasifies as political. The president has been black for over 5 years now so its hardly a big point anymore.
  12. Little Princess is pretty good. And that is a great number for Gravity. The movie looks great.
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