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Posts posted by theultimatebiu

  1. *sigh* I just wish people would leave it alone. Its a good film. Yet they feel the need to knock it. The only people I see hating it are on this site.(And you know I still find it ironic how people on here attack kids films for doing well like bad ones never did before. I can tell you if Home Alone came out now you guys be going crazy :lol:)Anyway-what is Guess who?

    I don't hear anyone knocking it but I hear no praise either...people just seem very ho-hum about it. It was over-budgeted anyway and the marketing was weak.
  2. She did Veronica Mars, a show that, just like Firefly, was a ratings flop and is one of those ridiculously bad, yet-somehow-ridiculously overrated TV shows that its fans worship as if they were brilliant works of art (their failure is also blamed on the networks by the fans, as if the fact that nobody watched them was not the reason they were cancelled) She has developed somewhat of a cult following among fanboys, and for a little while, Hollywood tried to make her a rom-com star. Fortunately, audiences were not impressed with her "acting," and instead of becoming the new Meg Ryan, she became the new Brittany Murphy, but with less death.

    Er Veronica Mars was actually a pretty decent show (first season anyway).
  3. THG brainwashed everyone to think it was something it isn't. There isn't one original thought in that movie. It's all borrow from other works. At least Twilight is original and it tries. THG is lazy and plagiarizes every story it could find.

    lol...I'm gone for real now...I expect to get back and see this with 20 pages, all of them attacking Twilight. lolololol

    Posted Image
  4. Well, I'm going for the day...thank god i have a funeral to go to today. It would be unbearable around here with THG falling so little.

    But just know that THG is one of the worst films to come out this year. It was incompetently directed, poorly written, amateurishly photographed and the only good thing about it is some of the acting. But it's rushed, makes no sense to those of us who have not read the books and it's just flat out a mess.

    Twilight, Shrek, Transformer and most other 300 mill films are at least well made and entertaining. This piece of crap is just hogwash. Enjoy your day and your crappy movie.

    Posted Image


    I love Baumer meltdowns....they have been hilarious. His PIXAR fuelled ones are a bit better though

  5. It's a healthy debate. I would not call myself a fan but I have read the first book and agree its entertaining. I think we need to wait until we get Saturday numbers to see if this is a real beast. Still this OD is great and I congratulate LIONSGATE for being smart and resourceful. They are now competing with the big boys.Saturday should see a decrease. There is no way it can keep up this momentum.

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