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Everything posted by JJ-8

  1. not bad.... DS down only 30% in it's 3rd weekend. Up to 16m. For comparison, Thor Dark World at the same point was up to 18m off a 2.8m weekend while Winter Soldier was at 16.4m off a 1.8m weekend. 20m should happen and probably wind up around 21m in the end i think unless FB destroys it which is possible. not a bad opening for arrival. best average in the top 20 given it's only on 268 here while strange is on 454. excellent hold for hacksaw down only 18% from it's opening. same for the accountants which was off a slightly heavier 26%. to be honest holds this week were strong across the board but i suspect that will change once Fantastic beasts opens... the question is it more of a 8m opening or 12m+ opening... ie. will it be in the league of the potter openings here in australia.....
  2. That's a bigger jump than expected?? Should give a weekend of low to mid forties for DS. trolls. About right for the 33m or34m weekend. Arrival should be above 22m on that. Nice weekend.
  3. Wrong thread mate. This is Australian thread. There is an NZ thread.
  4. If you think the rule above is too complicated, please advise and see if we could simplify. Basic idea is 2 fold 1. to get people investing in films that you wouldn't nesecarily go for on their current budgets. ( I should note, this rule will only apply to WIDE releases)... limited releases aren't expected to fall under this process. 2. fix the issue around best in best served for very popular films. not sure if it solves everything but hopefully makes it a little fairer given we all work in different timezones.
  5. Righto - 2017 rules and discussion thread is up..... I've put the current rules in the 2nd post with the 2 proposed changes. once we agree i will move this into the main forum (here) and move this thread as the 2016 is winding down back to the sub forum. 2017 is happening !!!!!!!!!
  6. Proposal 2: This new rule replaces the old "Best in Best Served rule" & the max % invested. The max % available (ABSOLUTE) for ALL films will be 300%. If no investment (ie. no one has invested) is made in the first 24 hours then a film will only have 200% available thereafter. If no investment is made by 2 weeks prior to Release, then max investment will reduce to 100% and the budget is then 75% of the original/final budget. If no investment is made by 1 week prior to Release, then the FINAL budget will be 50% of the original/final budget. If an investment is made in first 24 hours, but total investments are less than 200% then only films which I have IDENTIFIED prior to being available as films which keep 300% keep the 300% max. ALL other films will reduce to 200% max automatically. If more than 200% investments are made in the first 24 hours, the max % available will remain at 300%. If more than 300% investments are made in the first 12 hours, the following will apply: Each player will automatically receive a pro rated % based upon the number of investments. This is calculated as: New max % per player (for this calculation and u will understand in a minute) = 300 / # of investors in film eg. If you original invested 80% and 6 players in total invested you would 80% of 60 or 48% of the film. Now assuming we have investments less than 100% for each investor, a Bidding process will be kicked off by posting your offer on the additional % you missed out on and the amount you are willing to pay. Remember you can only go back up to the original % invested in. The best offers will get the % and if there is any left over it will be returned to the game. To make this clear, I will only accept your first post and you cannot edit it (I am admin here so i can see your edits cheaters!) eg. the following investments are made in the first 12 hours for a 200m budgeted film: (which means 2m/%) Invest 1 = 100%; Invest 2 = 80%; Invest 3 = 40%; Invest 4 = 50%; Invest 5 = 100% I review sometime later in the day and note investment total of 370%. Total Investers in film = 5 so Investment max is 60%. Each investor now will get : Invest 1 = 60%; Invest 2 = 48%; Invest 3 = 24%; Invest 4 = 30%; Invest 5 = 60% A total of 222% is invested in the film leaving a further 78% for investment in the film. BID WAR is started and the following bids are posted: Investor 1 = +40% ~ 120m (3m/%) Investor 3 = +16% ~ 50m (3.125m/%) Investor 5 = +40% ~ 130m (3.25m/%) No other bids are made (i put a 24 hour limit on the bidding process) which means, Investor 5 gets 40% (as the highest bidder) for 130m and Investor 3 gets 16% for 50m and then Investor as the lowest bidder gets the remaining 22% for 66m. overall this means the new breakdown is: Investor 1 = 82% (186m); Investor 2 = 48% (96m); Investor 3 = 40% (98m); Investor 4 = 30% (60m); Investor 5 = 100% (250m) REMEMBER IF NO-ONE BIDS OR ONLY BIDS ON PART OF THE REMAINING, WHATEVER REMAINS AFTER 24 HOURS IS RETURNED TO THE GAME FOR NORMAL INVESTMENTS. AND IT WILL BE BEST IN BEST DRESSED AT THAT POINT.
  7. Proposal 1 : Start dollars (2017) = 80m Unless there is big outcry i fealt that 100m was too much at the start of this year to begin with so i am reducing the amount you start with to 80m.
  8. Fantasy Box Office Game Rules Official Times The time in which all day changes occurs is at Eastern Standard Time (US/Canada) (GMT - 5 hours) Not midnight your local time, but midnight for the East Coast of USA. If you're choosing to invest in a movie being released in exactly one month, make sure the date is as per this. And to be clear, Daylight savings is never applied for this game. I should also note that movies will be available from 7pm the day before (1 month in advance of release) and not be available from 7pm the day before. This change is due to the sneaks now occurring instead of midnights. The Winner The Game is run over a full year. The Winner is announced normally Late February / Early March of the following year once all results are tallied from the December movies. Various minor awards are given out including: Return On Investment (% Gain / movie - Average) Best Investor ($ Earnt per % spent as a whole) Company Value (Bank Account - Final figure) Highest Weekend (Earnt in a single weekend) Revenue (Total Earnings for the year) Overall Winner is calculated using the above awards. It is known as "The Geekfreek Award" in honor of the original Game Admin from 2006 when the game first started on BOM. Bank Accounts Each player will have a Bank Account with which they can spend money to invest in movies. Each player will be given starting dollars when they join to begin investing. The value is adjusted each year as appropriate. Current Start Dollars = $100m Start dollars (2017) = 80m To invest in a movie, you must have the amount you are investing available in your bank account at the time the investment is made. All the money you earn from your investments will be put into your bank account for you to spend further. If you no longer have enough money to continue with the game, you can claim bankruptcy and your account will automatically be reset and you will start all over with the Current Start Dollars in your bank account. (all previous investments no longer count) Movies (General) Only a film’s PRODUCTION BUDGET will be used for this game. Only a film’s DOMESTIC GROSS will be used for this game. The film's release date will be as per the current US Domestic Release dates (first date whether it's limited or wide) as listed on Box office Mojo. Any film that is due for release in the US can be invested in (including limited release films). Priority for who gets rights to a movie will be on a first come, first serve basis. Unfortunately, that is the only way that it’s possible to run this right now. You may only invest in a movie 1 FULL month before its release date. The date MUST be exact accordance to the current calendar date. For example, if it February 28, you can only invest in films being released on or before March 28. You must wait until March 1 to invest in films being released on March 29, 30 and 31. Movie Budgets Any unknown budgets will be estimated. If no official budget is ever released, the estimate will stand as fact. If the official budget is released at a later time, that will be used instead of the estimate. Any budget changes are final and the player will have to accept them accordingly. The following will used for budgets of unknown movies which no details are available: Action / Thriller = 150m (Big Budget) / 75m (Off Season) Animation (CGI) = 150m (Big Budget) / 100m (Off Season) Animation (2D) = 75m Science Fiction / Fantasy / Comic Book = 175m (Big Budget) / 90m (Off Season) Indie Films = 30m Horror = 20m Comedy = 100m (Big Budget) / 50m (Off Season) If and when BOM releases a budget, that budget will become fact except for the following: When BOM's Budget (BB) > the Game Budget (GB) + 20m then the following applies : New GB = BB - ROUNDED(((BB-GB-20)/BB)*(BB-GB-20)) Investment Rules The maximum total % available for "normal" films is 200%. The maximum total % available for "Blockbuster" films is 300%. Films will be advised in advance of being available of whether they are a blockbuster or not. Players can choose to only invest in part or all of a films budget. Players can invest in 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 100% of the budget. I will also allow investments of 25% and 75%. Players will receive the % of the earnings from the film based upon which % invested in the film. Eg. invested 20%, you will receive 20% of the earnings. You cannot invest in the same film for than a total of more than 100%. (If you invest 100% of the film’s budget, you can not invest in the film a second time.) The max % available (ABSOLUTE) for ALL films will be 300%. If no investment (ie. no one has invested) is made in the first 24 hours then a film will only have 200% available thereafter. If no investment is made by 2 weeks prior to Release, then max investment will reduce to 100% and the budget is then 75% of the original/final budget. If no investment is made by 1 week prior to Release, then the FINAL budget will be 50% of the original/final budget. If an investment is made in first 24 hours, but total investments are less than 200% then only films which I have IDENTIFIED prior to being available as films which keep 300% keep the 300% max. ALL other films will reduce to 200% max automatically. If more than 200% investments are made in the first 24 hours, the max % available will remain at 300%. If more than 300% investments are made in the first 12 hours, the following will apply: Each player will automatically receive a pro rated % based upon the number of investments. This is calculated as: New max % per player (for this calculation and u will understand in a minute) = 300 / # of investors in film eg. If you original invested 80% and 6 players in total invested you would 80% of 60 or 48% of the film. Now assuming we have investments less than 100% for each investor, a Bidding process will be kicked off by posting your offer on the additional % you missed out on and the amount you are willing to pay. Remember you can only go back up to the original % invested in. The best offers will get the % and if there is any left over it will be returned to the game. To make this clear, I will only accept your first post and you cannot edit it (I am admin here so i can see your edits cheaters!) eg. the following investments are made in the first 12 hours for a 200m budgeted film: (which means 2m/%) Invest 1 = 100%; Invest 2 = 80%; Invest 3 = 40%; Invest 4 = 50%; Invest 5 = 100% I review sometime later in the day and note investment total of 370%. Total Investers in film = 5 so Investment max is 60%. Each investor now will get : Invest 1 = 60%; Invest 2 = 48%; Invest 3 = 24%; Invest 4 = 30%; Invest 5 = 60% A total of 222% is invested in the film leaving a further 78% for investment in the film. BID WAR is started and the following bids are posted: Investor 1 = +40% ~ 120m (3m/%) Investor 3 = +16% ~ 50m (3.125m/%) Investor 5 = +40% ~ 130m (3.25m/%) No other bids are made (i put a 24 hour limit on the bidding process) which means, Investor 5 gets 40% (as the highest bidder) for 130m and Investor 3 gets 16% for 50m and then Investor as the lowest bidder gets the remaining 22% for 66m. overall this means the new breakdown is: Investor 1 = 82% (186m); Investor 2 = 48% (96m); Investor 3 = 40% (98m); Investor 4 = 30% (60m); Investor 5 = 100% (250m) REMEMBER IF NO-ONE BIDS OR ONLY BIDS ON PART OF THE REMAINING, WHATEVER REMAINS AFTER 24 HOURS IS RETURNED TO THE GAME FOR NORMAL INVESTMENTS. AND IT WILL BE BEST IN BEST DRESSED AT THAT POINT. A film is released irrelevant of how much % is invested in total even if only 20% was invested, the film is still released. If you have chosen to invest and decide to cancel ALL or part of your investment (keeping within the normal rules above), the following WILL apply: > 2 Weeks prior to release - 100% of the cancelled amount is returned > 1 Week prior to release - 50% of the cancelled amount is returned < 1 Week prior to release - Nothing will be returned at this point so you should just keep your investment. You can also choose to sell all or part of your investment (following the same rules as above for investments) Once the movie is released you cannot sell your investment The Sale can be in the form of money or swapping for other investments. The amount is up to you - there are no limits and only need to be agreed between all parties involved. Sales involving money will count towards your earnings for the year. If at time of release an on-sold investment has a budget change, then this change will be reflected in the current owners budget. eg. Investor B bought the movie investment worth 40m of investor A for 60m. The budget then increased to 50m. Investor B's final budget equals 70m as a result because investor B paid a premium of 20m to investor A for the investment Investment Restrictions (applies as you invest more %) Your ability to invest is restricted as you invest more in movies over the year. This will be controlled by the total % of films in "Wide Release". A film is consider to be in "Wide Release" when the investment is in > 600 theatres. eg. you have invested 50% in a film which is in 3100 theatres. For the game your investment is considered to be in 1550 theatres which is in "Wide Release". 2nd eg. you have invested 10% in a film which is in 2500 theatres. For the game your investment is considered to be in 250 theatres which is in "limited release" and as such is NOT in wide release for the game purposes even though the film itself is in wide release. As in real life, a studio has limited resources to market films and as such is there is a restriction on the amount of films in "Wide Release" in the game. A Studio / Player is allowed a maximum of 300% or the equivalent of 3 Wide Releases at any one time. The Film MUST be released to count. When a Studio / Player has passed this limit of 300%, that Studio / Player CANNOT invest in a film that is listed as a WIDE release on BOM (either the term WIDE or > 600 forecast theatres) TO BE CLEAR :- you will continue to earn $ from films in limited release as always until the film closes. This does not change. I have deliberately crossed out some rules above (and made red) they are replaced now with the new rules (in blue)
  9. 2017 Fantasy Box Office Game Right, 2016 has been banner year for the game with up to 16 players playing through the year (currently we have 10 players still active in some way at the moment). I understand completely how hard it is to play all year but this game is a lot of fun! If you are new to the game you can look how the game progressed from this thread below and sub forum we live in. The 2017 Game is going to treated seperately to the 2016 game HOWEVER, the weekly charts I will put up over January / February will incorporate both takings from 2016 and 2017 but the totals will only count to the respective years depending on when a film opens. For those of you new here your totals will only include 2017 game totals. Don't worry i will post the rules in the second post so you can get an understanding of what the current rules are (as they stand in the 2016 game) Now I also have a few proposals for the 2017 Game - a few changes to try and liven things up and make us invest even more! Righto... sign up sign up folks (I will soon move this into the main forum and move the old 2016 thread in the sub forum as the game is starting to wind up anyway.) I'll see if I can get permission to stickie again for a month or so to drum up new interest.
  10. Sorry about the late update this week guys... my plays went way astray! but Wisdom Teeth do that too ya anyway here is last weekends chart and I won it finally!!!!!! go me Weekend Box Office November 4th - 6th, 2016 TW LW Investor Title Weekend Gross % Change Theatre Count / Change Average Invested Movie Count / Active % Bank Account 1 2 @JJ-8 $101,788,761 +441.9% 9,964 +3,864 $10,216 47 265% $372,507,454 2 8 @Exxdee $85,648,823 +11195.6% 4,475 +3,347 $19,143 21 100% $603,377,731 3 3 @Simionski $62,436,068 +443.7% 7,488 +844 $8,338 33 165% $1,079,846,502 4 4 @DAJK $36,860,265 +388.9% 4,699 +437 $7,845 32 175% $336,087,383 5 5 @chasmmi $23,416,332 +233.0% 3,651 -669 $6,415 40 105% $554,274,521 6 1 @grey ghost $18,395,077 -47.3% 8,684 -2,357 $2,118 20 390% $711,797,487 7 6 @CJohn $2,372,316 -56.2% 2,491 -1,986 $953 21 100% $1,042,382,686 8 7 @BourneFan #1 $1,024,636 -46.4% 959 -1,104 $1,068 28 0% $905,807,307 9 9 @lucasbenica $153,774 +11.4% 160 -5 $961 21 0% $977,297,890 10 10 @The Panda's With Her $38,444 +11.4% 40 -2 $961 9 0% $581,691,403 Totals (10 Players): $332,134,496 +277.3% 42,611 +2,369 $7,795 23 1300%
  11. Update @grey ghost, you remain well over, however, just looking at the theatre counts and Storks has dropped under meaning you can invest again as of this weekend. I'm hovering close too but as i have no investsments this week i'm safe Bank Accounts - 2016 Bank Account = 100m + $ Earnt (Revenue) - $ Invested If Wide Active > 300% (3 Movies) then you are restricted. TW Investors Title Movie Count Wide Active % Total $ Invested Total Revenue ($ Earnt) Bank Account Total Gross 1 CJohn 21 100% $877,700,000 $1,820,082,686 $1,042,382,686 2 Simionski 35 165% $1,671,180,000 $2,563,526,502 $992,346,502 3 lucasbenica 21 0% $832,150,000 $1,709,447,890 $977,297,890 4 BourneFan #1 28 0% $1,054,350,000 $1,860,157,307 $905,807,307 5 Wrath 27 0% $969,935,000 $1,638,097,141 $768,162,141 6 Grey Ghost 20 390% $1,203,550,000 $1,815,347,487 $711,797,487 7 Exxdee 21 100% $963,750,000 $1,467,127,731 $603,377,731 8 The Panda 9 0% $372,000,000 $853,691,403 $581,691,403 9 chasmmi 41 105% $990,735,000 $1,437,009,521 $546,274,521 10 DAJK 33 175% $515,600,000 $749,687,383 $334,087,383 11 Jajang 48 265% $1,867,850,000 $2,062,857,454 $295,007,454 12 WrathofHan 5 0% $86,400,000 $195,679,348 $209,279,348 13 Ethan Hunt 6 0% $111,800,000 $132,346,259 $120,546,259 14 Jayhawk 1 0% $2,500,000 $6,648,565 $104,148,565 15 ThatOneGuy 1 0% $2,000,000 $5,318,852 $103,318,852 16 megaboxoffice 1 0% $875,000 $45,674 $99,170,674
  12. Movie Investments - 2016 Investor Classification / Time % invested $ Spent $ Earnt % Gain Incarnate Movie Budget: $5,000,000 % Available: 200% Release Date: 2-Dec-2016 INVESTMENT 0% 1 Friend Request Movie Budget: $5,600,000 % Available: 180% Release Date: 9-Dec-2016 INVESTMENT 20% 1 chasmmi 19-Oct-16 20% $1,120,000 $0 -100.0% Office Christmas Party Movie Budget: $30,000,000 % Available: 200% Release Date: 9-Dec-2016 INVESTMENT 0% 1 La La Land Movie Budget: $20,000,000 % Available: 0% Release Date: 9-Dec-2016 INVESTMENT 200% 1 Jajang 10-Nov-16 50% $10,000,000 $0 -100.0% chasmmi 10-Nov-16 40% $8,000,000 $0 -100.0% DAJK 10-Nov-16 10% $2,000,000 $0 -100.0% Simionski 10-Nov-16 100% $20,000,000 $0 -100.0%
  13. Release Schedule Red Highlight is fully invested and no longer available unless a player decides to sell part of or all their portion. Available for Investment Budget Source / Comments December 2016 Friday 2 New in Theatres Budget %Avail Theatres Incarnate $5m 200% Wide microbudget thriller Friday 9 New in Theatres Budget %Avail Theatres Friend Request $5.6m 180% Limited The Numbers La La Land $20m 0% Limited Office Christmas Party $30m 200% Wide Films not Available until 1 month from Release Budget Source / Comments December 2016 Friday 16 New in Theatres Budget %Avail Theatres Collateral Beauty $30m 200% Wide Rogue One: A Star Wars Story $175m 300% Wide estimate The Space between us $30m 200% Wide Wednesday 21 New in Theatres Budget %Avail Theatres Assassin's Creed $175m 300% Wide Passengers (2016) $150m 300% Wide The Numbers Sing $75m 300% Wide BOM Friday 23 New in Theatres Budget %Avail Theatres Why him? $50m 400% Wide A Monster Calls $40m 200% TBA
  14. Movie Investments - 2016 Investor Classification / Time % invested $ Spent $ Earnt % Gain Doctor Strange Movie Budget: $165,000,000 Release Date: 4-Nov-2016 RELEASED 300% 1 Jajang 02-Nov-16 100% $165,000,000 $103,988,170 -37.0% chasmmi 04-Oct-16 20% $33,000,000 $20,797,634 -37.0% DAJK 04-Oct-16 25% $41,250,000 $25,997,043 -37.0% Simionski 03-Nov-16 55% $90,750,000 $57,193,494 -37.0% Exxdee 03-Nov-16 100% $165,000,000 $103,988,170 -37.0% Hacksaw Ridge Movie Budget: $45,000,000 Release Date: 4-Nov-2016 RELEASED 90% 1 Jajang 02-Nov-16 50% $22,500,000 $9,953,623 -55.8% chasmmi 04-Oct-16 15% $6,750,000 $2,986,087 -55.8% DAJK 04-Oct-16 10% $4,500,000 $1,990,725 -55.8% Simionski 05-Oct-16 15% $6,750,000 $2,986,087 -55.8% Trolls Movie Budget: $125,000,000 Release Date: 4-Nov-2016 RELEASED 35% 1 DAJK 04-Oct-16 20% $25,000,000 $11,228,654 -55.1% Simionski 03-Nov-16 15% $18,750,000 $8,421,490 -55.1% Arrival Movie Budget: $47,000,000 % Available: 0% Release Date: 11-Nov-2016 INVESTMENT 200% 1 Grey Ghost 11-Oct-16 100% $47,000,000 $0 -100.0% chasmmi 11-Oct-16 75% $35,250,000 $0 -100.0% Simionski 11-Oct-16 25% $11,750,000 $0 -100.0% Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk Movie Budget: $40,000,000 % Available: 170% Release Date: 11-Nov-2016 INVESTMENT 30% 1 DAJK 12-Oct-16 30% $12,000,000 $0 -100.0% Shut In Movie Budget: $30,000,000 % Available: 200% Release Date: 11-Nov-2016 INVESTMENT 0% 1 The Edge of Seventeen Movie Budget: $20,000,000 % Available: 125% Release Date: 18-Nov-2016 INVESTMENT 75% 1 chasmmi 19-Oct-16 25% $5,000,000 $0 -100.0% Exxdee 25-Oct-16 50% $10,000,000 $0 -100.0% Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Movie Budget: $225,000,000 % Available: 0% Release Date: 18-Nov-2016 INVESTMENT 300% 1 Jajang 11-Nov-16 80% $180,000,000 $0 -100.0% chasmmi 19-Oct-16 40% $90,000,000 $0 -100.0% BourneFan #1 05-Nov-16 50% $112,500,000 $0 -100.0% Simionski 11-Nov-16 30% $67,500,000 $0 -100.0% Exxdee 25-Oct-16 100% $225,000,000 $0 -100.0% Bleed for This Movie Budget: $16,000,000 % Available: 200% Release Date: 18-Nov-2016 INVESTMENT 0% 1 Allied Movie Budget: $50,000,000 % Available: 200% Release Date: 23-Nov-2016 INVESTMENT 0% 1 Bad Santa 2 Movie Budget: $30,000,000 % Available: 300% Release Date: 23-Nov-2016 INVESTMENT 0% 1 Moana Movie Budget: $165,000,000 % Available: 0% Release Date: 23-Nov-2016 INVESTMENT 300% 1 Jajang 23-Oct-16 100% $165,000,000 $0 -100.0% Grey Ghost 23-Oct-16 90% $148,500,000 $0 -100.0% chasmmi 19-Oct-16 10% $16,500,000 $0 -100.0% Simionski 23-Oct-16 100% $165,000,000 $0 -100.0% Rules don't Apply Movie Budget: $26,700,000 % Available: 200% Release Date: 23-Nov-2016 INVESTMENT 0% 1 Miss Sloane Movie Budget: $30,000,000 % Available: 200% Release Date: 25-Nov-2016 INVESTMENT 0% 1
  15. Release Schedule Red Highlight is fully invested and no longer available unless a player decides to sell part of or all their portion. Available for Investment Budget Source / Comments November 2016 Friday 18 New in Theatres Budget %Avail Theatres The Edge of Seventeen $20m 125% 1800 Estimate Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them $225m 0% 4000 Movie News Guide Bleed for this $16m 200% Wide Rhode Island Film & TV Office Wednesday 23 New in Theatres Budget %Avail Theatres Allied $50m 200% Wide Estimate Bad Santa 2 $30m 300% Wide Bad Santa Budget = 23m Moana $165m 0% Wide Disney Animated film budget ~ 150 - 165m Rules don't Apply $26.7m 200% Wide Deadline Friday 25 New in Theatres Budget %Avail Theatres Miss Sloane $30m 200% TBA IMDB MOVIE TITLE THEATRES MAX % RELEASE DATE Final Game Budget CLASSIFICATION TOTAL % INVESTED WEEKEND GROSS TOTAL GROSS RELEASED Doctor Strange 3882 300% 4 November 2016 $165,000,000 RELEASED 300% $85,058,311 $103,988,170 Hacksaw Ridge 2886 200% 4 November 2016 $45,000,000 RELEASED 90% $15,190,758 $19,907,246 Trolls 4060 300% 4 November 2016 $125,000,000 RELEASED 35% $46,581,142 $56,143,268
  16. Movie Investments - 2016 Investor Classification / Time % invested $ Spent $ Earnt % Gain The Birth of a Nation Movie Budget: $8,500,000 Release Date: 7-Oct-2016 RELEASED 200% 1 Jajang 04-Oct-16 30% $2,550,000 $4,696,070 84.2% chasmmi 23-Sep-16 50% $4,250,000 $7,826,783 84.2% DAJK 09-Sep-16 100% $8,500,000 $15,653,565 84.2% Simionski 20-Sep-16 20% $1,700,000 $3,130,713 84.2% The Girl on the Train (2016) Movie Budget: $45,000,000 Release Date: 7-Oct-2016 RELEASED 200% 1 Jajang 04-Oct-16 25% $11,250,000 $17,857,473 58.7% chasmmi 23-Sep-16 60% $27,000,000 $42,857,934 58.7% DAJK 09-Sep-16 100% $45,000,000 $71,429,890 58.7% Simionski 20-Sep-16 15% $6,750,000 $10,714,484 58.7% The Accountant Movie Budget: $44,000,000 Release Date: 14-Oct-2016 RELEASED 200% 1 Jajang 04-Oct-16 30% $13,200,000 $21,760,681 64.9% Grey Ghost 14-Sep-16 100% $44,000,000 $72,535,602 64.9% chasmmi 29-Sep-16 25% $11,000,000 $18,133,901 64.9% DAJK 19-Sep-16 30% $13,200,000 $21,760,681 64.9% Simionski 20-Sep-16 15% $6,600,000 $10,880,340 64.9% Kevin Hart: What Now? Movie Budget: $9,900,000 Release Date: 14-Oct-2016 RELEASED 95% 1 Jajang 12-Oct-16 50% $4,950,000 $11,639,955 135.2% chasmmi 29-Sep-16 25% $2,475,000 $5,819,978 135.2% Simionski 20-Sep-16 20% $1,980,000 $4,655,982 135.2% Boo! A Madea Halloween Movie Budget: $20,000,000 Release Date: 21-Oct-2016 RELEASED 130% 1 Jajang 04-Oct-16 35% $7,000,000 $23,252,710 232.2% Grey Ghost 21-Sep-16 95% $19,000,000 $63,114,497 232.2% I'm not Ashamed Movie Budget: $1,500,000 Release Date: 21-Oct-2016 RELEASED 50% 1 Jajang 12-Oct-16 50% $750,000 $991,912 32.3% Keeping up with the Joneses Movie Budget: $40,000,000 Release Date: 21-Oct-2016 RELEASED 20% 1 chasmmi 29-Sep-16 20% $8,000,000 $2,723,644 -66.0% Ouija: Origin of Evil Movie Budget: $9,000,000 Release Date: 21-Oct-2016 RELEASED 200% 1 Grey Ghost 21-Sep-16 95% $8,550,000 $30,592,537 257.8% chasmmi 23-Sep-16 10% $900,000 $3,220,267 257.8% Simionski 21-Sep-16 95% $8,550,000 $30,592,537 257.8% Inferno Movie Budget: $75,000,000 Release Date: 28-Oct-2016 RELEASED 50% 1 Jajang 04-Oct-16 50% $37,500,000 $13,881,461 -63.0%
  17. MOVIE TITLE THEATRES MAX % RELEASE DATE Final Game Budget CLASSIFICATION TOTAL % INVESTED WEEKEND GROSS TOTAL GROSS RELEASED The Birth of a Nation 197 200% 7 October 2016 $8,500,000 RELEASED 200% $260,116 $15,653,565 The Girl on the Train (2016) 1572 200% 7 October 2016 $45,000,000 RELEASED 200% $2,690,575 $71,429,890 The Accountant 2688 200% 14 October 2016 $44,000,000 RELEASED 200% $5,872,303 $72,535,602 Kevin Hart: What Now? 453 200% 14 October 2016 $9,900,000 RELEASED 95% $581,805 $23,279,910 Boo! A Madea Halloween 2234 200% 21 October 2016 $20,000,000 RELEASED 130% $7,731,797 $66,436,313 I'm not Ashamed 131 200% 21 October 2016 $1,500,000 RELEASED 50% $110,147 $1,983,823 Keeping up with the Joneses 1064 200% 21 October 2016 $40,000,000 RELEASED 20% $1,092,302 $13,618,218 Ouija: Origin of Evil 2380 200% 21 October 2016 $9,000,000 RELEASED 200% $3,869,765 $32,202,670 Inferno 3576 200% 28 October 2016 $75,000,000 RELEASED 50% $6,165,987 $27,762,921
  18. Movie Investments - 2016 Investor Classification / Time % invested $ Spent $ Earnt % Gain Sully Movie Budget: $60,000,000 Release Date: 9-Sep-2016 RELEASED 200% 1 CJohn 09-Aug-16 100% $60,000,000 $123,437,323 105.7% BourneFan #1 09-Aug-16 100% $60,000,000 $123,437,323 105.7% When the Bough Breaks Movie Budget: $10,000,000 Release Date: 9-Sep-2016 RELEASED 200% 1 Jajang 10-Aug-16 100% $10,000,000 $29,703,843 197.0% CJohn 09-Aug-16 100% $10,000,000 $29,703,843 197.0% Blair Witch Movie Budget: $5,000,000 % Available: 0% Release Date: 16-Sep-2016 CLOSED 300% 1 CJohn 17-Aug-16 100% $5,000,000 $20,777,061 315.5% BourneFan #1 16-Aug-16 100% $5,000,000 $20,777,061 315.5% lucasbenica 14-Sep-16 100% $5,000,000 $20,777,061 315.5% The Magnificent Seven (2016) Movie Budget: $90,000,000 Release Date: 23-Sep-2016 RELEASED 235% 1 CJohn 23-Aug-16 100% $90,000,000 $92,371,211 2.6% BourneFan #1 23-Aug-16 40% $36,000,000 $36,948,484 2.6% Simionski 20-Sep-16 95% $85,500,000 $87,752,650 2.6% Storks Movie Budget: $70,000,000 Release Date: 23-Sep-2016 RELEASED 215% 1 Grey Ghost 23-Aug-16 100% $70,000,000 $70,209,162 0.3% CJohn 23-Aug-16 100% $70,000,000 $70,209,162 0.3% Simionski 20-Sep-16 15% $10,500,000 $10,531,374 0.3%
  19. MOVIE TITLE THEATRES MAX % RELEASE DATE Final Game Budget CLASSIFICATION TOTAL % INVESTED WEEKEND GROSS TOTAL GROSS RELEASED Sully 454 200% 9 September 2016 $60,000,000 RELEASED 200% $526,321 $123,437,323 When the Bough Breaks 87 200% 9 September 2016 $10,000,000 RELEASED 200% $41,253 $29,703,843 Blair Witch 300% 16 September 2016 $5,000,000 CLOSED 300% $0 $20,777,061 The Magnificent Seven (2016) 490 300% 23 September 2016 $90,000,000 RELEASED 235% $452,520 $92,371,211 Storks 1155 300% 23 September 2016 $70,000,000 RELEASED 215% $1,000,558 $70,209,162
  20. bumping Fantastic Beasts up to by 30% to 80%
  21. so that everyone understands - we always go by first release date so limited release date is the correct 1! (if you desire to invest in a film that is limited before going wide)
  22. and so the mic is handed back to 2nd master (only the @Baumer liked Blair Witch is higher ) of Summer / Winter Games... @chasmmi. Let his reign of terror continue....... ... patiently waits to be told to get out and never come back....
  23. 1. Will Arrival open to more than 15m? YES 2. Will Arrival open to more than 22m? 3000 YES 3. Will Arrival open to more than 30m? NO 4. Will Almost Christmas open to more than 10m? YES 5. Will Almost Christmas open to more than 16m? NO 6. Will Shut In open in the top 8? 2000 NO 7. Will the 3 wide new entries combine to make more than Doctor Strange's 2nd Weekend? NO 8. Will Doctor Strange's PTA stay above 10k? 2000 YES 9. Will Doctor Strange pass 150m on Sunday? YES 10. Will Trolls finish in the Top 2 for the weekend? 2000 NO 11. Will Trolls pass 80m on Saturday? YES 12. Will Hacksaw Ridge drop less than 40%? YES 13. Will Inferno stay above Jack Reacher 2? 2000 NO 14. Will Girl on the Train increase by more than 40% on Saturday? YES 15. Will Moonlight enter the Top 10? YES 16. Will any film in the top 10 not drop a place this weekend(assume either stay in the same spot or move up)? 2000 YES 17. Will Deepwater Horizon stay above Kevin Hart? YES 18. Will Oujia have a single day (over the weekend) above 1m? 2000 YES 19. Will Miss Peregrine increase by more than 150% on Friday? NO 20. Who here is going to abuse Chasmmi about letting me loose on the game this week? I THINK I MIGHT.. CHAS NEVER LET OFFER THESE AGAIN.. ARRGGG I HATE MYSELF Bonus: 14/20 2000 15/20 3000 16/20 5000 17/20 7000 18/20 10000 19/20 14000 20/20 20000 Part 2: Closest predictor wins 5000 points (Added bonus: If prediction is within 10% win 6000; 5% 7000; 2.5% 9000; 1% 12000) 1. Predict Arrival's OW. 24.505m 2. Predict Billy Lynn's Halftime Walk PTA. 44.8k 3. Predict Hacksaw Ridge's drop in $. 3.4m Part 3: Predict the films that place in the following positions: 2. Arrival 5. Hacksaw Ridge 8. Boo! a Medea Halloween 10. Jack Reacher 2 13. Girl on the train 16. Keeping up with the joneses 3/6 2000 points 4/6 5000 points 5/6 8000 points 6/6 13000 points Deadline is Thursday 10th November at midnight. Best of luck everyone! (and don't abuse chasmmi too much, especially about that SOTM :ph34r::wiggle:)
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