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Posts posted by Warhorse

  1. It's widely considered a well-made movie, at the very least. Dishonest? Maybe. It's straightforward and unpretentious (if a bit basic and un-flashy). It's going to beat the fucking shit out of Mockingjay (probably both), though. Thank God.

    Yeah, I don't care what anybody says, AS is a well made movie. A mediocre movie would never leave the audience stunned and silenced at the end the way this superb movie did.

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  2. However the Oscars are fading away into irrelevance if they keep awarding films no one sees. 



    Back in the days people would flock to any film that got nominated or won, however even now films that win best picture people don't even care to check out as they are just so off base with the general consensus of average people. 

    Yeah, I thought that's what the Sundance was all about, to award and bring awareness to the obscure films no one has heard about. And sadly, I would rather see the Sundance picks over most oscar picks.

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  3. But the principal is the same, but it's right that if the public would vote best picture, it would be the most populair one and not the best. But it's also true that the oscars only root for drama's; And I don't think that the gerne have to be drama to be the best movie of the year...

    With all due respect, we have several award shows where the public votes. The two biggest ones are People's Choice Awards  and the MTV movie awards, and they can be about as extreme as the oscars. 

    • Like 1
  4. Hurt Locker is better than inglorious bastards

    The king speech is better than The Social Network/inception

    Crash isn't better than anything

    Slumdog millionaire over TDK. Lol

    And they are just off the top of my head. The academy just like to be different with their opinions, even if the better film is starring them in the face, they couldn't possible share a popular opinion.

    You forgot the biggest travesty. 

    • Like 1
  5. lol there's a difference between most popular or most watched film and best film of the year.


    Let's not get into this bullshit again. 


    The Academy gives fuck all what you think since people who would vote for Chris Evans as Best Actor or Kirsten Stewart for Best Actress and Transformers: Dark of the Moon for Best Picture. Wait, wait, if the people would vote for it, doesn't that mean that they are the best? 


    That's like letting children run the school. There is no logic in this recycled argument. Retire it FFS. 

    I can't buy the oscars knowing what best for nothing, especially when we got the likes of Harvey Weinstein somehow involved with more oscar wins than any other human in existence. I say, the oscars are going to award the ones where the producers are padding their pockets the most. And this is hollywood, where it's just as corrupt as Washington.

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  6. It's funny, whenever a phenomenon happens, I never seem to really feel it. I guess Frozen I kinda got to feel the hype, but like Guardians, I saw it three times in opening week to crowded theaters, and it didn't seem anything special. Maybe if I go to a packed Sniper show in a few weeks, then I'll feel this

    That's alright. I couldn't feel the phenomenon with the last 3 Harry Potter movies. I found them to be seriously lacking in quality and charm that the previous movies had.

  7. Cooper was spectacular in Pines. I loved him in Silver Linings Playbook, but Pines is the movie that convinced me he wasn't a fluke. I had some problems with the movie, but generally, Cooper crushed it. He also elevates AS, politics aside, from a good war film into a great watch by sheer force of charisma and availability. 


    Dude's the new king of Hollywood. Sorry Tatum- B Coops is the successor to Leo's crown.

    Thank God for that. 

  8. Thats good, but please take this discussion elsewhere. Most movies ala 80% IMO dont deserve what they make, but what can you do? Just enjoy this historic run, sheesh.

    I just can't believe all the crybabies over this. There are movies that disliked/disappointed in or I found overrated, but I never gave a shit if the movie was making bank at the BO or not. I only get peeved when critics go gaga over a movie that I find to be a turd.

    • Like 2
  9. Don't twist my words and be an idiot. Of course the majority of soldiers wouldn't do that. OBVIOUSLY.

    But a shitload of soldiers either participated in torture or saw and did nothing, among other things.

    Of course it's not all. What are you, five? That I need to state the blindingly obvious?

    Every single soldier is different. But for goodness' sake, do some research and read about the endless war crimes and human rights abuses the US soldiers did in Iraq. There was a huge amount that knew and did/said nothing.

    Come on now, lets not act like US is the only one that has soldiers being accused  of warcrimes. [ur]http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2627228/BREAKING-NEWS-British-soldiers-investigated-International-Criminal-Court-claims-committed-war-crimes-Iraq.html

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