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Kevin Bacon

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Posts posted by Kevin Bacon

  1. As for me, I have a few.Death Sentence - One of my favorite movies of all-time, resides below 20% on the Tomatometer.30 Minutes or Less - I preferred it entirely to Zombieland, got half the Tomatometer.Hulk - Sucked ass.The Incredible Hulk - Kicked ass.Observe and Report - Rogen's best effort and one of his best movies, got mixed reviews.Middle Men - Really competently made movie, had a nice trashy flare to it that reflected the subject matter well.There's plenty more, but that's all for now.

  2. I can't even begin to start. Critics get most films wrong. They can't enjoy movies. They see too many of them and they are there to be critical. Plus their minds are corrupted because when they hear that "movie A is getting oscar buzz" or something of that nature, they then feel pressure to see the brilliance of it even though they might not really think it.

    Posted Image
  3. This is extremely tentative, as I haven't seen AS much and will probably have to go over a list of all movies released to select and arrange the ones I saw as I did a shit job keeping up, but here:

    1. 50/50

    2. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

    3. The Muppets

    4. Moneyball

    5. X-Men: First Class

    6. Rubber

    7. The Adjustment Bureau

    8. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Pt. 2

    9. Source Code

    10. Scream 4

    Wow, looking at that list, there are quite a few movies from last year I really liked from the relatively small number I've seen. I pretty much loved Rubber and everything above it, and I was particularly fond of everything else on the list. I look forward to seeing more and revising.

  4. I do a pretty great job of avoiding bad movies, but...Battle: Los AngelesThat's honestly the only genuinely crap movie I recall seeing this year, at all. And I was really looking forward to it, but aDIm nailed it on the head. I also thought Hangover 2 and Green Lantern and probably a few others were mediocre, but not worthy of a worst of the year list.Also, I'm disappointed by the prevalence of Limitless here. I really liked that movie.

  5. All of my friends, who were all excited to see the movie with me, didn't know it opened last night until I told them so we could go then. But even if it's 7PM+midnights, it's all either people who were amped to see the movie or the odd walk-in when some couple notices that it's playing. Me and a few other people told a couple dudes asking about the movie outside on our way out what it was basically about, and that it was awesome.

  6. Indeed, this is how UK xf has worked for years, semi final no longer goes to judges vote and 3 acts in the final. I think Marcus is surely out, though I wish it was melanie because of how incredibly boring she is.

    Yeah, if he wasn't a goner before last week, he definitely is now, due to the extreme backlash across the web about Rachel going home. I'm holding out hope for Chris now, since I thought that first song was really dull, but bringing out the big guns with the piano track was great.But I still wish Marcus would win. I liked the balance of the show, giving the voters the illusion that they're contributing but leaving the actual decision making to the judges.
  7. Well, yeah, but she had a character who literally made the same joke throughout the entire movie. It was just her, being fat and obnoxious. I mean, if that's the case, where's the love for Mike Myers as Fat Bastard? He was pretty much the same character, only funnier. Why don't comedians get nominated all the time for the job they do pulling off comedy? Ferrell, Carrey, Segel, and more tend to carry their comedies based on their delivery. Granted, you get the occasional James Franco or Robert Downey Jr nomination, but they got credit largely for doing something so different so well (black guy for Downey Jr, stoner for Franco).

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