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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. I wonder if there's a Claire GIF Factory out there in the virtual recesses of the interwebz somewhere...
  2. I know, Million Dollar Arm is some film huh? *This post is void of all seriousness for the fun-challenged of this forum
  3. The 3d sucked in this one, and I usually enjoy IMAX 3D. Couldn't notice a difference though with Godzilla.
  4. Because anecdotes are fun: two of my coworkers had seen it today. One loved it, and the other hated it for the same reasons as me. Really does seem like it will be divisive.
  5. Actually that's exactly what I've been called out for. I've yet to insult one single person on this forum over Godzilla and yet people keep taking it personal. And only people that love the movie. Gee, what a coincidence. Not my fault if they don't get stuff like my sig are meant to be over the top and not serious.
  6. Baumer just keeps saying what the flaws are with the movie. If anything he's being way more serious about it than me.
  7. Well duh. And what exactly about my response to you sounded like I was being serious or insulting you? I would think to someone like you it would be pretty obvious what tone I was striking.
  8. Yeah cause they're not having fun trashing it. I am. Big deal. It's nothing personal against anyone. Get over yourself. Peace out.
  9. Only cause you're making it condescending. It's clear to most I'm having fun, except those of you that love the movie and can't stand the fact that someone doesn't. Or perhaps my over the top opening phrase in that post of "ooh child" wasn't enough of a hint for you I wasn't being serious...
  10. Claire posts sassy GIFs 24/7 at people and you get mad when I make a playfully sassy retort back? Lol, you really need to lighten up.
  11. I haven't made it even remotely personal with anyone when trashing the film. Disliking a movie someone else doesn't and trashing it doesn't equal insulting other people. Unless you insult other people. So far that's on you with the namecalling. But whatevs. If you need examples, if I were insulting other people I would be telling them they're idiots if they like it or something in that vein.
  12. Stop taking it personal. It's a movie I didn't like and am now having fun trashing it. Do you take it personal when people have fun praising a movie they love? No, so don't worry about it. Like, take a chill pill man.
  13. I love how you went from liking all my posts to calling me an asshole because I didn't like a movie you did and am clearly having fun with it.
  14. Oooh child, I gotcha stressed and pressed huh?
  15. And the only thing that keeps the movie from being a flat out F for me.
  16. All 11 minutes and 43 seconds of him!
  17. I love how you couldn't even bring yourself to quote it.
  18. Lol, why the heck did Mulder like that post? EDIT: Never the minds.
  19. I had it at 89m in the summer game. I did knock a few m off that though to play it a little safer.
  20. Maleficent over 70m OW ship! And before the haters scoff keep in mind my OW predictions this summer have been immaculate thus far.
  21. That's because he's like the plague. Fucking everywhere. Timber be my jam though...
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