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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. As impressive as Godzilla's OW is, it's interesting to note that with inflation/3d/IMAX it probably only sold a minimal amount more tickets than '98 did in its OW.
  2. Well I was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt at first because 50 First Dates is easily the most charming Sandler film to me (and Wedding Singer isn't bad either), but then the marketing kicked in and made it look like another Jack and Jill/That's My Boy/Grown Ups atrocity. So I'll have to see it to believe it isn't.
  3. The (formerly) delightful Barrymore/Sandler pairing will probably trick some people into thinking Blended is worth giving a go. Looks absolutely horrid though.
  4. Isn't Forbes the one that said Up would bomb because kids aren't interested in old people?
  5. Amidst all the Godzilla talk, anyone notice the meh to bad drop for Neighbors this weekend? Not exactly a good second weekend hold for an R rated comedy with no direct competition. I hope it doesn't fall apart when Blended/Million Ways hit ( for BSG purposes).
  6. Weren't the estimates last Sunday a 25% drop or something?
  7. That got a 2.7x multi, so if this could match that with 3x the OW and way more competition that would actually be good.
  8. Seems like a tough sell to me (unless it was Jolie in the lead), but I will say they have already been marketing the daylights out of it so A for effort on the studio's part.
  9. With TASM2 dropping over 50% this weekend, it could really get bloody next weekend. We all know CBM's always take harsh hits when new ones open, even if they have great WOM. And that's hardly the case for TASM2, so look out Spidey...
  10. Which would be a 29% Sun drop and last week it had a 35% one on a Holiday. So I'm gonna say no to 17m.
  11. The really big question is can Maleficent beat TASM2 and knock it down to 4th place just among May releases?
  12. 200m will happen for sure. I mean it would have to have the most toxic WOM possible to miss that. 250m shouldn't really be a "stretch" with a 95m OW either. It's not a comic book movie, or a sequel which are huge advantages for its multi. The only reason for it to even have that poor of a multi besides bad WOM would be if DOFP and Maleficent are both massive hits as well (which is possible).
  13. I would say 280-300 though if WOM is great. But it has a lot of competition to fight off coming up...
  14. You're still not addressing what entertained you though all that time he was gone? Were the characters really that interesting and endearing to you? Not being rude, I just wanna know.
  15. You'll probably say I'm hating, but realistically a 2.5-2.7x multi is what it will get if WOM is neither awful nor amazing and with that big of an OW+competition. So 230-260, depending on how high the OW gets. Unless it really does have great WOM like some of you think.
  16. I will say I think DOFP is locked for 100m OW now (not 4 day), since it's always seemed like DOFP would open larger than this.
  17. I just don't get that statement quite honestly, can't even comprehend it.
  18. Again, the film would more accurately be called
  19. The Grey was awesome (well once most of the pointless characters died at least). I just honestly never see you flip out over anything modern. Seems like you're always B/B- guy. I guess creature features are your soft spot.
  20. Of course, but something's fishy. He's never so enthusiastic about anything released post 80's. Except maybe LOTR.
  21. Now I am starting to think you're trolling us Tele. You're never this enthusiastic about modern movies, and this is the one you pick to finally let your fanboy flag fly? WHAAA?
  22. Hey, this thing needs as many defenders as it can get, cause the rest of us gonna keep goin' in.
  23. She once used the same word 6 times to describe a movie's box office. Not a record.
  24. You're being engulfed by a huge bush? Ok, well have fun.
  25. Lol, Godzilla truly is the most divisive film of this year so far. There's love letters and hate rants all over the internet.
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