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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Yeah i noticed that too. I think that just confirms that some of the bloat I found unnecessary in the first half was only added after the trilogy decision.
  2. Go look around most entertainment sites that report on box office. The headlines on all of them are basically "Hobbit smashes December records" or something to that effect. Like I said, our perception of box office here is much different than the general public's.
  3. I never liked the second trailer much myself, especially now that I've seen the movie. They played up the Bomber fat jokes and whatnot when that kind of thing is barely even in the movie. I thought the first trailer was perfect, but after that the marketing was very weak.
  4. This is a depressing OW, no other way to say it, but I think WOM is every bit LOTR level with general audiences, possibly even better since the Hobbit is much lighter for those who may have found LOTR too heavy handed. I'm still holding onto 400 possibilities, and you can tell me whatever you want about how it can't have that multi, but I think it can.I do find it interesting to note how our perception is of box office around here though. If you look everywhere else the Hobbit is being called a "record smasher" and not being played as a disappointing start at all. It's really just us box office over-analyzers that are saying that.
  5. Well my family sure does (I'm not Mormon but a lot of my family is).
  6. Following LOTR sat increases (minus midnight obviously). Would love if it follows LOTR's Sunday drops too.
  7. I wonder if Will Smith and M. Night Shyamalan will cancel each other out as far as star power. What I mean is that even though Will Smith is a draw, Shyamalan's terrible rep at this point will negate that. I found it very telling they didn't advertise Shyamalan's name anywhere in the preview. He always has his name plastered all over the marketing of his movies.
  8. Lol, it's no "masterpiece" by any means and we all know how big of a fan of these movies I am. But it's not even going for "masterpiece" like the LOTR films, It's mostly going for a Raiders of the Lost Ark adventure movie feel, and I think it's a huge success in that respect (especially the incredibly fun second half)>
  9. Which is why most of them will flop, and one of the 4 will probably do OK.
  10. I've never liked a film better the 2nd time than the first, but then turned around and not liked it after that. Movies don't yoyo for me on repeat viewings. They either get better or worse (or stay the same).
  11. This movie is no TPM or SM3 for me. Saw it again today and I liked it significantly better. If I had been in denial the first time, then this time is when it would have seemed much worse to me, not better.
  12. Kids loved TPM and that's what gave it great legs despite the core fan base hating it. Luckily for this movie, the core fans AND casual audiences are liking it
  13. We already know your friends aren't LOTR fans Noctis, as you bring it up all the time, so if they think its decent it proves that WOM in general is great.
  14. 4x multi will be a walk in the park for this, guaranteed. I think 4.5x isn't at all out of question.
  15. WOM for this is going to be fantastic. I'm hearing nothing but great reception from people. I'm obviously disappointed 100m couldn't happen for OW but its not a big deal at all with WOM and the holidays. Sticking to 400m+ finish for this.
  16. THG is my bay-bay. I talked about over BD2 when everyone else said that was just stupid. So I certainly can't be mad at THG for destroying TH1's OW. Even though THG didn't open in December.
  17. Here's a dose of real knowledge: personal anecdotes don't mean squat on a message board.
  18. There's a reason that the Xmas-New Years period is so amazing at the box office. It's because people don't go to movies in December before Xmas because they're far too busy with the holidays coming up. It's not rocket science.
  19. I seriously would LOVE if we still had another Twilight or Potter flick to go and it opened in December. I bet all these people trying to downplay a 90m+ December OW then would get a dose of reality.
  20. That's why it has an A cinemascore and will come close to 100m OW in a month most people previously thought a 100m OW was impossible right?
  21. Everyone kept saying May 2007 was gonna be the biggest month in the history of box office for months. Then it actually happened.
  22. Or how about the fact that DH2 , ya know "the biggest movie event, like ever" according to the Book of Noctis only beat ROTK by a mere $4m domestically with 8 YEARS of inflation and 3D!!!!
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