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  1. Thursday Actuals July 11 LW TW Movie Last Thu. (USD) Thursday (USD) % chg Screens Days Total -- 1 Monsters University -- $627,860 -- 100 1 $627,860 -- 2 Tales from the Dark Pt. 1 -- $101,850 -- 38 1 $101,850 1 2 Despicable Me 2 $177,978 $101,850 -42.8% 54 8 $2,062,786 3 4 Blind Detective $105,755 $59,305 -43.9% 37 8 $1,197,705 4 5 World War Z $83,830 $32,231 -61.6% 25 22 $5,194,353 2 6 Man of Steel $125,100 $21,917 -82.5% 34 15 $4,061,109 5 7 Now You See Me $32,242 $15,470 -52.0% 20 29 $3,415,200 6 8 Midsummer Formula $28,373 $5,543 -80.5% 14 13 $614,968 7 9 Epic $24,504 $4,641 -81.1% 10 15 $857,345 July 11 Thursday Actuals Friday adm. (so far) July 12 Rank Movie LW TW WKD % chg QD % chg 1 Monsters University -- 34,893 -- +2.6% 2 Tales from the Dark Pt. 1 -- 4,495 -- +20.1% 3 Despicable Me 2 6,746 4,495 -33.4% +39.6% 4 Blind Detective 6,513 3,618 -44.4% +85.2% 5 World War Z 3,247 1,431 -55.9% +72.6% 6 Man of Steel 6,906 1,027 -85.1% +5.1% 7 Now You See Me 1,924 602 -68.7% +30.6% 8 Midsummer Formula 2,317 293 -87.4% +18.1% 9 Epic 1,526 266 -82.6% +24.3% 10 Liar Game: Reborn -- 52 -- -- To see Monsters U up from Thursday pre-sales is a huge surprise. Friday was tracking to have lower pre-sales so this is great news! Good for Tales from the Dark. Great for Despicable Me 2 and Blind Detective. Nice for World War Z.
  2. I'm not really sure what the real reasons are. I can only speculate. Broadway/AMC have an out. They're promoting their film and want it to do well so it's kind of understandable that they would give the biggest screens to their film. However, everyone knows that Monsters University was going to be big. To not at least give Monsters University the biggest screen is an injustice. I guess they're not in the business of making the most money after all. They would rather lose hundreds of thousands of dollars just to deny another film from grabbing it. I'm not sure about the other theater chains though. As for the holdovers, Despicable Me 2 and Blind Detective were kept around for another week because they did well last week but I'm surprised they passed up on giving 2 more screens to Monsters University to show diversity. They didn't do that with Iron Man 3 or The Dark Knight Rises or The Avengers so I'm not sure why all of a sudden they did that to Monsters University. World War Z/Now You See Me were kept on because of their good holds the past several weeks. Man of Steel only got showtimes because it's only in its 3rd week. I'm actually pissed off that theaters would do this to a big film. Disney should bitch about this to the theater owners till the cows come home because they did not deserve that kind of treatment at all. I still can't believe that Monsters University could have had a chance at 4m but lost it due to theater interference. That's a first. The fact that Monsters University did so well when theaters gave it at best 3 screens is a miracle. Iron Man 3 had 5-6 screens and only made 76,778 admissions on opening day. If theaters did this to Iron Man 3, The Avengers would still have the OW record and people would be aghast that Iron Man 3 was denied an OW record in an Asian territory.
  3. Thursday July 11 Rank Movie LW TW % chg 1 Monsters University -- 59,870 -- 2 Tales from the Dark Pt. 1 -- 14,265 -- 3 Despicable Me 2 16,978 10,546 -37.9% 4 Blind Detective 13,441 6,778 -49.6% 5 World War Z 8,480 3,367 -60.3% 6 Man of Steel 12,374 2,366 -80.9% 7 Now You See Me 4,447 1,942 -56.3% 8 Midsummer Formula 3,986 666 -83.3% 9 Epic 2,962 373 -87.4% 10 A Story of Yonosuke 265 150 -43.4% Great number for Monsters University. I saw admissions go down at night so don't know what happened there. It should have made over 60,000 admissions today. That is still a great number for it though considering it got only 2 screens at most places. That means most showtimes were 90%+ full. Tales from the Dark Part 1 recovered well with good walk-ins. I still think it would have done better had they released this next weekend. Despicable Me 2 had a excellent hold in admissions. Let's see how much it falls in gross. Blind Detective did pretty good as well. World War Z did OK. Man of Steel got stopped in its tracks by Monsters University. Now You See Me did alright. Enormous drops for Midsummer Formula and Epic. Opening Saturday Monsters University watch The One Monsters University 3D Eng. Monsters University 3D Can. Monsters University Eng. Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Jul. 13 9:50 AM 11 163 6.75% Jul. 13 9:10 AM 100 163 61.35% Jul. 13 9:25 AM 61 111 54.95% 11:15 AM 122 163 74.85% 11:55 AM 8 163 4.91% 1:20 PM 98 163 60.12% 2:00 PM 28 163 17.18% 1:40 PM 10 111 9.01% 3:45 PM 61 111 54.95% 3:25 PM 122 163 74.85% 4:05 PM 85 163 52.15% 4:05 PM 46 111 41.44% 6:10 PM 71 163 43.56% 5:30 PM 130 163 79.75% 7:55 PM 28 111 25.23% 5:50 PM 27 111 24.32% 8:15 PM 52 163 31.90% 7:35 PM 124 163 76.07% 10:20 PM 18 163 11.04% 8:00 PM 61 111 54.95% 12:05 AM 4 111 3.60% 9:40 PM 107 163 65.64% 10:00 PM 26 111 23.42% 11:45 PM 10 163 6.13% Total 894 1859 48.09% Total 455 1474 30.87% Total 61 111 54.95% Doing pretty well at The ONE. Langham Place Monsters University 3D Can. Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Jul. 13 9:00 AM 143 202 70.79% 9:00 AM 47 202 23.27% 9:20 AM 55 191 28.80% 11:10 AM 142 202 70.30% 11:30 AM 42 191 21.99% 11:50 AM 41 180 22.78% 1:20 PM 131 202 64.85% 1:40 PM 39 191 20.42% 2:00 PM 59 180 32.78% 3:10 PM 92 202 45.54% 3:30 PM 162 202 80.20% 4:10 PM 104 180 57.78% 5:20 PM 102 202 50.50% 5:40 PM 144 202 71.29% 6:20 PM 86 180 47.78% 7:30 PM 111 202 54.95% 7:50 PM 144 202 71.29% 8:00 PM 123 191 64.40% 9:40 PM 103 202 50.99% 10:00 PM 136 202 67.33% 11:50 PM 11 202 5.45% 12:10 AM 8 202 3.96% Total 2025 4312 46.96% Wow, Langham Place has sold nearly half of its tickets already. Not enough shows are being given to Monsters University. No matter, this will see a fantastic hold next week. Early reviews have poured in and almost all have given Monsters University excellent marks.
  4. Pacific Rim watch Telford Pacific Rim Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Jul. 18 9:05 AM 1 147 0.68% 11:40 AM 147 0.00% 2:15 PM 2 147 1.36% 4:50 PM 5 147 3.40% 7:25 PM 4 147 2.72% 10:00 PM 147 0.00% Total 12 882 1.36% 1 week out and Pacific Rim is looking terrible at Telford. It already had 1 week of priority booking for club members and didn't do anything. This is looking really bad. _________________________________________________________________ At 7 PM, Monsters University is nearing 58,000 admissions. It will hit 60,000 admissions within the next couple of hours. Opening Saturday Monsters University watch Palace APM Monsters University 3D Can. Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Jul. 13 9:00 AM 88 112 78.57% 11:05 AM 99 112 88.39% 1:10 PM 61 112 54.46% 3:15 PM 81 112 72.32% 5:20 PM 76 112 67.86% 7:25 PM 70 112 62.50% 9:30 PM 63 112 56.25% 11:35 PM 6 112 5.36% Total 544 896 60.71% Extraordinary numbers for Monsters University. Huge pre-selling. Festival Walk Monsters University 3D Can. Monsters University 3D Eng. Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Jul. 13 11:15 AM 290 354 81.92% Jul. 13 9:10 AM 204 354 57.63% 1:20 PM 144 354 40.68% 3:25 PM 222 354 62.71% 5:30 PM 235 354 66.38% 7:35 PM 207 354 58.47% 9:40 PM 106 354 29.94% Total 982 1770 55.48% Total 426 708 60.17% Not to be outdone, Festival Walk continues to shine for Monsters University. It is beating Iron Man 3's early pre-sales though Iron Man 3 had one less showtime and had nearly a week to buy tickets. Monsters University only had 1 day of pre-selling.
  5. Saw some near sellouts for Monsters University this morning. Very strong sales so far.
  6. It includes everything. 2D + 3D and both language versions.
  7. Thursday adm. (so far) July 11 Rank Movie LW TW % chg 1 Monsters University -- 34,005 -- 2 Tales from the Dark Pt. 1 -- 3,744 -- 3 Despicable Me 2 6,290 3,221 -48.8% 4 Blind Detective 4,403 1,954 -55.6% 5 Man of Steel 5,106 977 -80.9% 6 World War Z 2,175 829 -61.9% 7 Now You See Me 1,155 461 -60.1% 8 Midsummer Formula 1,421 248 -82.5% 9 Epic 1,728 214 -87.6% 10 Faust -- 101 -- Impressive for Monsters University. It has already beaten Man of Steel's opening day admissions. Monsters University could make about 60,000 today. Tales from the Dark Part 1 holds down 2nd timidly. Pre-sales have been weak but walk-ins could be very strong. Great hold for Despicable Me 2 but I would hold off on the celebrating. There could be massive schedule change come this weekend. Monsters University might take away another screen. Decent for Blind Detective. Man of Steel dropped like a hot potato. It won't make the top 5 this weekend. World War Z and Now You See Me had OK holds. Midsummer Formula and Epic held pretty bad. How does Monsters University's opening day pre-sales compare to other blockbusters? Movie OD adm. % diff Monsters University 34,005 Man of Steel 12,350 +175.3% Iron Man 3 46,074 -26.2% Iron Man 2 31,977 +6.3% The Dark Knight Rises 38,750 -12.2% The Amazing Spider-Man 32,580 +4.4% The Avengers 47,317 -28.1% Transformers 3 44,161 -23.0% Harry Potter 7-2 62,089 -45.2% Toy Story 3 32,294 +5.3% Pirates 4 21,559 +57.7% Shrek 3 49,634 -31.5% The Hobbit 18,440 +84.4% Mission Impossible 4 24,390 +39.4% Extremely good for Monsters University. The thing to zero in on here is Toy Story 3. It's currently up 5% from Toy Story 3's Cantonese admissions (English was missing at the time). This should be a very close battle this weekend.
  8. Yeah, Monsters University will be the biggest animation release of the summer. HK is generally a Pixar market but the last 2 films (Cars 2, Brave) didn't do well here.
  9. Let's check Monsters University pre-sales one final time... Langham Place Monsters University 3D Can. Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Jul. 11 9:00 AM 144 202 71.29% 9:10 AM 53 202 26.24% 11:10 AM 116 202 57.43% 11:20 AM 44 202 21.78% 1:20 PM 112 202 55.45% 1:30 PM 17 202 8.42% 2:30 PM 30 180 16.67% 3:10 PM 27 191 14.14% 3:30 PM 146 202 72.28% 3:40 PM 50 202 24.75% 5:40 PM 139 202 68.81% 5:50 PM 51 202 25.25% 7:20 PM 111 191 58.12% 7:50 PM 156 202 77.23% 8:00 PM 150 202 74.26% 9:30 PM 110 191 57.59% 10:00 PM 150 202 74.26% 11:40 PM 28 191 14.66% 12:10 AM 15 202 7.43% Total 1649 3772 43.72% Admissions have moved nearly 300 since last check. Not bad. Its late night time showings are doing quite well. Palace APM Monsters University 3D Can. Monsters University Can. Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Jul. 11 9:05 AM 89 167 53.29% Jul. 11 9:35 AM 83 98 84.69% 9:50 AM 83 112 74.11% 11:55 AM 86 112 76.79% 11:40 AM 200 286 69.93% 1:40 PM 66 98 67.35% 1:15 PM 39 167 23.35% 5:50 PM 70 98 71.43% 2:00 PM 42 112 37.50% 12:05 AM 11 98 11.22% 3:20 PM 49 167 29.34% 3:45 PM 13 98 13.27% 4:05 PM 38 112 33.93% 5:25 PM 32 167 19.16% 6:10 PM 55 112 49.11% 7:30 PM 98 167 58.68% 7:55 PM 69 98 70.41% 8:15 PM 84 112 75.00% 9:35 PM 98 167 58.68% 10:00 PM 32 98 32.65% 11:40 PM 24 167 14.37% Total 1045 2309 45.26% Total 316 504 62.70% Very good pre-sales here. If we take out the midnight 2D showing, 2D pre-sales would be at 75% capacity. Not enough screens are going toward Monsters U here. Weekend might see a 4th screen added. Festival Walk Monsters University 3D Can. Monsters University 3D Eng. Monsters University Eng. Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Jul. 11 9:00 AM 97 156 62.18% Jul. 11 9:20 AM 201 354 56.78% Jul. 11 1:35 PM 85 127 66.93% 11:25 AM 273 354 77.12% 11:05 AM 109 156 69.87% 1:30 PM 180 354 50.85% 1:10 PM 50 156 32.05% 3:15 PM 44 156 28.21% 3:35 PM 160 354 45.20% 4:40 PM 34 118 28.81% 5:20 PM 66 156 42.31% 5:40 PM 180 354 50.85% 6:00 PM 28 127 22.05% 7:45 PM 243 354 68.64% 7:25 PM 74 156 47.44% 8:05 PM 77 127 60.63% 9:30 PM 65 138 47.10% 10:10 PM 37 156 23.72% 9:55 PM 77 354 21.75% Total 1165 2129 54.72% Total 830 1951 42.54% Total 85 127 66.93% One of Monsters U's best performing theaters, Festival Walk, has recorded more than 2,000 admissions on opening day. 3D accounts for a whopping 96% at this theater. Pre-sales are high at most locations. Let's see how it does with walk-ins tomorrow.
  10. Doubtful since Monsters University comes out this week. Then you have Turbo and Pacific Rim out the weekend after. The best it can do is about 2.8m.
  11. DM2 - About 2.4m. MU is too early to say but right now it is looking at 10.5-11m. Palace APM Monsters University 3D Can. Monsters University Can. Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Jul. 11 9:05 AM 71 167 42.51% Jul. 11 9:35 AM 76 98 77.55% 9:50 AM 75 112 66.96% 11:55 AM 80 112 71.43% 11:40 AM 177 286 61.89% 1:40 PM 49 98 50.00% 1:15 PM 29 167 17.37% 5:50 PM 49 98 50.00% 2:00 PM 38 112 33.93% 12:05 AM 11 98 11.22% 3:20 PM 40 167 23.95% 3:45 PM 13 98 13.27% 4:05 PM 30 112 26.79% 5:25 PM 25 167 14.97% 6:10 PM 50 112 44.64% 7:30 PM 98 167 58.68% 7:55 PM 51 98 52.04% 8:15 PM 84 112 75.00% 9:35 PM 91 167 54.49% 10:00 PM 30 98 30.61% 11:40 PM 17 167 10.18% Total 919 2309 39.80% Total 265 504 52.58% Still doing good at Palace APM. Both 2D and 3D are very strong. 3D accounts for 78% of ticket sales here. Langham Place Monsters University 3D Can. Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Jul. 11 9:00 AM 141 202 69.80% 9:10 AM 18 202 8.91% 11:10 AM 116 202 57.43% 11:20 AM 24 202 11.88% 1:20 PM 112 202 55.45% 1:30 PM 8 202 3.96% 2:30 PM 10 180 5.56% 3:10 PM 12 191 6.28% 3:30 PM 146 202 72.28% 3:40 PM 18 202 8.91% 5:40 PM 137 202 67.82% 5:50 PM 32 202 15.84% 7:20 PM 70 191 36.65% 7:50 PM 156 202 77.23% 8:00 PM 148 202 73.27% 9:30 PM 66 191 34.55% 10:00 PM 145 202 71.78% 11:40 PM 4 191 2.09% 12:10 AM 4 202 1.98% Total 1367 3772 36.24% Very good for Monsters University albeit pre-sales have slowed down considerably here. Monsters University will have a high 3D ratio because there are very few places showing 2D. More than 80% of admissions will be from 3D. Monsters University is heading toward a 40,000+ pre-sales start and then ending with about 65-70k admissions on opening day.
  12. There are several reasons for this. First is that some theater chains have heavily discounted shows at 9 AM and then gradually increase the ticket price after that show time. UA and Golden Harvest employs this pricing strategy. Since summer holidays are now in session, people do not mind getting up a little earlier to watch it. Second, some theaters are splitting their showtimes between English/Cantonese or 2D and 3D versions in the morning. Those that want to watch a certain show and want the discount have to see it in the morning. Third is that animation releases usually see very high sales in the morning. Ticket prices are high enough already in the afternoon or evening. A family of 4 saves 40% on ticket prices in the morning than watching it in the afternoon or at night. ________________________________________________________________________ Currently at Mongkok, Monsters University is outselling Tales from the Dark Part 1 10:1 on Friday night. At Festival Walk, the gap is much larger, MU is selling out faster than Tales from the Dark Part 1 by 40:1 in ticket sales on Friday.
  13. firedeep, how much do you think MU will make OW and total?
  14. July 11 Weekend Predictions Weekend Predictions July 11 Rank Movie TW % chg 1 Monsters University $3,500,000 2 Tales from the Dark 1 $400,000 3 Despicable Me 2 $210,000 -81.1% 4 Blind Detective $160,000 -76.3% 5 World War Z $110,000 -77.2% July 11 Weekend Predictions
  15. You should. It's not that scary. There's more talking than zombie scares. That's awesome!! Thursday schedules Palace APM New Holdovers Leaving Monsters University (3D Can.) - 16 showings Despicable Me 2 (3D Can.) - 4 showings (▼ 10) Epic (Can.) Monsters University (Can.) - 5 showings Despicable Me 2 (Can.) - 1 showing (▼ 5) Man of Steel 3D Tales from the Dark Part 1 - 14 showings Blind Detective - 4 showings (▼ 9) Man of Steel Midsummer Formula - 1 showing (▼ 3) Epic (3D Can.) World War Z - 3 showings (▼ 5) World War Z 3D Now You See Me iSQUARE New Holdovers Leaving Monsters University (3D Can.) - 10 showings Despicable Me 2 (3D Can.) - 4 showings (=) Midsummer Formula Monsters University (3D Eng.) - 4 showings Despicable Me 2 (3D Eng.) - 1 showing (=) Man of Steel 3D Monsters University (Eng.) - 1 showing Despicable Me 2 (Can.) - 1 showing (=) Man of Steel Tales from the Dark Part 1 - 3 showings Blind Detective - 2 showings (▼ 6) Epic (Can.) Man of Steel IMAX - 1 showing (▼ 5) World War Z - 2 showings (=) Now You See Me - 4 showings (▲ 2) STAR Cinema New Holdovers Leaving Monsters University (3D Can.) - 13 showings Despicable Me 2 (3D Can.) - 6 showings (▲ 5) Despicable Me 2 (3D Eng.) Monsters University (3D Eng.) - 2 showings Despicable Me 2 (Can.) - 1 showing (▼ 2) Epic (3D Can.) Monsters University (Can.) - 4 showings Blind Detective - 5 showings (▼ 6) Miracle in Cell No. 7 Tales from the Dark Part 1 - 5 showings Midsummer Formula - 1 showing (▼ 4) Now You See Me Man of Steel 3D - 1 showing (▼ 4) Man of Steel - 1 showing (▼ 2) Epic (Can.) - 1 showing (▼ 2) World War Z 3D - 1 showing (=) World War Z - 1 showing (▼ 5) Thursday schedules (read for explanation)
  16. Need to see how many screens it's getting this week. So far, things aren't looking so good. Monday adm. July 8 Rank Movie LW TW WKD % chg QD % chg 1 Despicable Me 2 12,957 16,142 +24.6% -57.6% 2 Blind Detective 5,693 11,266 +97.9% -57.3% 3 Man of Steel 45,814 8,569 -81.3% -58.3% 4 World War Z 24,358 7,058 -71.0% -51.4% 5 Now You See Me 9,298 3,991 -57.1% -36.7% 6 Midsummer Formula 11,835 2,901 -75.5% -55.5% 7 Epic 17,493 2,208 -87.4% -74.0% 8 A Story of Yonosuke -- 261 -- -40.1% 9 Miracle in Cell No. 7 702 216 -69.2% -37.4% 10 Hunter x Hunter: Phantom Rouge -- 172 -- -- Good for Despicable Me 2 and Blind Detective. Man of Steel is fading fast.
  17. Part 3 of Monsters University pre-sales Over at MCL, Monsters University is also having high pre-selling. At the higher traffic theaters such as Telford, STAR and JP, all have registered showtimes more than 60% full, closing in on 70%. STAR even has a weekend morning showing filled at 85% capacity. More rural theaters such as Metro are about 20-30% full, which is quite good already. Kornhill, meanwhile, is having really good pre-sales as well. Festival Walk Monsters University 3D Can. Monsters University 3D Eng. Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Jul. 11 11:25 AM 182 354 51.41% Jul. 11 9:20 AM 119 354 33.62% 1:30 PM 108 354 30.51% 3:35 PM 104 354 29.38% 5:40 PM 113 354 31.92% 7:45 PM 206 354 58.19% Total 609 1416 43.01% Total 223 708 31.50% In just a few short days, Monsters University is 39% filled at Festival Walk. And that is for opening day! Something interesting is brewing over at The ONE... The One Monsters University 3D Eng. Monsters University 3D Can. Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Jul. 11 11:25 AM 94 163 57.67% Jul. 11 9:20 AM 59 163 36.20% 1:30 PM 49 163 30.06% 3:35 PM 68 163 41.72% 5:40 PM 63 163 38.65% 7:45 PM 120 163 73.62% 9:50 PM 63 163 38.65% Total 457 978 46.73% Total 59 163 36.20% Jul. 12 11:25 AM 49 163 30.06% Jul. 12 9:20 AM 21 163 12.88% 1:30 PM 5 163 3.07% 3:35 PM 29 163 17.79% 5:40 PM 19 163 11.66% 7:45 PM 120 163 73.62% 9:50 PM 99 163 60.74% 11:55 PM 11 163 6.75% Total 332 1141 29.10% Total 21 163 12.88% English seems to be the main preference at this theater. Very good ticket sales. Over at UA, Cityplaza has some great news to report. Cityplaza Monsters University 3D Can. Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Jul. 11 9:00 AM 162 277 58.48% 11:10 AM 103 277 37.18% 1:20 PM 90 277 32.49% 3:30 PM 160 277 57.76% 5:40 PM 139 277 50.18% 7:50 PM 156 277 56.32% 10:00 PM 30 277 10.83% Total 840 1939 43.32% Jul. 12 9:00 AM 120 277 43.32% 11:10 AM 47 277 16.97% 1:20 PM 61 277 22.02% 3:30 PM 73 277 26.35% 5:40 PM 94 277 33.94% 7:50 PM 153 277 55.23% 10:00 PM 73 277 26.35% Total 621 1939 32.03% Jul. 13 9:00 AM 210 277 75.81% 11:10 AM 136 277 49.10% 1:20 PM 150 277 54.15% 3:30 PM 200 277 72.20% 5:40 PM 184 277 66.43% 7:50 PM 145 277 52.35% 10:00 PM 77 277 27.80% Total 1102 1939 56.83% Jul. 14 9:00 AM 219 277 79.06% 11:10 AM 168 277 60.65% 1:20 PM 175 277 63.18% 5:40 PM 143 277 51.62% 7:50 PM 129 277 46.57% 10:00 PM 40 277 14.44% Total 874 1662 52.59% 4-day total 3437 7479 45.96% Cityplaza becomes the first theater to sell 1,000 Monsters University tickets on any day. Huge weekend morning showings with both more than 75% booked. Langham Place Monsters University 3D Can. Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Jul. 11 9:00 AM 128 202 63.37% 11:10 AM 109 202 53.96% 1:20 PM 107 202 52.97% 3:30 PM 133 202 65.84% 5:40 PM 126 202 62.38% 7:50 PM 147 202 72.77% 8:00 PM 144 202 71.29% 10:00 PM 123 202 60.89% Total 1017 1616 62.93% Jul. 12 9:00 AM 95 202 47.03% 11:10 AM 61 202 30.20% 1:20 PM 58 202 28.71% 3:30 PM 86 202 42.57% 5:40 PM 92 202 45.54% 7:50 PM 151 202 74.75% 8:00 PM 142 202 70.30% 10:00 PM 113 202 55.94% Total 798 1616 49.38% Jul. 13 9:00 AM 132 202 65.35% 11:10 AM 133 202 65.84% 1:20 PM 125 202 61.88% 3:30 PM 148 202 73.27% 5:40 PM 143 202 70.79% 7:50 PM 136 202 67.33% 10:00 PM 116 202 57.43% Total 933 1414 65.98% Jul. 14 9:00 AM 147 202 72.77% 11:10 AM 156 202 77.23% 1:20 PM 116 202 57.43% 3:30 PM 128 202 63.37% 5:40 PM 127 202 62.87% 7:50 PM 131 202 64.85% 10:00 PM 64 202 31.68% Total 869 1414 61.46% 4-day total 3617 6060 59.69% Langham Place is doing exceptionally well. Opening day is over 60% full and has sold over 1,000 tickets. Amazing. I especially like how Sunday night's 7:50 PM showing is beating Sunday afternoon's showings. Its 4-day of showings combined is almost 60% full. Wonderful news. Moving to Palace APM now and it is the only theater to release more than 1 screen of ticketing for Monsters University. * This is not the full day showings for Monsters University. All showings will be listed tomorrow. Palace APM Monsters University 3D Can. Monsters University Can. Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Jul. 11 9:05 AM 37 167 22.16% Jul. 11 11:55 AM 80 112 71.43% 9:50 AM 57 112 50.89% 11:40 AM 117 286 40.91% 1:15 PM 6 167 3.59% 2:00 PM 23 112 20.54% 3:20 PM 13 167 7.78% 4:05 PM 24 112 21.43% 5:25 PM 13 167 7.78% 6:10 PM 43 112 38.39% 7:30 PM 82 167 49.10% 8:15 PM 84 112 75.00% 9:35 PM 50 167 29.94% 11:40 PM 6 167 3.59% Total 555 2015 27.54% Total 80 112 71.43% Extremely good for Monsters University here. This is doing twice the business of what Man of Steel did 3 days in advance. At Olympian City, pre-sales are hard to come by. Olympian City Monsters University 3D Can. Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Jul. 11 9:20 AM 65 265 24.53% 11:25 AM 104 265 39.25% 1:30 PM 28 265 10.57% 3:35 PM 43 265 16.23% 5:40 PM 28 265 10.57% 7:45 PM 142 265 53.58% 9:50 PM 53 265 20.00% Total 463 1855 24.96% Jul. 12 9:20 AM 10 265 3.77% 11:25 AM 44 265 16.60% 1:30 PM 14 265 5.28% 3:35 PM 26 265 9.81% 5:40 PM 20 265 7.55% 7:45 PM 141 265 53.21% 9:50 PM 81 265 30.57% Total 336 1855 18.11% But Monsters University is looking strong as well. This is doing great all around.
  18. Sorry, this is for opening weekend only. I should have specified. Have you seen The Walking Dead?
  19. OW tracking for the rest of summer:Pacific Rim - $1.7mThe Wolverine - $1.4mSDU: Sex Duties Unit - $1mThe Smurfs - $1.2mThe Lone Ranger - $500,000The Heat - $425,000The Way We Dance - $260,000Kick-Ass 2 - $450,000The Midas Touch - $300,000Percy Jackson 2 - $800,000The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones - $650,000The Internship - $125,000The one I'm most worried about is The Lone Ranger. It still has no HK poster and release date has only been confirmed in the past week. ___________________________________________ I can't decide between these 7 in the poll:Cloud Atlas Silver Linings Playbook Gangster Squad Pee Mak Phra Khanong Warm Bodies Now You See Me World War Z
  20. July 4 Weekend Actuals1. Despicable Me 2 - $1,413,243 (opening weekend actual)2. Blind Detective - $825,251 (opening weekend actual)3. Man of Steel - $3,783,2644. World War Z - $4,945,0645. Epic - $794,3046. Midsummer Formula - $538,9927. Now You See Me - $3,308,744Badges of Fury - $121,208Searching for Sugar Man - $176,655A Story of Yonosuke - $10,960 (opening weekend actual)Everything increased from estimates. Despicable Me 2 had a very good opening weekend. Excellent for Blind Detective. Man of Steel is not doing that great. World War Z keeps on impressing. Epic brushes off Midsummer Formula for 5th. Midsummer Formula won't make even half of Suspect X. Now You See Me did great.
  21. Pacific Rim IMAX: It's currently doing well here. So far, fastest selling showtimes are about 20-25% full. Ticket prices are the same as Man of Steel for some reason. Is Warner Bros. deliberately setting higher prices just so it can try and beat Monsters University? That's pathetic if it's true. There's no justification for any surcharge and it is under the runtime required for an extra surcharge. They can try and slap a blockbuster charge on it but as we've seen in the past, people will ignore films with high ticket prices.Warner Bros. has not been having a very good year so far. Outside of Cloud Atlas (which got a late release), The Great Gatsby and Jack the Giant Slayer (only OK), all of their films have flopped or massively underperformed.
  22. Sunday July 7 Rank Movie LW TW WKD % chg QD % chg 1 Despicable Me 2 9,680 38,052 +293.1% +13.3% 2 Blind Detective 5,502 26,380 +379.5% +4.3% 3 Man of Steel 51,118 20,557 -59.8% -9.5% 4 World War Z 23,908 14,522 -39.3% +1.7% 5 Epic 14,655 8,502 -42.0% +39.0% 6 Midsummer Formula 13,036 6,521 -50.0% -8.0% 7 Now You See Me 8,930 6,304 -29.4% +6.5% 8 A Story of Yonosuke -- 436 -- -22.1% 9 Searching for Sugar Man -- 347 -- -- 10 Miracle in Cell No. 7 594 345 -41.9% -10.2% Weekend adm. Jul 4-7 Rank Movie LW TW % chg 1 Despicable Me 2 17,128 105,714 +517.2% 2 Blind Detective 10,048 81,072 +706.8% 3 Man of Steel 165,091 71,380 -56.8% 4 World War Z 80,981 46,729 -42.3% 5 Midsummer Formula 25,818 23,252 -9.9% 6 Now You See Me 32,635 21,773 -33.3% 7 Epic 39,258 20,779 -47.1% 8 Tales from the Dark Pt. 1 -- 2,131 -- 9 A Story of Yonosuke -- 1,562 -- 10 Miracle in Cell No. 7 2,025 1,193 -41.1% Weekend Estimates July 4 Rank Movie TW % chg Total 1 Despicable Me 2 $1,090,000 +259.7% $1,393,000 2 Man of Steel $725,000 -64.8% $3,705,000 3 Blind Detective $630,000 +325.7% $778,000 4 World War Z $455,000 -49.4% $4,918,000 5 Midsummer Formula $164,000 -12.5% $530,000 July 4 Weekend Estimates
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