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Posts posted by Ozymandias

  1. Anyone else notice the theater they drove by had Matchstick Men and Underworld playing when the world went to shit?  Nice little detail I appreciated, I saw both of those at the theater in 2003!


    On 2/5/2023 at 10:18 PM, MrPink said:

    Might as well quit already



    I don't usually quit a show once I've started and this show isn't nearly bad enough for me to think about doing that.  So far imo there have been 2 good episodes(1 & 2) and 2 middling ones(3 being filler and 4 just meh) and things really look like they're gonna get back on track with episode 5 if the preview is anything to go by. 

  2. lmao


    At this point the Chinese foreign ministry should just come out with something like "the balloon seems to be causing you much distress so feel free to shoot it down so you can calm down." then sit back and watch as we neither shoot it down nor calm down.


  3. I've never played the game and never even heard of THE LAST OF US before the trailers came out for this so I'm approaching this show as a normie not coming into this with any pre-concieved notions or expectations.  So far I'd say the first two episodes were just about above average post-apocalyptic zombie fare(not particularly better than early Walking Dead) before jarringly veering off dramatically in tone and pace with a sad love story in episode 3.


    Tbh I was bored out of my skull for most of it.  There is an urge not to go too hard on it because of the amusing gay panic from homophobes on twitter, but I don't get why we needed to slam on the brakes and have this hour long flash back montage of a sad love story between these 2 dudes who are now DEAD.  So what was the point? It would be a lot different if say Bill was joining the cast and his tragic backstory haunted him for days/months to come—something to build off of in later episodes.  But nope, he was a paranoid survivalist, brought in a stranger, they had a miraculous relationship with very little conflict besides one of them getting sick, and then they died.  I may be in the minority on this but I thought this was a terrible episode for my post-apocalyptic action/horror zombie show.

  4. On 1/5/2023 at 3:10 PM, Torontofan said:

    I think the big issue is the show sort of made an enemy of the tolkien fanbase. 


    I think the Tolkien fandom and people in general would've been more receptive to Rings of Power if it was actually well made on a basic film making level, its remarkably similar to the Star Wars prequels in that the writing, direction, and performances all range from flat to just terrible with often atrocious dialogue.  Would people have actually cared about Midichlorians in The Phantom Menace if that movie was actually great? Probably not, or at least not nearly as much. 


    Also, like the Star Wars prequels, outside of some good establishing shots ROP is ugly as shit, its like all the positive reviews are trying to have something positive to say by constantly reminding us of the price tag and the 'amazing visuals.'  Its overly lit and the costume designs/sets often look exactly like that, costumes/sets.  One of the things PJ's Lord of the Rings trilogy and even HBO's Game of Thrones(and by extension House of the Dragon) did extremely well is that they went out of their way to make these worlds feel like real history that could've actually existed at one point thousands of years ago.  In Rings of Power, we get scenes like Galadriel stepping onto a boat in slow motion for 20 seconds with blaring music playing while the Numenorean soldiers kids in plastic rubber Halloween costumes look on in awe.


    Amazon and its defenders like to say that Rings of Power has been attacked by unreasonable bigots(some of which is true) and 'Tolkien purists', so much so that they've seemingly gone all in on it as a defensive marketing strategy(probably because they know its dull as shit and there's nothing else to talk about but I digress).  You can hardly read a damn thing about this show anywhere without the articles bringing up 'most expensive show evah!' that was 'unfairly attacked/trolled/review bombed' by opportunistic bigots.  Like yeah, obviously there's some of that but the marketing of successful shows and interviews of its producers/actors don't entirely focus on this kind of shit. 


    Whenever I see something Rings of Power related trending on twitter still its usually obvious 'multi-fandom' & 'shipping' bots or people who've somehow been tricked into thinking a sleazy trillion dollar company's cynical billion dollar money making venture is some kind of noble cause in the fight against extremism.


    I won't be watching Season 2 because Tolkien's meticulous legendarium is something I actually care a lot about and I don't want to get annoyed and make more posts like this(which I've probably already made too many of), but I have a feeling its gonna be the laughing stock of the 2020's if it makes it to 5 seasons with the same producers/showrunners in charge.

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  5. As always with Ridley Scott his films usually succeed or fail at the script level so I will be cautiously optimistic about this.  Given the duel in The Last Duel I think at the very least the arena fights in Gladiator 2 will be wild.


    Napoleon is supposedly really good which boosts confidence and its rumored to have a very fitting Cannes premiere.  It is annoying though how Apple hasn't show anything of it yet along with Killers of the Flower Moon(one of my other most anticipated films of the year) because it seems like Apple doesn't start advertising their content until like the last minute?  Fucking lame.


    Edit:  Also, will Gladiator 2 be PG-13 or R?  Just lol if its the former.

  6. Gina Carano was given many chances, all she had to do was get off twitter.  It takes a special kind of idiot to kicked off a Star Wars gig.


    Oh and just lol if this fool gets to stay after beating up women and just being an obnoxious shithead in general.

  7. 3 hours ago, Deep Wang said:


    I would wait to see more audience scores before I declare a victory here lol.  This is def good news for me, but horror auds are notoriously fickle and they still might hate it.


    Malignant got 76% critics and 52% audience and a C Cinemascore. 


    thats because Malignant was dogshit until the last 15 minutes


    20 minutes ago, Ronin46 said:




    00s Biel...



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