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Posts posted by Ozymandias

  1. Hahaha oh man one of these!  This is the content I crave.



    6 hours ago, Maggie said:

    wtf is wrong with Variety







    5 hours ago, Eric Toretto said:

    If Star Wars nerds actually grew up and realized Last Jedi was the bomb diggity, none of this would have ever happened. It's insane how much that one movie has damaged our blockbuster culture into being the most sterile and generic it's ever been.


    While I think that was a mess of a movie, I'll agree that Hollywood definitely took the wrong lessons from it.


    3 hours ago, SoSaysI said:

    This should be the nail in Kathleen Kennedy’s coffin if reviews continue down this path and it isn’t successful. 


    At this point Kathleen Kennedy isn't going anywhere unless shes forcibly dragged away kicking and screaming.


  2. The second half of this season has some plot issues/contrivances(didn't care for the Borg that much in this) but it gets all the TNG characters right and most of the emotional stuff lands which makes up for it.  The TNG cast play off of each other so damn well and it really gave me the feels and even emotional in some parts because TNG is one of the greatest TV shows ever made and a huge part of me growing up.


    Imagine if this was Season 1 and the following Seasons were just as good or better, Star Trek: Picard might've been one of the most watched TV shows today.


    I think Hollywood in general could learn a LOT from Star Trek: Picard Season 3.   Stop trying to subvert and reinvent famous/popular IP's by turning them into depressing, obnoxious, current year focus-group pandering bullshit with shit writers that couldn't write real people or engaging stories if their lives depended on it.

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  3. On 4/19/2023 at 11:09 PM, Mojoguy said:

    It's crazy how quick MeToo and Cancel Culture is. Sure if Majors is guilty punish him, but he deserves his day in court before his career is blown up.


    Reminds me how quickly James Gunn got fired. Of course his stupid tweets were less of a crime than assault.


    lol consequences for violent crime and beating up women is not 'cancel culture'  Its not like Jonathan Majors made some controversial political statement or something


    And yes, Ezra Miller should be canned too.

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  4. On 4/17/2023 at 6:04 PM, excel1 said:

    Why are people writing off Ron so fast politically? He would obliterate Trump on national stage. Not that I would ever vote for him, but be serious. Trump can't win, Ron can, its an easy sell. 


    Lol Trump will turn DeSantis into 'Liddle Marco' 2.0


    And elect-ability doesn't matter to Trump, his fans, or GOP primary voters(about 40% of which are never leaving Trump).  To them its all about talking shit, owning the libs, the media, and rah-rah MAGA.  Trump is a moron and I suspect a lot of his fans know it, but he is an unfiltered/unscripted brawler and thats what they love about him.


    5 hours ago, John Marston said:

    Disney is 100% going to fire him. They are just waiting until GOTG 3 opens to avoid giving any negative headlines to Marvel before a big release 



    lol why is this douche doing that face in like every picture

  5. 38 minutes ago, grim22 said:

    I think it's pretty inevitable that a sequel with the original trio will happen within the next 5 years. 15-20 years is pretty much the right nostalgia line where the original fans can take their kids to the theater. The 3 actors alone will cost like 60M+ to the budget before anything else but that's probably the most worthwhile investment ever.


    Two different sets of actors playing the same characters in the same IP in different projects at the same time would be funny but that's where we're headed in what has become such an overly franchise dependent industry.  It's already happening soon with Amazon and WB in their dueling Tolkien content.

  6. So Google says the first Harry Potter book is 336 pages.  How do you make a whole season of Television out of that?  The Hobbit is 300 pages, and we saw what happened when they tried to make a 9 hour movie trilogy out of that and I'm assuming HBO/WB is going to want an 8-10 hour season of TV.  Are they just gonna make a bunch of shit up?  I honestly don't care how this turns out as I don't care about Harry Potter, but how they're gonna go about this is curious.


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  7. Sometime back when Captain Marvel came out, Brie Larson put her foot in her mouth onstage at one of those events(I don't know which one it was as I don't watch any of those things) about 'white film critics' prompting chuddy griftube to do what they do best and waaaaaaay overreact for outrage hate-clicks and make her public enemy #1.  Ever since, shes been their favorite pinjata, some of those accounts literally have like 100s of videos about Brie Larson lmao.

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