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Everything posted by Eraserhead

  1. Not really a great Father's Day movie, especially compared to MOS and STID.
  2. Just got home from work. There were definitely a lot of fathers and sons going to MOS today at my theater.
  3. The DC fanboy in me wants this to get the June OW record (even though Toy Story 3 was a better movie than this).
  4. Just got home. So I see it looks like we all got a little ahead of ourselves last night? Oh well, still a fantastic start for this.
  5. Abrams can console himself with the fact that his movie was a lot better than MOS or IM3, qualitatively speaking.
  6. The reviews aren't even bad. They're just extremely mixed (yet still slightly more positive than negative). Come to think of it, they actually mirror my own feelings on the film pretty well.
  7. Honestly, it had a better understanding of who the character is deep down than this movie did (at least imo). Of course, on the action front, this movie murders it. Both movies have their strengths and weaknesses.
  8. Well, I personally don't think the legs will be that nice... but stranger things have happened.
  9. I don't know, I have to re-watch it but I may have liked Superman Returns better than this one. Both of them have a lot of problems but I also liked both of them overall.
  10. Yeah, unless all of these numbers we're getting right now are somehow bogus, this thing is going to crush 300 M domestic. If it has really nice legs, we could be talking about 400 M imo.
  11. Yeah, Goyer kind of blew it in a couple of scenes that I sort of need to block out of my memory. Maybe if Jonah Nolan had co-wrote it with him it would have been better.
  12. Unless this has extremely terrible WOM, I can't really see how this doesn't "fly" (yuck-yuck-yuck) past 300M.
  13. MOS's OD could beat Watchmen's OW (which was actually more than half of its domestic total IIRC).
  14. It'll be interesting to see what WOM is like, if it's extremely positive (and the current projections hold up) it could have a good shot at beating Iron Man 3 domestically. I think it'll be too mixed to pull that off though.
  15. My theater is selling out like crazy now. All of the 2D shows and even some 3D ones. I'm in upstate New York.
  16. Competition is good for everyone. Marvel is probably happy about this. Still waiting for WB/DC to make a great film that doesn't star Batman though (in terms of quality). This was just good (with some serious problems)... they're getting there though.
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