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Everything posted by Eraserhead

  1. Yeah, makes very little sense to me. I wonder what the song supposedly playing on repeat in his place was though?
  2. My thoughts exactly.Redfirebird might have a point about the nurse scene in TDK, although it feels like a stretch...
  3. Every lowlife on earth knows The Joker has green hair, not red. So not really buying the report about him trying to be The Joker yet.
  4. Also, this is admittedly pretty trivial, but it kind of annoys me how almost everyone is still reporting the obviously wrong $27 m number for the midnights.
  5. Umm... why would he dye his hair red if he was supposed to be The Joker? Doesn't make sense.
  6. $30.64 is a great midnight number. Potter's OD could fall (assuming the shooting doesn't have a bigger negative impact than I'm anticipating on its initial BO). 100 million OD probably won't happen though.
  7. If this guy loved Batman so much wouldn't he have wanted to have seen the movie before he shot up the place?
  8. Sheesh, CNN.com headline is: BATMAN MOVIE MASSACRE. Assholes.
  9. The idea of pulling the movie is ridiculous and not going to happen. If they did pull it though, I wouldn't really care that much, I already saw it.
  10. Any effect the shooting will have on the box office will probably come out to a wash or a near wash.As someone who works at a theater though, it's certainly not news I'm enjoying hearing about... very sad and scary indeed.
  11. Exactly what I was thinking.As someone who works as an usher, this movie looks like a nightmare. It's pretty hard to imagine many people going to it in reality though. Maybe it'll bring in a few heads here and there. The colors... the colors.
  12. Pixar might have two rotten movies in a row after years of nothing but fresh films? Interesting. I actually thought the trailers for this looked pretty good.
  13. My theater was totally dead during the day today. Definitely picked up at night but I'd be surprised if this still hits 100 million for the weekend. We'll see what tomorrow is like though.Note: We had very nice weather here, so I'm sure that was a factor.
  14. At least TDK will definitely keep its non-holiday Monday crown then. We have to let the old champ keep something...
  15. Anyone have a rough idea how The Avengers compares to TDK in terms of OW admissions/attendance?
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