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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. Anybody else think they used "Old Spock" in the dumbest way possible?
  2. Watched this last night with some of my friends who are huge Cumberbatch fanboys. Solid first half but second half rapidly begins to lose steam until movie (and villain) goes out with a whimper. For some reason, I couldn't connect to the emotional scenes like "the death scene", probably because of the weak script. Khan was not used properly, which is the biggest flaw of the film, considering they chose to make Cumberbatch the focal point of the marketing over the Enterprise crew. Anyone who thinks he is a more memorable villain than the Mandarin is just deluding themselves, sorry. Also, didn't care for the twist with the Admiral. The Enterprise crew were fun as expected, especially Pegg and Pine. Effects were good but at points some alien make-up looked corny like the primitive albino race shown at the beginning. Alice Eve is hot. That's it.
  3. Buffy thinks she died twice because the timeline was reset to the main one once Giles destroyed Anya's Vengeance Demon pendant, so nobody remembered anything that happened in Cordelia's "wish world". And the fact that all the Scoobies ended up killing each other in the alternate timeline because they were on opposite sides of good and evil and never had the opportunity to form the bonds that they did in the main timeline was what made that episode so poignant and powerful. It was a dark and twisted take on "It's a Wonderful Life".
  4. I onwy speak the twuth! I ONWY SPEAK THE TWUTH!
  5. The thing that annoys me about Maguire's acting is that "Tobey is good at only playing Tobey". He got lucky that he had many good movies where the roles were tailor-made for his very limited skills like Pleasantville and The Ice Storm. The tragic thing is Peter Parker is a character who in comics is closer to a more layered and charming Holden Caulfied than the characters (or character) Tobey plays. But in the movies, Peter was written in such a way so as to cater to Maguire's strengths, which aren't many. Meaning the character immediately lost all of his more fascinating nuances to become a rather run of the mill "nerd with a heart of gold" trope example. I see why some people will be satisfied with that, but for me it just isn't enough, especially since I grew up with Peter Parker and all of his complexities. And when Tobey was required to stretch out the character in the sequels, he failed miserably IMO. Tobey only gets a free pass because he plays inoffensive dweeby characters. You don't feel like bashing the guy because the guy doesn't seem capable of bashing anybody back. But mediocrity has to be called out regardless.
  6. The Season 3 episode with the "alternate timeline" created by Anya based on Cordelia's wish that Buffy never came to Sunnydale. God that was a brilliant episode!!
  7. I assume Fox's movie rights cover live action tv rights too, otherwise we would have had heard something about the subject from Feige or Marvel.
  8. Naah I think it's just an Easter Egg. Remember that Whedon wanted to put Oscorp Tower in the NY skyline for Avengers too.
  9. ^Aah TDK. The reason I started lurking at BOM in the Summer of 2008! Memories!
  10. I loved it. And yeah, it is an incredibly subjective thing. There were heavy Bollywood influences as well, like the celebration of everything OTT, which just wouldn't click with many Western cultures and sensibilities.
  11. That was the whole point of the movie. These tragic beings trying to find a semblance of truth, freedom, love and real beauty amidst the orgy of madness and oppression.
  12. This. Is the 3D any good? When I watched a trailer for it in front of Jack the Giant Slayer earlier this year, the most impressive things in 3D were the Art Deco inspired motifs and designs adorning the credits, instead of the actual scenes from the movie.
  13. Whoa, you found it better than Moulin Rouge!? Gotta check this out now!
  14. Wasn't there a STID Over IM3 thread floating around?
  15. Wouldn't ST09 numbers or sub ST09 numbers be considered a huge disappointment for STID though?
  16. Uh, I am pretty sure expecting it to make 200m DOM weren't exactly "high hopes". And TS3 releasing just the year before is relevant as Pixar is the studio which is most recognized by the GA as a unique brand of its own. The immense goodwill generated by Up and TS3 should have worked wonders for Cars 2 if it hadn't been so shitty.
  17. Not an out and out bomb but a disappointment in that it won't come close to TH2.
  18. It is telling that Pixar's lowest grosser in years succeeded its highest grosser ever though. What does that tell about Cars 2?
  19. True. Or ParaNorman. That little movie took me completely by surprise with its unexpected brilliance!
  20. I don't see Hangover 3 coming close to its predecessor considering the competition involved. I also see STID being a one-week film with a disappointing run. So I see those two being the biggest disappointments, if not outright bombs ala DS and Battleship last year. AE may end up surprising with a decent OW and run. Never underestimate Will power and M. Night, despite his record critic wise, only has one true bomb in "The Lady in the Water" so far.
  21. Pixar and animated movies were on a roll in 2010, with Pixar's pinnacle and highest earner ever in TS3. Cars 2 managed to squander away 80% of the goodwill TS3 and its predecessors earned for Pixar, that was its power of crapiness.
  22. Only because that year (2011) sucked ridiculously for animated movies. The previous year had 5 animated movies make it to 200m DOM and beyond and 2011 had 0 animated movies reach 200m!
  23. It really is an enjoyable movie that deserves all the $$ that it got. Not an awards-worthy flick and weaker than its predecessor but still loads and loads of fun and one that I can watch again and again and again, without getting tired.
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