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Everything posted by Sam

  1. There's a lot of showings for all movies in that theater though, so I can see why sell outs are not quite there.
  2. Wow, that's disappointing. But both TGG and IM3 has 1 sell out though, so yay?
  3. Yeah, I watched both ST and IM3 in 2D, so I wouldn't know how the 3D is. I say it's a bitch cause people seem to actively avoiding it, like I do, hence hardly any sell outs 3D is just not for me. If it can be good like Avatar and Life of Pi, then I'm in. Otherwise, I have generally given up on it at this point.
  4. Damn, Peeples is not selling out today, after that phenomenal 200%+ Friday jump?
  5. If IM3 can jump close to 70% today, it'll be fantastic. Here's hoping
  6. I just love that movie so much!!! It makes me sad every time I think about its BO run
  7. Okay, so I finally saw it. Overall, I liked it, though not as much as ST09. Let's see: What is good: - The actions. There are very good action scenes, beautifully executed, definitely a step up from ST09. - The crew. What drawn me to ST09 was the great interactions and chemistry between the Enterprise crew members. They maintain that here. In STiD, everyone has their moments to shine. I especially love the bantering Kirk-Bones as well as the contrasting yet magnetic chemistry between Kirk and Spock. Uhura and Sulu are badasses. Chekov is endearing in his earnestness. Scotty is funny. - The acting are solid all around, with Quinto's Spock as the stand out for me. Cumberbatch is quite mesmerizing, he has his good moments, but I agree with a few here, definitely let down by the script, I'll elaborate more on that later. - Abrams directions. Just like with ST09, I think JJ manage to build on what is a weak script, making the movie quite engaging regardless of the thinly written plot. What doesn't work for me: - The character of Carol Marcus. I feel that her inclusion is unnecessary. Apart from the eye-candy (not for me) I see no purpose in her character. - Benedict Cumberbatch's Khan. Like I said, I think Cumberbatch is a good actor, and he's mesmerizing in some instances, but the way his character is written, not so much. By recommendations of members on this forum, I watched WOK just 2 days ago. I know that it's not totally fair to compare the two versions of the character, especially in Trek, when things are not of the same time line, but I gotta say, Montalban's Khan is a greater character and definitely better written: more intelligent, enchanting, charismatic in a batshit crazy way. The way Khan is written in this, he seemed almost...robotic, for lack of a better word. His motivations are not quite compelling enough for his actions. This is weird, but when I watched Khan here, for some reasons, I feel like I'm watching an angrier, more worked up version of Severus Snape. Overall though, Benedict Cumberbatch still worked wonders with what little he's given. The acting is good, but the character of Khan just doesn't wow me the way Montalban's Khan did. - I agree with some of Gopher's points in his review about the script. It's quite weak. And the plot is messy in some parts too. Quick note: Kirk's death scene is good and emotional, his friendship's growth with Spock is shown. I don't have a problem with what some refers to as "cop-out" ending but I understand why it felt flat for some, and I think the reason is because of the well-executed death scene preceding it. All in all, despite the weak script and some grips I had as described above, I think the movie is good, technically well-made, with good characters moments, chemistry, and interactions. If I was to rate it as a sequel, in comparison with ST09, I'd given it a B. However, if I was to rate it base on my enjoyment of the movie (I guess this is the part where bias and/or emotional attachment comes into play) I'd given it an B+/A-
  8. Oh wow, so it's true Pretty stupid and ignorant of the guy to make those kinds of comments
  9. Wow, lots of Jackie Chan and Stephen Chow's movies in the top 25. No surprise though. But I heard somewhere that Jackie Chan is not that well-liked over there in HK? Guess it was just rumors. And yay for A Better Tomorrow. Great movie As for this week, Trek is doing good while IM3 has a great hold Thanks for the report Bluebomb
  10. Usually, there's no Sat numbers. They just use the Friday numbers to extrapolate weekend gross. They might update the weekend estimates, but no break downs. We only get Sat and Sun numbers thanks to Rth.
  11. I don't think we did. You should make one My first post in that thread will be simple, One word: Leo
  12. Here's Juni update: So, yes, it should be over 4M for the weekend.unless something drastic happened
  13. I just check my answers and I think I did okay aside from the Dom questions for Trek. Maybe 9 or 10 out of 15. Here's hoping for better, especially the IM3 bonus
  14. Where's TA on the top grossing movies in Malaysia?
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