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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Zodiac and The Social Network are Fincher's best for me. Then Fight Club, Seven and Panic Room. I enjoyed The Game too. The rest are ok.
  2. Times like this make me miss firedeep. With all his over predictions and pessimisms. He's such a nice guy too.
  3. Rth gonna use those confusing as fuck comics covers again, just to have fun and mess with us. I want that. I look forward to it.
  4. But that would be more interesting than it's going up I mean, I would seriously fear for the sanity of some here, but still...
  5. I wouldn't say stupid either. There's the overzealous and unreasonable fanboys. And then there's the opportunistic fellas.
  6. I still found it weird that people found a 50yo Marisa Tomei too young to be someone's aunt. Hot or not (and she's damn hot) have nothing to do with her age.
  7. It's cool that you apologize. I also apologize for coming strong about it I don't begrudge you for writing the name wrongly, it's more of the matter being sensitive and ignorant in nature, and seeing it repeated across posts got to me.
  8. Dude, seriously? On top of being ignorant about the actor playing the role (like wow, all black actors must look the same, huh?), you can't even spell the name of the actor you confused him with right.
  9. Yeah, barring change of mind upon subsequent viewings, I feel the same. The ending feel bittersweet but somehow too soon, too little yet too much at the same time (if that makes sense lol) Though the ending scene did give us that funny payoff for the joke Tony set up earlier, so I won't complaint....much. I'll try.
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