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Everything posted by Noctis

  1. Jurassic Park, Aliens, Indiana Jones, Prisoner of Azkaban, Deathly Hallows 2, The Dark Knight, Pirates: Curse of the Black Pearl, Super 8, District 9, Inglorious Basterds, Finding Nemo, Wall-E, Inception, Iron Man 1, Spider-Man 2, Saving Private Ryan, Forrest Gump, Signs, The Sixth Sense, and more would all like to laugh their asses off at you. How could The Avengers be the best? You really think it tops all those films?
  2. Chris Evans is really handsome, and looked good in the film.Also, didn't anyone else think the woman who was always with Samuel Jackson fucking gorgeous? Beautiful, beautiful woman.
  3. It's hilarious, sure. It has some really good action scenes, but some overlong ones. So now this has the best action scene of ALL time? Honestly? Entertainment value is decent.
  4. Hemsworth looked like Tarzan, and I mean that in the worst way possible.
  5. My biggest qualm with The Avengers is that there's barely a time to breathe. When people said it has a lot of action sequences, I honestly didn't expect it to be like this.
  6. How the fuck can people say that The Avengers is the best summer blockbuster film is absolutely beyond me.
  7. The things I didn't like about Iron Man 2 were Favreau and Samuel Jackson.The third act of Iron Man 2 is so much more thrilling than the first, and although the firs two acts are not as good as the first, they are still enjoyable and there was some really good character development for Stark with his father's story. The film isn't as charming as the first, but it's a very fun blockbuster film.
  8. I like Iron Man 2. Yes, you heard it right, bitches. I LIKE IRON MAN 2. I LIKE IT QUITE A BIT.
  9. E.T is an incredibly overrated film. I thought the kids were utterly atrocious, and the moon scene was barely enjoyable. The kid's first kiss when he stands on the belly of the fat guy is pretty fucking awesome, though.
  10. It seems to me that Ecstasy is the only one who can't handle the swearing. I admit, and I apologize that my words might have been too graphic and excessive. Just don't accuse me of things I don't do.
  11. Oh, dear, an ass? Which is why I was being labeled a troll for not liking the film? Right? Second of all, sweetheart, I never made it seem like this was my own personal background where I can throw my little "bitchass hissy fits and expect nobody not to react to them." No respect for others? Really? Which is why I was attacked for saying Avengers was decent, but nothing more?
  12. Where's Ecstasy? Come on, woman, answer me. I should get banned because I called you a grandma? Get over yourself. I don't care if you're a grown woman with a daughter, but don't talk down to me like that and make it seem like you're some righteous elf from the North Pole.
  13. Oh, dear, a jerk? How will I ever go on? Stop acting like a saint and trying to paint me in a terrible light. You honestly make it sound like I'm some kind of drug dealer that attacked you in an isolated alley. Calling you a grandma warrants a ban?
  14. Ugh, Emma's acting in that scene was ridiculous. Fucking eyebrow spasms galore.
  15. People enjoyed the film. Did I EVER say otherwise? No, so shut the fuck up. It's gonna shatter records, and I'm not going to care one single bit because it was a decent and entertaining film for the most part, but nothing more. I'm not throwing a tantrum. You sensitive pussies are calling me a troll for not enjoying the film as much as you guys.
  16. How the fuck am I a troll and deserve to get banned for not deep-throating Avenger's dick like a porn star?
  17. So IM1 and SM2 couldn't muster even an OUNCE of the wit, action, or character. Funny, most people here would tell you the character development in IM1 and SM2 is far better than The Avengers.
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