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What Should Have Won Best Picture?

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Picked from Nominees only.



2000 - Erin Brockovitch

2001 - The Fellowship of the Ring (one of the biggest "mistakes" ever!)

2002 - The Pianist

2003 - The Return of the King

2004 - Finding Neverland

2005 - Brokeback Mountain

2006 - Departed

2007 - No Country for Old Men

2008 - Frost/Nixon

2009 - The Hurt Locker

2010 - The King's Speech

2011 - The Help

2012 - Argo

2013 - Gravity

Edited by ShouldIBeHere
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1998 - Saving Private Ryan - obvious winner here1999 - The Green Mile2000 - Gladiator or Cast Away. Both are excellent2001 - FOTR2002 - Road to Perdition, Catch Me if you Can or Minority Report. They were all better than Chicago2003 - ROTK - the franchise deserved the oscar at some point. 2004 - Million Dollar Baby2005 - King Kong2006 - The Departed2007 - No Country, There will be Blood and zodiac were all worthy.2008 - TDK - no Wall E definitely shouldn't have won guys.2009 - Inglorious Bastards or District 92010 - The Social Network. I didn't mind The King's Speech winning, fair enough but it didn't deserve a best director win as well, that was finchers oscar.2011 - 50/50 - it was a poor year though 2012 - Django, Life of Pi and Zero Dark thirty were all more worthy than Argo2013 - Wolf of Wall Street. 12AS winning actually annoyed me, it's like they felt they had to give it the win given what type of film it was.

Edited by jessie
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1927: Metropolis

1928: Steamboat Bill, Jr. 

1929: The Man With a Movie Camera 

1930: All Quiet on the Western Front

1931: M

1932: Freaks 

1933: King Kong

1934: It Happened One Night

1935: Mutiny on the Bounty

1936: Modern Times 

1937: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 

1938: Bringing Up Baby

1939: The Wizard of Oz 

1940: The Grapes of Wrath 

1941: Citizen Kane

1942: Yankee Doodle Dandy 

1943: Casablanca

1944: Double Indemnity 

1945: The Lost Weekend 

1946: It's a Wonderful Life

1947: Miracle on 34th Street 

1948: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

1949: The Bicycle Thief 

1950: All About Eve 

1951: A Streetcar Named Desire

1952: Singin' in the Rain

1953: Roman Holiday 

1954: Seven Samurai 

1955: The Night of the Hunter

1956: The Searchers

1957: The Bridge on the River Kwai 

1958: Vertigo

1959: The 400 Blows 

1960: Psycho

1961: Breakfast at Tiffany's

1962: Lawrence of Arabia 

1963: The Great Escape

1964: Mary Poppins

1965: The Sound of Music

1966: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

1967: Cool Hand Luke

1968: Rosemary's Baby

1969: Midnight Cowboy 

1970: Patton 

1971: A Clockwork Orange 

1972: The Godfather

1973: The Exorcist 

1974: Blazing Saddles 

1975: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

1976: Network

1977: Star Wars

1978: The Deer Hunter

1979: Apocalypse Now 

1980: Raging Bull

1981: Raiders of the Lost Ark

1982: E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

1983: Scarface

1984: The Natural

1985: Back to the Future

1986: Stand by Me 

1987: Full Metal Jacket 

1988: The Thin Blue Line 

1989: Dead Poets Society

1990: Goodfellas 

1991: Beauty and the Beast 

1992: Unforgiven

1993: Schindler's List

1994: Pulp Fiction

1995: Toy Story

1996: Fargo

1997: L.A. Confidential

1998: Saving Private Ryan 

1999: Fight Club 

2000: Gladiator 

2001: Mulholland Drive

2002: The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers 

2003: The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King 

2004: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

2005: Wallace and Gromit - The Curse of the Were Rabbit (haven't seen Brokeback and this is honestly the best I've seen from 2005) 

2006: United 93 

2007: The Lives of Others

2008: The Dark Knight

2009: Up 

2010: The Social Network

2011: Midnight in Paris

2012: Life of Pi

2013: Gravity 

2014: Boyhood (haven't seen it yet) 

Edited by mahnamahna
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