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About ShouldIBeHere

  • Birthday May 5

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  1. A tedious movie... a chore to sit through despite good actors. The way of the narration annoyed me so much. It was never quite funny or clever... it tried to be and it showed. 3/10
  2. This was quite good... though it lacked a real climax and should have been braver in embracing an adult approach to the story. 7/10
  3. In hindsight this movie gave me the first inkling that I was gay... I was obsessed with Josh Hartnett for a while after watching this, lol. Really liked the attack scene and the music and I think it still holds up in those departments. This could have been a great war movie if a) not for the convoluted exposition and love story that made the unnecessary detour to England necessary and b) the heroic patriotism (though there are some scenes in which the Japanese side is at least somewhat humanized). Still not better than a C-
  4. That new trailer is good. When they start singing it was too much of a childhood-geek-moment to ignore.
  5. I have missed this thread when it initially relived the opening weeks. I have come back to this thread over and over again. It still gets me. I was 9, almost 10 when the movie released in Germany. I had become interested in the fate of Titanic when I was 8 - spellbound by a model of the ship I had built together with my Dad. I remember watching this haunting image of the sinking ship for hours which was on the cover of the model's box. My parents knew I was too young to watch it in Germany (it was PG-12 here). But they saw my real historic interest in the ship and I had already started to develop a strong interest in movies, books and stroy-telling in general. So they decided to try and go see it with me, convinced I could handle it. It worked out... the date was January 21st 1998. My father explained to a guy at our local theater why he should allow me to see it. The guy wanted to help but there was press at the theater that day. Due to the enormous success of the movie the theater showed a special matinee and the local newspaper was there to cover the event ("event" meant serving champagne before the movie and in a short intermission - leave it to the Germans to watch this movie in stlye). He finally let me and my parents in. To get me out of sight of the press the manager took me on a tour of the theater during intermission - which was great for 9-year-old-me. Both my family and I fell in love with the movie that day. Back then I was mostly interested in the scenes when the ship was the focus and not so much Leo&Kate (though I later started to appreciate the romance as well). I remember that half a year later I waited for my father until he came home from work, after he had promised me that he would get the VHS for me on his way home. I must have watched the sinking dozens of time in the months after and became more and more of an amateur expert on Titanic (the ship) and got interested in movie-making and acting (acting I still do until this day) more and more. That was also the time I read for the first time that some NZ-dude was going to make a movie out of my favourite book - LotR. So I would argue Titanic has remained the most influential movie I ever saw with a close runner-up being Fellowship of the Ring. And while at times I put FotR as my #1 of all time... it is Titanic in the end. One of the most rewatchable movies of all time - while going on for over 3 hours. What a masterpiece. For anyone interested in Titanic, the ship, visit https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/ and the project Titanic: Honor & Glory (those guys rebuild the Titanic down to incredible detail at the moment for a video game... on their YT channel is also an interesting real-time simulation of the sinking which takes into account some of the new theories about her plunge that have emerged since 1997).
  6. Gillian Anderson is apparently going to play Thatcher! The casting of this gets better and better. Coleman und Anderson in one room portraying those two women... Amazing.
  7. Well firstly there are much more movies made in NZ these days. Not just those by PJ and team. And secondly doing a smaller production now wouldn't prevent him from also planning a bigger one (like Dambusters).
  8. But since LotR their passion seemed to stand in the way of their projects. I regard them highly... but either fresh blood or a different scriptwriting team might help. Or simply doing something like "As Nature Made Him". Going more the "Heavenly Creature" path. Not a blockbuster.
  9. It isn't? Pity. That was breathtaking. I hope PJ will now finally make a movie out of As Nature Made Him. No spectacle... just drama. And that the script-writing team surrounding Jackson takes a break from the enxt projects...
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