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Box Office.com's Alphabet Book of Good Movies (A-Z Results Thread)

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Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen and Tarzan to Box Office.com's Story Time!


While usually our Story Time consists of me drunkenly ranting about my ex-wife (who may or may not exist), I've noticed that quality of spelling has seriously decreased on this forum, so instead, we're going to relearn our ABC's! And who better to lead us than I, the bust spuller on the plinet! 


(Note: All spelling/grammar mistakes from here on out are completely deliberate and part of the joke. *looks around shiftily*)

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On a more serious note, thank you everyone who voted and I hope you enjoy the list. You probably won't since it's mostly just me making many bad jokes, but that's life.


I'll post a full list of winners/entries here some time after it's all over. So enjoy!


And Tarzan, we love you really.

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The No 1 Number is 2001: A Space Odyssey (26 points- 8 Votes)

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Yes, Kubrick’s Sci-fi Masterpiece takes the first spot on this list, narrowly beating 12 Angry Men. Known as one of the Great Director’s most revolutionary works, this film has amazed many, bored others and confused the fuck out of pretty much everyone. Seriously, what was up with that Space Baby? Whatever it was, it was pretty as hell.



Runners Up

2. 12 Angry men: 21 Points- 7 Votes

3. 12 Monkeys: 14 Points- 4 Votes

4. 500 Days of Summer: 9 Points- 4 Votes

Edited by rukaio101
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A is for Apocalypse Now (13 Points- 5 Votes)


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*sniff* I love the smell of fresh votes in the morning.


Anyway, this amazing assault on your able senses amazed and astonished audiences in America (and everywhere else)  (And yes, I’m going to be doing that for most entries from now on). This was one of the largest groups, with 34 different entries and coming out on top, barely, was Francis Ford Coppola’s dark war film. Known for its troubled production and its iconic use of Ride of the Valkyries, Coppola’s philosophical tale of the Vietnamese War embedded itself in the conscience of millions of filmgoers and is unlikely to be forgotten any time soon.


Runners Up

2. Aladdin: 11 Points- 4 Votes

3. Aliens: 9 Points- 3 Votes

4. Airplane (2 Votes)/ The Avengers (3 Votes)/ Alien (2 Votes): 7 Points

Edited by rukaio101
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B is for Big Lebowski (11 Points- 4 Votes)

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Big, bombastic and beloved this beautiful….. film is brilliant from beginning to…. Not beginning. Anyway, this was one of the more surprising winners in this list, but The Dude managed to beat a whopping 39 films to take the top spot here (incidentally, with the lowest total score out of any winner in this list). And why not? The Coen Bros’s classic tale about…. something, captured the hearts of millions of people around the globe, as did Jeff Bridges’s portrayal of the Dude himself.


Runners Up

2. Blade Runner/Beauty and the Beast: 7 Points- 2 Votes

3. The Big Sleep: 6 Points- 2 Votes  

4. Brick/Batman Begins/Bourne Ultimatum/Beverly Hill Cops: 5 Points- 2 Votes

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C is for Casablanca (20 Points- 6 Votes)

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Can any cinema connoisseur be confused by this calling of a classic champion? Translation: No-one’s really surprised about this, were they? Do I even need to go into why people love this movie? What’s that? I do? Well, tough luck, I’m lazy. Casablanca is a classic and you all know why.


Runners Up

2. Cloud Atlas: 10 Points- 3 Votes

3. A Clockwork Orange: 9 Points- 3 Votes

4. Collateral/Close Encounters of the Third Kind: 7 Points- 3 Votes

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D is for Dark Knight (26 Points- 8 Votes)

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Does this dark destructive dive into the deep duality of Dent deserve this defining…. status? The only Superhero movie to get a place on the list, the Dark Knight is truly one of the defining work of the genre. Dark, enjoyable and one of the only comic book movies to ever receive an Acting Oscar for Heath Ledger’s unforgettable performance, it’s little mystery why this film so well loved.


Runners Up

2. Die Hard/Dr Strangelove: 14 Points- 5 Votes

3. Django Unchained: 9 Points- 4 Votes

4. Do the Right Thing: 8 Points- 3 Votes

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E is for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (16 Points- 5 Votes)

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Possibly the most unexpected entry on this list, this charming little Rom-Com Drama narrowly beat ET to take a spot on this list. And for good reason. Presumably. I can’t really tell because I’ve never actually seen it. And I can’t be bothered to think of enough words beginning with E to joke about it. But if it’s highly rated enough to beat classics like ET, the Exorcist and Evil Dead, then I’ll have to check it out some time.


Runners Up

2. ET: 14 Points- 4 Votes

3. Ed Wood: 12 Points- 5 Votes

4. Eraserhead: 6 Points- 2 Votes

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F is for Finding Nemo (18 Points- 6 Votes)

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From Pixar, this fun little feature about a frightened fish finding his feisty, fishy (o)ffspring obviously fought and flapped its way into our….. friendshipness…. Okay, that sentence got away from me near the end (and beginning), but there’s no denying that Finding Nemo is one of Pixar’s best fishy films.


Can’t believe I made it all the way through that without saying fu-


Runners Up

2. Fight Club: 16 Points- 5 Votes

3. Forrest Gump: 14 Points- 5 Votes

4. Fargo: 13 Points- 4 Votes

Edited by rukaio101
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G is for Goodfellas (17 Points- 5 Votes)

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Goodness gracious, this great game of gangsters and good guys…. was really good For a long time I was convinced The Good the Bad and the Ugly would take this, but Martin Scorsese’s classic gangster flick narrowly overtook it and fellow gangster classic, The Godfather, to take the prize.


Runners Up

2. The Good The Bad and the Ugly: 16 Points- 5 Votes

3. The Godfather Part II: 14 Points- 4 Votes

4. The Godfather: 12 Points- 4 Votes

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H is for Heat (19 Points- 6 Votes)

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Holy helicopters on a heaving high-rise! Bringing together screen legends Robert Di Niro and Al Pacino, Michael Mann’s Heat set a high standard for hundreds of hopeful heist movies to follow. All I can say is Heat is hot stuff. Because I like making bad puns like that. Hahahah. God I need a life....


Runners Up

2. How to Train your Dragon: 13 Points- 5 Votes

3. Hot Fuzz: 9 Points- 3 Votes

4. Halloween (3 Votes) /The Host (2006) (2 Votes): 7 Points

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I is for Inglourious Basterds (although I don’t think Inglourious is a real word) (23 Points- 8 Votes)

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It is interesting and ironic that this irreplaceable item is so idolised by infinite idealists. Okay, it’s not ironic at all, I was just stuck on words beginning with I. The first of Tarantino’s entries for this list (yes, there are more coming), Inglorious Basterds may not be considered his best, but is still a solid movie in its own right.


Runners Up:

2. Inception: 18 Points- 5 Votes

3. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: 14 Points- 4 Votes

4. The Incredibles: 13 Points- 5 Votes

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J is for Jaws (31 Points- 9 Votes)

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Jumping for Joy after just being judged the… best is Steven Spielberg’s Jaws, a film able to make the most jaded jittery. I’ll admit, between this and Jurassic Park, Spielberg seems to be the master of films beginning with J


Runners Up

2. Jurassic Park: 28 Points- 10 Votes

3. JFK (4 Votes)/ The Jungle Book (5 Votes): 12 Points

4. Jackie Brown: 8 Points- 3 Votes

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K is for Kill Bill Vol 1 (27 Points- 8 Votes)

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I kannot believe this kartoonish, kool, kombat-intensive film kould- okay, this isn’t going to work. Anyway, one of Tarantino’s most gleefully violent films, this is a fantastic sendup to martial arts movies and revenge flicks. And it ends with one of my favourite, and gory, action scenes of all time.


Runners Up

2. Kill Bill Vol. 2: 13 Points- 4 Votes

3. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang: 8 Points- 3 Votes

4. The Killing (3 Votes)/ Kung Fu Panda 2 (2 Votes)/ Kingdom of Heaven (2 Votes): 7 Points

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L is for Lion King (25 Points- 8 Votes)

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A likable, little-bit-loopy, yarn of a lion and the lessons he learns, this flick’s place on this list was locked. If you had told me, before this film came out, that a retelling of Hamlet with lions would become this popular and beloved, I wouldn’t have said anything, because I’d still be a fetus. Or possibly that space baby from 2001. Anyway, this film is definitely a classic


Runners Up

2. Lawrence of Arabia (6 Votes)/LA Confidential (5 Votes): 17 Points

3. Life of Pi: 14 Points- 5 Votes

4. Leon (The Professional): 10 Points- 3 Votes

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