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Baumer's Summer Game - Darkelf #1, Grim22 #2, laguy03 #3..final words from baumer pg 95

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thats everything it took me an hour so any mistakes im sorry also some are projections if the film hasnt come out any mistakes u can let me know but im tired now


Avi, as mentioned earlier, your WW weekends are wrong. It should be


The WW weekend answers are:

1. Jurassic World OW - 525M

2. AOU OW - 400M

3. Minions OW - 200M

4. Inside Out OW - 130M

5. San Andreas 2nd weekend - 98M OS (thanks to China opening) + 25M Domestic = 123M WW just barely edging out Rogue Nation's 120M WW weekend.

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Baumer! Please answer my pms when you get a chance, thanks.


Dude, I know your question.  I just don't have an answer for you yet.  When I figure it out, I'll let you know.

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Dude, I know your question. I just don't have an answer for you yet. When I figure it out, I'll let you know.

Sorry I thought you already scored it or something. There's a few there, sorry again, it just has to do with all scoring and I didn't want you to have to rescore it.

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Grim I'm getting tired of you locking the thread before the deadline is up. There is still 28 minutes left. As such I'm changing my Straight Outta Compton bonus to 61.392m and changing the in order section to:

5. Fantastic Four

6. Vacation

7. Ant-Man

9. Ricki and the Flash.

Edited by Mattrek Loves Del Toro
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Grim I'm getting tired of you locking the thread before the deadline is up. There is still 28 minutes left. As such I'm changing my Straight Outta Compton bonus to 61.392m


The deadline is 11:59pm Forum time which is Pacific Time which ended 32 minutes ago. I locked the thread when the deadline was done itself, in fact 15 minutes after the deadline.

Edited by grim22
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The deadline is 11:59pm Forum time which is Pacific Time which ended 32 minutes ago. I locked the thread when the deadline was done itself, in fact 15 minutes after the deadline.

No forum time is 11:34 pm right now. Even if what you said is true your answers wouldn't count since you posted after the deadline.

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Not sure, I still see it as 12:37pm even on my phone which I never changed any settings for. Maybe WB can let us know more about the time issue.

He said a few years ago to avoid confusion we weren't observing daylight savings time, so even though we have put our clocks an hour ahead, the forum time does not change with it, so we don't bother observing it as different users from different countries would have a hard time calculating when answers had to be in by.

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Who cares worse comes to worst he was a couple minutes late not that much will change

Well if he gets to do that then I should get to change my predictions as I was in the middle of changing a couple things when he locked it.

Also a side note grim I'm sorry I was snippy last night, it was uncalled for. Just been having a rough ride lately, but I shouldn't have taken that out on you, so I apologize.

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Here are the answers to all the sotm 5's (well 99 percent sure some time especially the trainwreck and antman sotm questions might be wrong since a lot of those go through august, but this will be edited)


1) Will it gross more than 160 million by the end of the game? Yes
2) Will it ever have a weekend drop of more than 50% between this coming weekend and the last weekend in August? No 
3) Will it ever increase more than 20% on any Tuesday in August? Yes
4) Will it decline more than 25% on any Wednesday in August? Yes
5) Will Ant-man gross more than 25 million more than Trainwreck by the end of August? Yes
6) Will it increase more than 55% on any Friday in August? Yes
7) Will it gross more than 500 million WW? No
1) Will it make more than 120 million by the end of the game? No
2) Will it drop less than 20% on any weekend in August? No
3) Will Trainwreck drop less than 35% in it's third weekend? No
4) Will it increase by more than 8% on any Thursday in August? No
5) Will it make more than 250 million WW by end of game? No
6) Will it make more than Minions on any weekend in August? No
7) Will it have a Tuesday increase of more than 20% on any Tuesday in August? Yes


1) Will Minions have a 3.25X? No
2) Will Minions be number one this weekend? No
3) Will Minions ever have at least a 50% Friday increase, from here until the first Friday in August? Yes
4) Will Minions make 1.1 billion WW or more? No
5) Will Minions make more than IO domestically? No
6) Will Minions ever have a Tuesday increase of more than 22% (up until the second Wednesday in August)? Yes
7) Will Minions and IO combine to make more than JW by the end of the game? Yes
1) Will Terminator gross at least 95 million dollars? No
2) Will Terminator fall by less than 43% next weekend (July 10-12) No
3) Will Terminator fall be less than 39% any weekend in July? No
4) Will Terminator increase by more than 15% on any other Tuesday in July? Yes
5) Will Terminator make at least 350 mill WW? No
6) Will Terminator decrease by more than 22% on any Wednesday in July? Yes
7) Will Terminator increase by more than 55% on any Friday in July? Yes
Magic Mike
1) Will Magic Mike have at least a 3.5X from it's opening weekend?  So let's say the opening weekend is 15 million, this means it needs to hit 52.5 million in TOTAL gross for the answer to be yes.  Yes
2) Will MM decrease less than 43% next weekend (10-12)? Yes
3) Will MM increase on Thursday Jul 9th? No
4) Will MM make in total, more than half of what Minions makes opening weekend? Yes
5) Will MM increase more than 29% on any Tuesday in July? Yes
6) Will MM increase more than 15% on any Saturday in July? No
7) Will MM make at least 100 million WW? Yes


1) Will Ted 2 make 105 million? No
2) Will Ted 2 have a Thursday July 2nd increase of more than 15%? No
3) Will Ted 2 fall more than 30% on Saturday July 4th Yes
4) Will it gross more than 400 million WW No
5) Will Ted 2 fall more than 42.8% in it's third weekend (weekend after July 4th) Yes
6) Will Ted 2 increase more than 10% on any Tuesday in July? Yes
7) Will Ted 2 fall by more than 22% on any Wednesday in July? Yes
Edited by avi
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well i dont think sotm 7 has been answered so...


Question 1:  
Which film will reach it's total first?
 Minions:  300 million
Ant-Man:  125 mill
JW:  1.6 billion WW
Question 2
Will Terminator Genisys make it to 90 million by the second week of August? No
Question 3:
Out of these three films, which will have the highest Saturday increase from this coming Saturday until the second Saturday in August?
Question 4:
Will Trainwreck make it to 100 mill by the end of the second weekend in august? No
Question 5:
Will Ant-man make more than 2.2X as much as Magic Mike does? Yes
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I made no concessions this year as to whether or not movies move.  Pan moved, so it will obviously not be in the top 12.   :)


BTW...someone was asking about this....here is your answer.


If you picked a movie that gets moved, sucks to be you.  :)

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