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Anybody watching this? It's been suggested to me for a while now from some friends and co-workers. I tried before but couldn't get into it, but this week In finally got past the first couple episodes and now I'm nearing the end of season 1 and pretty hooked.It's kind of a disgusting, grimy, dirty show and but it's like a car crash you can't look away from and really entertaining.

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I saw like half the first season then lost showtime and forgot about it once i got showtime again. I hear it is good too but gotta take the plunge and watch it like I did with Arher season 1 and 2 last week.

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Finished catching up last night. I hate when you marathon a show like this and then are forced to wait for new episodes to get your fix.


I can't be the only one who thinks they nearly butchered part of Fiona's character in the latest episode. She would never do something so stupid and reckless financially like she just did.


Not a big fan of Steve/Jimmy; I was hoping he would stay written off the show when he left after season 1 and I especially agree now. At least in Season 1 he was somewhat likable, when he returned from Brazil last season it was like he was a completely different character. His personality has changed.


Frank has been reaching some new lows lately. I know that everyone on the Internets is complaining about his convincing Carl that he has cancer but I actually think what he's doing with Himey is even more fucked up. Get that kid his shots and stop getting him drunk/high!!


Do we need to use spoiler tags in the TV forum?

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Great, crazy insane episode last night. There was so much going on all at once... literally every character had a storyline, yet somehow the only one that felt a bit slighted was the Veronica-Kevin in vitro thing (WTF?! lmao). I felt the worst for Debbie, that little actor is damn talented. And Jimmy just sucks. He's probably the worst character on the show. Now with the kids in state custody the next episode should be interesting, I wonder how long that will last.

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This show deserves more love around here. It is so good. Funny and heartbreaking at the same time. Last week was my favorite episode ever, but this week kept the ante up..


Veronica/Kevin/Carol :puke: but also :rofl:

I'm gonna go ahead and guess that both Carol and Veronica end up pregnant.


The Ian/Mickey storyline is probably the most interesting on the show at the moment and what happened in this past episode is seriously depraved. Not sure where they go from there. I'm guessing Mickey takes it out on Ian.

Edited by Silver Linings aDIM
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I love this show so much. They left nearly every character with a cliff-hanger, I don't wanna wait until next January.


The way it was written, any one of these characters could have been written off the show:


-Karen, Jody, Himey (Arizona)-Sheila (Karen connection is gone; and at the end of the episode Debbie told her she needs to make adult friends --- really hope she's still featured because Joan Cusak is incredible in the role and she's one of the most interesting characters)-Jimmy (WOOHOO! Is he dead? I'm guessing shipped off to South America or something. No way he's dead, but hopefully he's off the show for at least half a season)-Ian (I'm sure he'll still be featured but now that he's in the military he probably won't be back in Chicago much unless he gets booted out)-Mickey (if Ian's not around, he's not around)-LIP (got into MIT and he's an idiot if he doesn't go; again like Ian I'm sure they'll show his journey at college but it certainly changes the dynamic of the show)-Mandy (same as Mickey and Ian; no Lip, no Mandy)


Man the possibilties are endless!

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