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Everything posted by SilverShark

  1. HeHe, I hope it will surprises you. I really loved writing it.
  2. I´ll do a spot for Prodigy and The Walker Chronicles.Btw: how long the spot should be described?
  3. When is the absolutely finally final deadline?
  4. The Walker Chronicles Director: Gareth Edwards Studio: Silver Shark Entertainment Genre: Sci-Fi Cast: Henry Cavill (Aden/The Walker), Bryan Cranston (General Isaac), Marion Cotillard (Ilyria), Dominic West (Icaris), Mark Strong (Malacriss) Budget: $ 180 million Theater Count: 4,273 Rating: PG-13 Release Date: July 2nd Running Time: 2 hrs 07 mins Plot: On the desert planet Ixada a man walks down the forgotten road to nowhere. He waits for something so he keeps on walking. After hours of walking a spaceship arrives and stops right in front of the man. He´s the Walker, who carries the book of revelation. This book keeps the secrets of the universe and leads the carrier to the old and forgotten planet Elysium if he wants to. They say that Elysium makes a man more powerful than any other in the galaxy. Many races fought thousand of years because of the book until the high council of the United Races elect one man to carry the book and travel through the galaxy to prevent the many different races from fighting endless wars again. Now Aden is the Walker but he was chased until he reached Ixada. Before he became the Walker he was a general of the UR troops. Due to his heroic acts he was elected as the next Walker after the first died. Galaxy pirates chased him to sell the book. Now a spaceship of the United Races discovered his signal and picks him up. Aden thanks General Isaac which he already knows from former battles. He gives him the coordinates of the pirate ship so the UR Vicus, that´s the name of the ship, search for the pirates. After one day they find the ship but there are no sign of life. So a team flies with a transporter to the pirate ship and finds only dead people on it. The ship itself is pretty much destroyed there was fight not long ago. The team returns to the UR Vicus and reports. General Isaac thinks of another pirate ship who did this but Aden disagrees. But that doesn´t matter for Aden so he leaves the UR Vicus with a hunter-class ship. The next step on his never ending journey is a planet with only one city on it: Oluma. Its a good place to rest. For the last three months Aden flees from the pirates from planet to planet. Every day and every night he carries the book. He never let it back in a room or something else. Aden doesn´t know anybody in Oluma but he´s welcomed like a friend. The population of Oluma is an open-hearted race and not part of the United Races. So they are resistant to corruption which spreads in the high council of the UR. One week Aden can live in peace on the planet but then three spaceships appear in the orbit of Oluma. They want them to hand Aden over to them. The ships are galaxy pirates, its pretty rare to see more than one pirate ship together not fighting each other. The government of Oluma asks Aden to leave the planet as soon as possible. They will prepare for defense. As Aden wants to leave with his ship he suddenly hears explosion from everywhere. As he leaves the surface and enters the orbit the sees that there are no galaxy pirates anymore but giant battleships of an unknown race. In between there are the splits of the pirates ships. The unknown ships shoots everything they have to the surface destroying the entire city and ending a whole population. After they´ve finished with their work they search for survivors and wipe them out too. Aden returns to the main base of the high council of the United Races on Verus. The Walker wants to talk with the high council about the unknown ship and the happenings the last few months. But the council doesn´t hear to what Aden´s saying. They ignore the fact that a planet got wiped out even if it wasn´t part of the United Races. Ilyria Niosis is the president of the council, she´s a beautiful woman and knows Aden for a long time. She was part of his crew when he was a captain of the UR fleet. They were good friends until Aden became the Walker and Ilyria became part of the high council. Only a few years ago she became the president and was thrown into the mire of corruption. Everybody bribes each other for more power and influence in the United Races. Ilyria tells Aden everything when they are alone and Aden understands that she can´t help him. But he warns her that the unknown ships will come again and one day even the United Races aren´t safe anymore. Ilyria thanks him and says goodbye then she returns to the council. When Aden wants to leave Verus again he notices that someone is following him. He stops the man and asks him what he wants from the Walker. The unknown man tells him that Aden should turn off from the United Races and choose the right side. Aden doesn´t know what the man means. He tells Aden that he should remember the three ships from the orbit of Oluma. “They returned” he whispers to Aden before he leaves. He also gave him a sign of the unknown race. Two wings crossed by a snake. Aden knows this sign but he can´t remember where he saw this the last time. He goes to the giant library and searches in books for the sign. After hours of searching he finds it with fear in his eyes. The sign belongs to the race of the Dominion. The Dominions were the ruler of the galaxy thousands of years ago who also searched for Elysium. They presented themselves as gods to the population. Three brothers dominated the race but long time ago a war between the brothers began. The races of galaxy took the chance and rebelled against the Dominions. Everybody thought they were wiped out during the rebellion. Aden is shocked and send a voice message to Ilyria. Then he leaves the planet as soon as possible. He travels to an old friend, General Isaac, and tells him what he saw. First Isaac doesn´t believe him but then Aden shows him the book. “The worst come true and we are not prepared,” Isaac says. Meanwhile Ilyria tries to convince the high council to stir the troops into action. An old menace is rising and threatens the United Races. But the other members of the high council don´t listen to her. They still discuss about politic and other nonsense. So Ilyria makes an decision which will change everything. She decides to suspend the high council making her the only person in the United Races which will lead them. Its her right but it hasn´t been used since the beginning. After the high council is gone she orders to assemble the troops. One week later hundreds of ship from all over the galaxy have come and waits for order. Reports from planet at the end of the galaxy says that the unknown ships rest and wait for something. Ilyria orders to go there and wipe out the menace for ever. She will lead the forces. Only a dozen of ships should stay at Verus to defend the high members of the races. Meanwhile Aden and General Isaac are already at the end of the galaxy and see the three ships of the Dominions. The planet beneath the ships is a rotten one. Nothing but deep abysses with sharp edges. A transporter takes the Walker and Isaac to the surface where they see a huge building which wasn´t there some weeks ago when scouts flew over the planet. Aden and Isaac infiltrate the building and watch out for the enemy. The building is left but they find some invasion plans. Suddenly they receive a message from the UR Vicus. The armada of the United Races have come. The UR Vicus comes to the surface and picks Aden and Isaac up. When they fly back Aden takes a look onto the invasion plans. He is shocked when he sees what the plans conclude. They´ve already planned to lure the United Races into a trap. Ilyria Niosis contacts the three ships of the Dominions. Icaris responds and tells her that the time for revenge has come. The true emperor of the galaxy, his master, has returned and claims his right. Ilyria is quiet amused because she has hundreds of ships while the Dominion have only three. Aden wants Isaac to hurry up because the United Races will fall into the trap. But when they arrive the battle has already begun. The ships of the United Races attack the Dominion and destroy the first ship. Ilyria contacts Icaris again and wants him to surrender but the Dominion just laughs. Suddenly a hyperspace portal opens and a dozen ship of the Dominion arrive and open fire. Still Ilyria is confident of victory but then the giant flagship of the Dominion arrive. The “Retribution” opens fire and in seconds the battleships of the United Races get torn into pieces. Only the flagship Redemption of the United Races holds longer than the others but before Ilyria can give the command to retreat the shields collapses and the former glory of the United Races get destroyed too. Aden and Isaac just can watch the happening while they flee with the UR Vicus. Almost the entire fleet of the United Races is destroyed. There is not a single sign of hope now. Days later Icaris arrive at Verus and announce the new emperor: his master Malacriss. The highest Dominion ascend the throne of the high council and smiles when everybody falls to knees in front of him. The Dominions rule the galaxy again. Now after they conquered their own back they will start to search for their true target: Elysium.
  5. Please move Atlantis to June 14th. I´ll post The Walker Chronicles for Atlantis former spot.
  6. Ok, I need a new release date for Atlantis since I´m placing The Walker Chronicles there. Any suggestions? I would go for a risk and put it anywhere but still its a 130M film...
  7. I might have to change the release date of Atlantis or something... I´m more confident about The Walker Chronicles to be a success. Mhhmm I´ll check out the schedule.
  8. Argh. A Sci-Fi film already took the summer opening, any suggestions where I can put my Sci-Fi epic?
  9. I´m currently writing a sci-fi epic to start the summer called "The Walker Chronicles".
  10. Red Skin Director: Clint Eastwood Studio: Silver Shark Entertainment Genre: Western/Drama Cast: Clint Eastwood (Michael Hammer), Emma Stone (Lilly Hammer), Alex Meraz (Black Feather) , Wes Studi (Little Crow), Liam Cunningham (General Rodes), David Thewlis (Niklas Riemer) Budget: $ 35 million Theater Count: 3,074 Rating: R Release Date: October 18th Running Time: 2 hrs 24 mins Plot: At night four warriors of the Dakota enter the area of the settlers in New Ulm. They are looking for food. Five settlers see the “redskins” and open fire. But the warrior can hide and kill the settlers. Michael Hammer is a farmer in this region and hates all the “redskins”. He never understood how the government can allow them to stay in the country. His daughter Lilly is in conflict with the view of her father because she understands the Indian. One day she walks in the near forest and meets the Indian Black Feather. Lilly and Black Feather become friends and soon they fall in love. Its a new experience for both of them because they only knew people from their own. Michael comes to know about the relationship of his daughter and the “redskin” and goes enrage. Due to his rage Lilly flees from New Ulm and hides in the forest to meet Black Feather of the Dakota. Soon he comes and takes her with him to his tribe. Meanwhile Michael stirs the settler into action to search for his daughter. The next day over thirty men start the search. Soon they find a camp of the Dakota and burn it down to the ground. Near the camp the settlers rest for the night. But they chose the wrong place to rest. The vengeance of the Dakota comes at night when they murder almost everybody. Only Michael and four other settler get spared and can return to New Ulm to tell everybody what awaits any settler who tries to kill any Indian. Desperately Michael returns to New Ulm with their message. Before he leaves he spots Black Feather on a hill near to Little Crow, the chieftain of the Dakota. Black Feather nods to Michael. At least he knows now that Lilly is alive. Back at New Ulm some dozen of soldiers of a near fort have come. Niklas Riemer is the sheriff in the city and welcomes the soldier. He tells General Rodes about the attacks of the Dakota. Rodes also takes Michael to task about the happenings. Then he sends a messenger to call for more troops. At night somebody knocks on Michael Hammers door. Its Lilly and Black Feather. Michael hugs Lilly and also welcomes the “redskin”. He thanks him for protecting his daughter which makes Lilly very happy. To see her father accepting and respecting an Indian and showing a new less racist face is all Lilly ever wanted. Suddenly some soldiers rush to the house of Michael and arrest Black Feather. The next day Black Feather get tortured in the public by the soldiers because they want to know where the main camp of the Dakota is. At the square the people watch it and laughs about the “redskin”. Michael and Lilly are imprisoned due to their contact to the “redskin”. Also some scouts of the Dakota watch the torture of Black Feather and report to Little Crow. The chieftain tries to calm down his tribe but they want vengeance for the atrocities of the settler. So all the warriors of the Dakota start a march. At the evening they reach New Ulm and start the attack. The soldiers of Rodes shoot many Indian but then the Dakota breach the wall and storm inside. The soldiers and settlers fall to the swinging axes but some still fight and defend the square where the remaining troops wait for the called troops. At the dead of night Michael and Lilly get freed by Rodes himself and are taken to the square too. They want everybody to stop but nobody listen. Rodes threatens to kill Black Feather but the Dakota don´t stop. So Rodes aims at Black Feather and shoots. But he doesn´t hit the “redskin” but Michael Hammer who protects the Indian. Lilly screams when the lifeless body of her father hits the ground. Everybody stops fighting after this heroic act. Even Rodes can´t do anything but stare at Michael Hammer who always was a racist. But now he saved the life of a “redskin”. The Dakota leaves New Ulm with Black Feather but they swear revenge for every single atrocity of the settler. The settler and soldiers bury Michael Hammer and will honor him. All of them experienced how a man can change his view but in the end there will be only ashes from the past day and heroic acts like Hammers will be forgotten.
  11. Atlantis is up, it became a bit cheesy I think but its kind of perfect for a summer blockbuster.
  12. Voyage to Atlantis Director: Breck Eisner Studio: Silver Shark Entertainment Genre: Adventure/Sci-Fi Cast: Will Smith (Chris Moore), James McAvoy (Dr. Mike Corben), Kevin Bacon (Edward Miller), Freida Pinto (Dr. Lee) Budget: $ 130 million Theater Count: 3,869 Rating: PG-13 Release Date: June 14th Running Time: 1 hr 55 mins Plot:
  13. I would need at least tomorrow to finish my projects.
  14. I would also need a little extend to finish my films, I´ve bought a new pc today and have to install everything now.
  15. Breath of Winter and Prodigy are up now. Both are about 1500 words long.
  16. SpellForce: Breath of Winter is finished, Prodigy should be done tonight. I´ll post both either tonight or early tomorrow.
  17. SpellForce – Breath of Winter Director: Rupert Wyatt Studio: Silver Shark Entertainment Genre: Fantasy Cast: Stephen Moyer (Elyras), Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Grim), Mélanie Laurent (Lena), Emilia Clarke (Cenwen), Jason Isaacs (Craig Un´Shallach), Léa Seydoux (Iluna), Eli Roth (The Fial Darg (motion capturing)) Budget: $ 150 million Theater Count: 3,992 Rating: PG-13 Release Date: December 13th Running Time: 2 hrs 14 mins Previous Gross: 65/284/822 (OW/DOM/WW) Plot: A white dragon named Aryn rises from a snowy mountain range. He screams painfully in search for something. Still he can hear the beautiful song from his dreams. Cenwen, the former ice-elf queen, left her old live behind and choose instead to sing for the powerful dragon to keep him in his dreams. But now she´s gone and Aryn is in rage. The world faces a new threat because the dragon will bury Eo in an eternal winter if Cenwen doesn´t return. Many months have past since Elyras defeated the younger version of his mentor Rohen and closed the time-travel gate. Now he is the bearer of the Phoenixstone and has to hide the artifact from the world. So he traveled to the desolated continent Urgath to find peace. But soon his time of peace and quiet ends. Grim and Lena, two friends in times of the Convocation War, contact the rune warrior in need of help. In Mirraw Thur the ice-elf kingdom of Tirganach threats a bigger group of human refugees who have built up a camp near a fortress of the ice-elves. Elyras should lead the refugees in an attack on the fortress. According to Grim there should be the ice-elf queen Cenwen. Everybody has heard of the incident with Aryn and his search for his singing queen. In the fortress they meet only some priestesses. Grim orders to slay them and opens the prison with the key of a high priestess. Elyras and Lena wants to take him to task but as Grim opens the gate everybody but him gets freezed. Grim welcomes his master, an old enemy from former days: a Fial Darg, a demon from the shadows. Grim and the Fial Darg leaves the fortress and opens the gate to the old empire of Shal´Dun where the army already waits for its master. The troops of Shal´Dun are free now after they suffered thousands of years in isolation due to the ice-elves which defeated them long time ago. But now with the Fial Darg free also Shal´Dun can take revenge. Meanwhile Elyras, Lena and the remaining refugees flee to a mountain pass where another rune gate should be. On their way they get support by a battalion of ice-elf warriors who helps them to pass the gate. They will stay to hold off the troops of Shal´Dun passing the gate for a while. Elyras thanks them, he knows that they sacrifice themselves to safe others who killed their brothers and sisters. All refugees have past the gate and the ice-elf captain leads them to another fortress behind the marshes which lie in front of them. Only one rune gate is left until they reach the capitol of the ice-elf kingdom Tirganach. But soon the troops of the Fial Darg also reach the marshes and attacks the fortress. Meanwhile Elyras found a rune monument and summons his rune army. After the final battle of Sharrow, he frees almost every single rune warrior he had. Only the most loyal soldiers turned down Elyras offer and stayed with him. Now he fights with them side on side again to hold off the troops after the heroic sacrifice of the ice-elves. Meanwhile Lena leads the refugees through the portal to Tirganach. More and more troops of the so-called “Red Empire” of Shal´Dun arrives at the marshes and attacks the troops of Elyras. Despite rune warriors are immortal and can be resurrected with a rune monument. But also Grim arrives now and he knows that. He orders to destroy the monument where Elyras summoned his army. So he can´t resurrect any of his soldiers. Also the rune artifact which captures his soldiers gets destroyed. At very last Elyras fights against the troops of Shal´Dun with about a dozen of his loyal soldiers. They want him to leave while they stay but Elyras can´t leave them behind as he did many times the past months. Two soldiers push him through the portal and starts to destroy the portal. In the background we see the hordes of dark-elves which rush to the soldiers of Elyras. Beyond the portal Elyras is welcomed by Lena and some priests of Tirganach. He gets escorted to the impressive capital of the elves. Iluna invites him to a council of war. Iluna is a high priestess directly connected with Elen, the godess of the ice-elves. She tells him that her forces are ready to battle the forces of Shal´Dun but there is only little hope to win a open war. The more important problem is that Aryn starts his war against the world. Two cities of the ice-elves has been buried by his eternal winter spell. Elyras has to find Cenwen who´s the only one who could end Aryn´s rage. But for now Elyras, Lena and the refugees are safe in the capitol. One week later still nothing happened and Elyras is getting unsettled. One day as Elyras walks through the winter gardens of Tirganach a masked stranger wants to talk with Elyras. He tells him that henchmen of the Fial Darg have stolen Cenwen from Aryn. The Fial Darg wants to sacrifice her to Belial. With the bless of Belial the Fial Darg can free the black legion which would set the world of Eo into an age of darkness and death. When Elyras kills the Fial Darg he could prevent the world from another war and end the rage of Aryn. Before the stranger leaves he tells Elyras that he just wanted to help an old friend also in return for his help. Elyras, Lena and a group of soldiers of the elves start their journey to Shal´Dun. But before they can start with their engage they have to find the weapon which can kill a Fial Darg. Legends and rumors say that only the “Sword of Souls” can kill a Fial Darg. At a place called the Fire-Fangs the sword shall be. Elyras wants to go alone because nobody knows what will wait for them in the deeps. Lena and the elves stay behind. After some minutes Elyras reaches somewhat of a sanctuary where the sword lies. Suddenly creatures made of shadow and fire appears around Elyras. “You can´t have it,” they scream until a enormous winged creature appears. Its a fire angel who is doomed to cover the sword until another bearer has been found. He doesnt fight Elyras but warns him that his life will fade away with time goes by if he take the sword. Elyras accept that doom and leaves with the sword. Both the shadow creatures and the fire angel disappear laughing. Lena and the elves already awaits him. Now their next target on their journey is Shal´Dun itself. But they´ll need an army to enter the city. After all have past the portal Craig Un´Shallach welcomes them. He offers his help to enter the city because his race has been betrayed by the Fial Darg too. The only condition is that Elyras must leave the city after all have ended so Craig can take back his legitimate command. Elyras agrees and the siege begins. Again he gets help by the masked stranger who appear at night and shows the rune warrior a hidden path into the city. Elyras, Lena and Craig follow the path and meet Grim in front to a rune portal which leads to the “Deeps of Ashes”. Grim blocks the way with some bodyguards but they are no rival for Elyras and Craig. Lena goes to the wounded Grim and stabs the betrayer and her former love. Then Elyras and Lena pass the gate leaving Craig with his people behind. The fights in- and outside the city have already ended. On the other side the Fial Darg stands in front of an altar on which Cenwen lies. The screams of the Fial Darg remember of old demon songs. Lena attacks the Fial Darg careless and looses her live for nothing. The Fial Darg shreds her throat and throws the lifeless body aside. Then the old demon notices the rune warrior and the sword. “You know that your soul be teared apart if you use this sword,” he says. Elyras just nods. An epic battle between the Fial Darg and Elyras starts. The old, dark magic of the Fial Darg takes Elyras to his limits. In the moment the demon is confident of victory Elyras drives the Sword of Souls into the demons heart. Right in that moment the rune warrior feels that a part of his soul joins the swords collection. He sees every single fate of former sword bearer and comes to know the either the sword or the Phoenixstone will be his end. But he has accepted this fate. He frees Cenwen and runs to the body of Lena. But its too late to capture her soul in a rune artifact, her soul is already gone. Elyras returns with Cenwen to Tirganach. Aryn has already begun to bury the landscape with his entire winter spell. Elyras can hold off the wave of destruction with the Phoenixstone for a time. Cenwen takes her harp and starts to sing her song again. All men, all women even all the creatures in the woods stop doing anything they did and listen to the song. Its pure beauty which lies in the voice of Cenwen. After one or two minutes also Aryn stops and hears his queens voice. He lands on a mountain range and waits until Cenwen comes. He forms an ice block around the mountain range and wants Cenwen to come to him. Elyras warns her but Cenwen goes saying that she has accepted her fate as Elyras did. Elyras leaves Tirganach and Urgath to find another place where he may find peace. Now he´s the bearer of two dangerous and powerful artifacts. Once again he has to hide them from the world. End credits roll. After Credits scene: After some days Rinoli finds Elyras telling him that troops of the Iron Ones have been seen in the southern kingdom of Xu. They are lead by a masked stranger. Elyras sighs and knows that his journey will come to an end very soon. If the masked stranger was the true leader of the Iron Ones the only person he could be is Hokan Ashir.
  18. Prodigy Director: Andrew Stanton Studio: Silver Shark Entertainment Genre: Sci-Fi / Drama Cast: Ryan Gosling (Nihilo), Idris Elba (Dr. Carson), Stephen Lang (Col. Warren), Michael Caine (Alain Beckett) Budget: $ 90 million Theater Count: 3,594 Rating: PG-13 Release Date: March 15th Running Time: 2 hrs 04 mins Plot: A new life awakens in the darkness. It asks itself where it is and why it exists. When it opens its eyes for the first time, it sees the world blurred all around it. The new life moves carefully and gets to know its body. Everything feels very familiar, even though it has never moved its limbs before. Several shadows are watching the new life and decide to call it Nihilo. The scientists are very pleased with their work. For years they have labored to achieve this goal and now – finally – they can admire their creation. Their child is perfect – a combination of all the strengths of humankind without any of their weaknesses. The perfect human. The scientist free their creation and cloth the man. He, Nihilo, is still confused and asks them why he exists. But he does not get a satisfactory answer. A few days later, Nihilo has already learned most about humankind. His thirst for knowledge impresses the scientists, who are led by Dr. Carson. But Nihilo also starts to ask questions about war, hatred and death. Dr. Carson explains to him that he is trying to vanish these parts of human history forever by creating a higher race. Nihilo is the first of these experiments that succeeded. Nihilo and Dr. Carson talk for days. Nihilo explores the entire research laboratory and befriends a few other scientists. But one day, Nihilo suddenly gets very aggressive – a thing that should not be possible - and attacks Dr. Carson, after he told him about freedom and independence. Nihilo destroys half the laboratory with his supernatural kinetic powers and tries to escape to freedom. Dr. Carson is shaking badly, when Nihilo approaches him and orders him to open the security gates. Finally, Dr. Carson opens the doors and Nihilo escapes with a gigantic explosion. Dr. Carson and his team, however, can get away with a helicopter. The laboratory and the big island, which it is situated upon, go up into flames. In the meanwhile, Nihilo, who stands in the very center of the island, is enjoying his new found freedom. A few months later, Dr. Carson is occupied with new research, but ever since the incident, he can only think about Nihilo. There is neither trace of the research island, nor of Nihilo. Both have seemingly vanished from the ground of the earth. Only the appearance of strange magnetic fields in the general area of the island speak against that, but everybody is ignoring them - with the exception of Dr. Carson. The billionaire Alain Beckett, Dr. Carson´s employer, wants to see that his spendings were not for nothing. For this reason, he contacts Dr. Carson and asks him to return to the island laboratory together with a special force team and to search for Nihilo. Alain Beckett wants to accompany them as well. Some weeks later the team, consisting of a few hundred men, takes wing with several helicopters. When they arrive at the location of the former laboratory, they only see the wide ocean. But on their scanners, the scientists are able to detect the focus point of the magnet fields. The helicopters take a course to this point and after a few minutes, an altogether different view presents itself to the team. They see the island and the laboratory, which has been rebuilt. Apparently, Nihilo has managed to create a sort of protection shield, which hides the island from the rest of the world. Col. Warren and five of his men rope down to the island to secure the landing place. After he has done so, Col. Warren and a team of his men explore the laboratory throughoutly. One can still see a few traces of the destruction that happened a few months ago, but overall the base has been rebuilt exactly like it was before. Finally, the scientists led by Dr. Carson are allowed into the laboratory complex. Dr. Carson is assaulted by memories of his long research in this place. Somehow, maybe because his DNA is part of Nihilo as well, Dr. Carson feels that his creation is still here. “Run!,” suddenly Dr. Carson hears a voice in his head, but he does not know whose voice it is. He assumes that it is Nihilo´s voice, who wants to warn him of something. In the meanwhile, Col. Warren and his team have reached the inner center of the base, which looks like somebody is living there, even if it is not very welcoming. Suddenly the team hears noises and Col. Warren orders his men to stop. Slowly they advance, but then one soldier after another is carried off by something. Then only Col. Warren is left, who stops to wait for his adversary. Nihilo appears from the shadows and assures Warren that his men are well. But Warren is not interested in that, he gets ready for battle. When Nihilo tells him that he has no weapons, Warren still points his at Nihilo, who in return points out that this is unfair. Warren starts to laugh and explains that in real life battles are often unfair. But then he puts his weapons away and positions himself for the fight. Nihilo is unimpressed by the muscle-bound Warren and fights against him like a trained soldier. Warren is taken aback by that and eventually has to admit defeat. Nihilo approaches the wounded Warren and raises his fist. Dr. Carson is still feeling the presence of Nihilo and warns Alain Beckett that they should leave the island as soon as possible. Carson explains that Nihilo feels threatened, that he only wants to live in freedom and that this is not possible as long as the team stays on the island. Alain Beckett dismisses him with a smile and says that the ultimate purpose of this mission is to capture Nihilo and to start to study him anew. He also tells Carson that he has sent for more helicopters and soldiers, who will bring a specially developed stun weapon with them. Dr. Carson is beside himself with rage and demands an explanation. Alain Beckett intimates to him that Dr. Carson was only the means to an end, just as Nihilo is the means to an end. Dr. Carson knows that Beckett wants to use the newly created super race to expand his influence over the world. “A small minded goal,” Dr. Carson thinks to himself. Instead of this primitive goal, he wants to learn everything there is to learn from Nihilo, for Nihilo is a great source of human knowledge, even though he was created by science. Dozens of soldiers arrive at the island and start to search the base for Nihilo. Dr. Carson and Beckett accompany the soldiers. Finally, they find the artificial human in a big room, where he sits meditating on the ground. They order Nihilo to release Col. Warren, who appears completely unhurt from a side room. “I have released him, now leave my island and never return.”, Nihilo demands in return. Beckett orders an attack and the soldiers storm at Nihilo. None of them stands a chance against Nihilo, but more and more soldiers are joining the fight. Dr. Carson begs Beckett to order the soldiers to stop, else something terrible will happen. But Beckett only has eyes for Nihilo and orders the soldiers to employ the stun weapon instead. Nihilo fights against the soldiers like he is crazed, but he regrets every hit. In the end, Col. Warren of all people fells Nihilo with the stun weapon. The soldiers reship everything into the helicopters and put Nihilo into a special cage. In the meantime, Col. Warren and some of his soldiers put explosive devices all over the laboratory and the island. When the helicopters are at a safe distance, they detonate the devices and sink the whole island. Dr. Carson hears Nihilo´s pained screams, as he has to watch how his island is destroyed. In a gigantic underground complex, a new team of scientists dedicate themselves to the study of Nihilo. He endures every test, but seems absent-minded. Dr. Carson is constantly checking his vital signs and often talks with Nihilo. But he barely answers, Nihilo only talks about the destruction of creation and how this probably is the essence of the entire history of humankind. After some days, Dr. Carson notices new brain activity, while checking Nihilo´s vital signs. Then one day, the alarm suddenly goes off and some dozen soldiers storm the room, where Nihilo is kept. It is destroyed completely, but nobody is hurt. There is no trace of Nihilo to be found. Beckett is informed at once and hurries together with Col. Warren to the only exit of the research complex. There all available soldiers, heavily armed to their teeth, wait for Nihilo. Nihilo turns around the corner and walks towards the exit in a direct line, none of the soldiers can stop him. Finally, Beckett allows the use of the soldier´s advanced weapons and Col. Warren aims at Nihilo. He stands still and waits for his end, for he sees his entire life as one big tragedy. Col. Warren pulls the trigger and we see in slow motion, how the bullet speeds directly towards Nihilo´s chest. In the very last moment, Nihilo is pushed aside and his savior is hit instead of him. Nihilo lies on the ground like he is frozen and looks at his savior, Dr. Carson, who lies badly wounded beside him. Enraged Nihilo stands up and turns to stare at Beckett, who orders the soldiers to shoot at will. Numerous bullets rain upon Nihilo, but they cannot harm him. Nihilo takes Dr. Carson into his arms and starts to rise from the ground. With another gigantic explosion, Nihilo escapes from the research complex. Beckett cannot admit defeat and orders a rocket to be shot at Nihilo. But in the same moment as the rocket is to be shot off, it detonates inside the complex and kills everyone in it including Alain Beckett. Nihilo lands on a remote island with the badly wounded Dr. Carson. He lays his hand on the unwounded side of the scientist and a harsh light envelopes them. Dr. Carson awakens completely unhurt and looks to Nihilo. Nihilo explains to him that Dr. Carson´s actions have shown him that his life has meaning after all. “Thank you, father.”, smiling Nihilo leaves the island and vanishes forever. Dr. Carson is happy that now nobody will be able to misuse Nihilo and his supernatural powers ever again. “To understand life, one must look into the abyss first.”
  19. February 8: Sons of War (not the myth film from old Cayom, I just like the title) a thriller with Leonardo Di Caprio
  20. December 13: SpellForce - Breath of Winter (sequel to Order of Dawn of Y1 which made over 800M WW)July 2 (I think Tuesday): Untitled Breck Eisner Adventure FilmOctober 18: Red Skin (Western drama by Clint Eastwood)
  21. I´ll post my Oscar votes tonight (austrian time), I just returned from hospital and haven´t found some time to think about my votes.
  22. Electric will you do another WarCraft film? I still have the idea to adapt the War of the Ancients books. It will be even more fun now because at least I won´t write long plots anymore.
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