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Posts posted by Magic

  1. I wish finns would have a taste as good as the portuguese. The biggest hit of 2012 here has been fucking Risto Räppääjä, a bullshit kids movie. These movies are always in the top 10 of the year. Fuck them. They talk down to kids.http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVGbpBP2nOA

    Screw THG, TA, TDKR and TH1, this is where the real action is. Epic!
  2. It's an unknown property and it was only really taking off in the US so some of those predictions didn't make any sense. Brand recognition is a huge thing for OS audiences. It was always obvious that it would do ok numbers OS and increase with the sequel. New Moon already had brand recognition with OS audiences from the first film so comparing THG to a sequel is asking too much. It's going to beat the first Twilight's numbers OS. Catching Fire's OS numbers should be compared to New Moon's.

  3. Some of these predictions from variety and Nikki have been farcical over the past two weekends. Who knows what the estimate will be in the morning. I'm just waiting for BOM, period. There's no point participating in a farce where predictions are changing by several million every couple of hours.

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