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Posts posted by Magic

  1. I agree I remember going to be with the 25-30 million midnight estimate, and waking up to only 19.75, and that totally pissed me off.

    They did expect it to have midnight showings for 1000 more theatres than it actually opened in though. That's why the drop was so large.
  2. THR spices things up a bit. "Hunger Games is projected to earn anywhere from $20 million to $23 million on Friday." They still suck at extrapolating though, saying 64m 2nd weekend.


    Their higher end has increased. It was "as much as 20M" before. That's a good sign. At least Nikki isn't way out there on her own now.
  3. "There’s dissension among my sources over just how big Lionsgate’s holdover The Hunger Games will be this weekend despite two major releases opening against it."

    Wary of that 24M number. It may be a million or two too high.

  4. Fuck, that's amazing. I call Bullshit on Nikki's number, can't possibly be that high.

    Gitesh was 21 and Variety was 22 so it might be possible. It will probably land somewhere between her 24M estimate and Gitesh's 21M.
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