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Posts posted by Lumos

  1. So clearly not everyone who saw the film agrees with your opening statement of:I myself haven't seen the film. Just wanted to note the contradiction in your post.

    There is no contradiction in my post. The acting in the film is amazing...no one can deny that. The quality of the film is what a lot of people were not able to appreciate, and trust me there's a lot more to a film than the ability of its cast to act well. Also, i'm not surprised you haven't seen this film. It barley has an audience....but if you get the chance you should give it a try.
  2. Anyone who has seen Revolutionary Road would agree with me when I say that this is easily one of the best acted films of all time! Why the academy decided to recognize Winslet for the Reader and not this film, is beyond my understanding (atleast she won a golden globe). And Dicaprio was more than worthy of a best actor nomination. The amount of conviction and emotion they put into their characters elevated this film a great deal - but performances by Kathy Bates and Michael Shannon should not go unnoticed either.I know Revolutionary Road wasn't completely overlooked - it did manage to get 3 nominations at the academy awards...but its box office gross is just appalling. This isn't the type of film to pull in blockbuster numbers, but 22M should have been its OW, not its DOM lifetime gross. And a 7.4 on IMDB and 68% on RT shows that a lot of people were not able to fully appreciate this film.

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  3. Harry and Hermione have such a great friendship.

    I think so too. I don't know why Hermione fell for Ron. JK Rowling has always said that Hermione was an exaggeration of herself, and in another interview she said that her ideal man would have to have a lot of good characteristics like good looks, high intelligence, successful career etc.. Ron doesn't fit that description. But maybe Jo never wanted Hermione to have a perfect relationship?Certainly, in the films there there was much more chemistry between them. But that has more to do with Steven Kloves and the actors themselves.
  4. Sorcerer's Stone1. Entrance into Diagon Alley - Harry's first glimpse at the wizarding world.2. The first time the trio are together on the Hogwarts Express3. The sorting Hat & feast4. Charms class - Wingardium Leveiosa5. The mirror of Erised6. Detention with Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest7. Devil's snare - "Good thing we didn't panic"8. The last scene - "I won't be going home, not really"Chamber of Secrets1. Every scene with Lockhart, Moaning Myrtle & Dobby. This film had some memorable characters.2. The mandrakes3. The duelling club4. Polyjuice Potion5. The encounter with Aragon & his family6. The diary scene7. "Voldemort is my past, present and future" - Tom RiddlePrisoner of Azkaban1. Aunt Marge2. Arthur and Harry discussing Sirius Black3. First encounter with the dementor4. Something Wicked this way comes5. Buckbeaks flight6. The Whomping Willow throughout the seasons7. "Let him swim in the deepest ocean, let him glied over the highest cloud" - Albus Dumbledore8. Harry going to look for Peter in the middle of the night9. Hermione walking out of Trelwaney's class10.Trelawney's prediction11.Hermione punching Draco12.The entire time turning sequence - greatest 45 min of the entire franchise!Goblet of Fire1. The arrival of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang2. Talking to Neville after Moody's class3. Asking Cho out on a date4. McGonagall teaching Ron how to dance.5. The Yule Ball....minus them rocking out to the Weird Sisters. Whoa!6. "Merci" - Ronald Weasley7. The graveyard scene8. "That's my boy" - Amos Diggory9. The last sceneOrder of the Phoenix1. Detention with Umbridge2. McGonagall's conversation with Umbridge on the steps3. "Obviously" - Severus Snape4. Trio's conversation after Harry and Cho kissed5. "I killed Sirius Black" - Bellatrix Lestrange6. Voldemort vs. DumbledoreHalf-Blood Prince1. The amazing cinematography of Spinner's End! Wow!2. Slughorn's Christmas Party3. Harry comforting Hermione4. "Oh to be young, and feel loves keen sting" - Albus Dumbledore5. Slughorn spilling over Hermione6. Katie Bell being cursed7. Felix Felicis8. Inferi in the fire-storm - so epic, and just how I imagined it to be.DH1:1. Hermione erasing her parents memories2. Malfoy Manor3. Every scene with Dobby4. Ministry infiltration5. Traveling through various landscapes while Ron is wearing the locket6. Harry/Hermione dance7. Three brothers animation8. Hermione being torturedDH21. Entrance into Room of Requirement2. "Harry Potter you listen to me" - Luna Lovegood3. "I'll go with you" - Hermione Granger4. The Prince's Tale...even though it was so much better in the book.5. Harry bringing back his parents with the resurrection stone6. Kings Cross Station7. Hagrid carrying Harry8. Platform 9 3/4...I loved the ending! Best part of the film.

  5. ^I'm not a fan of superhero movies. The only SH films that I thought were above average were Spiderman 1&2 (probably because they were a novelty at the time) and The Dark Knight. Recently the market share of superhero films have sky-rocketed, which has made me a little apathetic towards them. All they are is dumb fun, and simple crowd pleasers - with the odd exception of course. Obviously these type of films sell but I'd like to see Hollywood pump out a few more original blockbusters of higher quality.

  6. Philosopher's Stone: 0Chamber of Secrets: 1 Prisoner of Azkaban: 1Goblet of Fire: 1Order of the Phoenix: 1Half Blood Prince: 2 Deathly Hallows Part 1: 2Deathly Hallows Part 2: 3 I've seen 2 HP films at midnight, 4 films OD and 5 of them OW. Unfortunately I never got to see CoS or GoF until a few weeks into its release.

  7. WB should regret hiring David Yated to direct the last four installments. Deathly Hallows was quite good i'll admit, particularly the first part, but HBP and especially OOTP were huge disappointments in my eyes.Del Toro, would have provided a visually pleasing film with many fantasy elements but I'm not sure if his style would be suitable for these films. I think someone like Sam Mendes or Darren Araonofsky would have been interesting choices....these films are so character driven after all.

  8. The bolded ones are the exact same as mine. Soulmate?

    Haha, maybe.Titanic and LotR are just too epic and grand to not put on my list.Mean Girls is fucking hilarious - and let's face it, if we're stranded on an island we will want atleast one comedy. American Beauty was one of the most haunting and deeply affecting movies i've ever watched. Amazing film.And DH1 was the perfect HP movie...dunno why its RT score is so low.
  9. The fact that you adjusted for inflation immediately makes your study more interesting and more valid. I applaud you for doing that.My only complaint would be that you didn't use the 2nd Potter film. Your study uses the last Potter film. I think you should consider editing it to include Chamber of Secrets instead of Deathly Hallows part 2.

    DH2 is the 4th largest Potter film by ticket sales. Adjusted for inflation it is #2 though, so I used that film......
  10. So I compiled a list of the largest franchises of the past decade, and calculated what the SECOND highest grossing film in each of those franchises were....ADJUSTED for inflation. It seemed like every single franchise had one film that did vastly better than the rest....once you get rid of that film though, there is remarkable consistency among these franchises.

    Spiderman--- Spiderman 2: $476,000,000

    Star Wars Prequals--- Revenge of the Sith: $470,000,000

    Lord of the Rings--- Two Towers: $454,000,000

    Pirates of the Caribbean--- Curse of the Black Pearl: $401,000,000

    Harry Potter--- Deathly Hallows Part 2: $381,000,000

    Toy Story--- Toy Story 2: $379,000,000

    Shrek--- Shrek: $374,000,000

    Average: $419,000,000

    So, 420M is the average with some franchises having a +/- deviation of about 50M. The range for TDKR should have always been something between 374-476M. And, currently it looks like TDKR will end up in the low-mid 400's...right around that 420M average. It was very unlikely that it would have done 500M+. Even the Star Wars prequals and LOTR couldn't manage two 500M+ films (adjusted).

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  11. I'm sorry but all your posts do not clearly state that sentiment. Your telling me that now but I responded originally because you (among others) were stating that it was clear that TDKR was locked for $500m without the tragedy, when in fact it may fall well short of that now. My post was simply stating that if it does fall well short it can not be solely attributed to the tragedy, and doing so is using it to mask the fact that it failed to meet your expectations. The film itself will start to stand on its own in the next week or so. Like I said people live their lives, these things don't affect them forever.

    We all know you had huge $200m+ OW expectations and I believe even 600m+ total expectations for the movie so it only makes sense that you would be very disappointed right now with its performance. But take some responsibility yourself in the signs that were there all along that it might not meet those expectations (and there were signs). Like I said many have listed the reasons for months, but if you want a very brief shortlist: underwhelming marketing and trailers, no great iconic villain like Joker, no boost from Ledger's death TDK got, third installments almost always drop off after huge second ones, etc.

    I'm sorry if I'm insulting you or anyone else, but I guess I'm just overly sensitive about the issue right now of anyone using the tragedy in a way that seems inappropriate, and that's what it's coming off as to me. I think you should accept the fact that yes the tragedy affected TDKR, but it was obviously not going to live up to your monumental expectations either way. And like I said, if it was destined for 500m then we should see some good legs that get it to $460m so at the very least.

    HA! You wasted your time with that post. There's dozens of posters on this board who still believe a 200M OW and 600M+ gross could have happened. No amount of logical thinking will pursuade them otherwise. And if you disagree with them....they will insult you for being so stupid and ignorant. It's apparent that many of them are more dissappointed about the box office gross than the actual tragedy that happened....although none of them would admit that. Really quite sad.
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  12. Ugh, I hate this. Of course it did. I'm not sure why you think Potter is some kind of invincible force in the US.

    Of course Potter isn't an invincible force. And where did that even come from? I didn't even mention HP. But Potters od and midnight numbers are quite divine, since we're on the subject. Anyhoo....I find 160.8m to be very impressive. Yes, its a shame that it didnt make every cent that it could have, but i'm sure the film will end well north of 400M, making this trilogy one of the most impressive since LOTR, both financially and quality wise.
  13. Well, overall the weekend pulled in 224M. Once could argue that it was going to make about 250M - the number we saw for both DH2 and TDK. So the weeked was brought down by about 26M. Since TDKR accounted for 71.7% of the weekend gross, one could assume that TDKR lost about 18.64M (71.7%*26M). Therefore, it would have made about 179.44M in normal conditions.....nowhere near the record. But it could have tied TDK and TA for the attendance record.....Still 160.8M is nothing to be ashamed of.

  14. If I see one more comment talking about what this film would have made if the shooting never occured, i'm going to puke. Why are you guys so obsessed about it? The tragedy took place, that's just a fact, so get over it and move on. If people really wanted to see this film OW they would have seen it. Any rationale person would know that their odds of dying while going to the movies these days are pretty slim.Do I think the shooting effected the box office? Yes. Was its impact that noteworthy.....nobody can know for sure. Its midnight gross certainly wasn't indicative of anything record breaking. The shooting likely effected the film by like 6-7% at most - mostly paranoid mothers who are disturbed from what they hear on the news were scared away....otherwise it was business as usual.But of course there has to be this big debate. It was tracking north of 180M....it was the most anticipated film since TPM....2012 has been breaking tonns of records...how could this sell less tickets than TDK...blah blah vlah Well guess what! Tracking can be wrong sometimes, the anticipation was huge but it was huge for other films too like DH2 and Spiderman 3, and TDK is the most attended OW of all time....why would coming up like 5% below that be dissapointing?Maybe you Nolan/Batman fans should just admit that you guys got a little too excited and just had really lousy preedictions instead of blaming it on a shooting, that most likely effected the box office by like 10%....at the very most.Anyways.....that's what I think.

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