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Posts posted by Lumos

  1. So I saw Iron Man 3 last night and OMG it was like the greatest film ever!  Like when Robert Downey Jr made that one joke about being rich and famous....hahah so funny!! I was dying!  And when that one thing exlpoded at the end of the movie....wow, totally did not see that one coming.  Such a visual masterpiece! Ah, loved it so much, it was like better than The Avengers which has to be  one of the best movies ever!!


    Ehkay....maybe I'm not a huge fan of these Marvel films.  HOWEVER, congratulations Iron Man 3!  A 64M Sat is ridiculous....this should do 175M+ easily this weekend and it could be the biggest opener of the year.  So I'm happy for all of you.....

    • Like 1
  2. Still think this is going to have a massive Saturday...


    Fri: 65M (49.4M post midnight)

    Sat: 55M

    Sun: 40M



    160M is still very do-able....


    On the other hand, it could stay flat on Saturday and fail to hit 150M...


    One thing is certain!  DH2 is safe at #2!!!!!

  3. Potter always comes close to certain milestones but JUST misses out.


    PoA: $796m worldwide ($249m DOM)

    GoF: $897m worldwide ($290m DOM)

    OoTP: $292m DOM

    DH1: $295m DOM

    DH2: $960m OS!


    One thing will be certain...they will all pass those milestones with the inevitable re-releases. 

    Let's not forget


    Sorcerer's Stone: 976M WW


    It would have been a huge deal for a film to hit 1 billion back in 2001. 

    • Like 2
  4. Prisoner of Azkaban!


    Reading Deathly Hallows was one of the best literary experiences I've ever had!  The book is simply perfect and elicited very powerful emotions for myself, both negative and positive.  It was the climax of the whole series so my expectations for Part 2 were VERY high....especially after DH1 which is my personal favourite of the series. This film did not meet my expectations and gets worse on every repeat viewing.  The film is more like a symbol for the Potter fanbase IMO.  Whenever I think of it, I think of the midnight launch and how everyone was so emotional that the series was coming to an end.  It was an event film!  The film could have been complete garbage and everyone would still adore it for what it is....the finale to the HP franchise.


    The film deserved a better climax.  Scenes like the room of requirement and Gringotts did not live up to what I envisioned in my head.  And quite often the Potter films have exceeded my expectations in that area, the fire storm/inferi at the end of HBP is a great example.  The book was told mostly from Harry's perspective but throughout this film there are scenes that Harry is not apart of.  If they're going to depart from the book I want it to enhance the story but most of their additions did the exact opposite.  Neville running from the Death Eaters, falling and just barely making it to the other side of the bridge was so cringe worthy.  The scene where Ron and Hermione destroy the cup in the CoS could have been a great scene but instead there was just a big wave of water.  BORING!  A serious lack of imagination was put on display here.  And even though there were some emotional scenes like The Prince's Tale, there was nothing that surpassed the book.  Not one single scene could even come close to what was written.  I feel like in every previous film there was atleast some scene that improved on the book, or was an interesting addition.  


    Prisoner of Azkaban was a breath of fresh air.  It breathed new life into the series and was visually stunning, especially when compared to the previous two films.  The time turning sequence and Buckbeak's flight were standout scenes here.  And it was the first film where the trio really got into their roles IMO.  It is also probably the most rewatchable film of the series....


    I just scraped the tip of the iceberg, but that sort of sums up how I feel. 

    • Like 4
  5. I love GoF.  Dumbledore may have forgotten to take his medication that year, the hair may have been atrocious and the dragon a little cheesy but damn it, it was good entertainment.  The abundance of "britishness" was so enjoyable to watch and I liked how it didn't take itself so seriously like some of the other films.  Also, focusing on the Triwizard tournament was a very wise move on behalf of the film makers. It worked very well on film, and there was a continual build up of anticipation. 


    I love HBP for its flawless cinematography and its decision to focus on character moments, but there were critical scenes that should have been kept in and the score really bothered me.  Also, why did they burn down the Burrow?  


    So GoF wins this battle.  Both were great, but GoF is a superior film despite being much weaker visually. 

  6. Has anyone here seen The Eternal Jew (1940)?


    It's a Nazi propaganda film that shows Jews as an uncivilized and parasitic people.  I believe it's on youtube if any history buffs wants to watch it. Very disturbing film....but helps explain why the Germans hated Jewry.

  7. Never seen a Tarantino film before Django Unchained, so I was a little unsure whether I would enjoy this film.  After seeing it, I have to say this is one of the best films of 2012 and I wish it continued success at the box office.  I have never seen anything like it....the film was so dark yet so light-hearted.....intense but humorous...realistic yet completely outrageous.  And it blended all these components effortlessly.  The acting was stellar resulting in some of the most memorable characters put to film.  And the story was compelling.  I didn't expect a film about bounty hunting to be so interesting and entertaining but it had me hooked within the first 15 min. I went to see it Tuesday and I cannot stop thinking about it.  I am now officially a huge Tarantino fan and I will definitely have to watch Inglorious  Bastards and Pulp Fiction in the near future. 



    • Like 4
  8. Avatar over spots 2-5. Even when 3D isn`t caluclated (and Avatar 3D was cheaper because they raised prices from AIW onwards) , Avatar blows the rest except Titanic, of course.I also expect that Star Wars had insane run for its time not counting re-releases.

    I choose not to acknowledge Avatar. The films success comes more from the 3D gimmick than the film itself....it's box office haul though impressive would not make my top 5. Shrek 2 is likely the biggest ticket seller of the 2000-2009 decade. BOM has Shrek 2's adjusted gross at 552M, TDK at 579M and Avatar at 756M. However a HUGE chunk of ticket sales for Shrek came from kids under the age of 12, far more than TDK or Avatar. And obviously Avatar was inflated due to 3D so Shrek's audience is probably the biggest of any film since Phantom Menace.
    • Like 1
  9. Yikes, a 24.5M Friday excluding midnights. That is underwhelming. Still, Christmas holidays should give this a very nice boost.....I always said this had potential to do more than 400M, but that it pretty much relied entirely on quality. The film itself is good, but I don't see people raving about this the same way audiences did back in 2001 and 2002 with LOTR. So, at the moment it looks like this is heading towards 320-340M. Which is a respectable haul for a prequel that doesn't even come close to living up to LOTR.

  10. Yes, it clearly makes no sense to compare TH1 to RoTK, right? It make no sense to make the informed claim that TH1 managed to only sell the same amount of tickets as RoTK despite being in a lot more theaters and in a far more front-loaded box office climate.

    This isn't LotR 4. It's been ten years since ROTK came out.....why would the fans all flock to see this the minute it comes out? People will see this, but the gross will be spread out through the Christmas season.....
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