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Posts posted by Lumos

  1. If this film were to follow the same trajectory as Twilight or DH2, then yes, this number would be horrendous and would be the flop of the year. Buttt....anyone with a shred of common sense would know that an OW of 110M is still VERY attainable...and so is a DOM gross of 400M. Some of the haters are really taking this 'non record' breaking midnight start as an omen for a terrible box office run...when in reality it's fine and puts it on track for an amazing run. The number is only disappointing when you compare it to other films....but all the comparisons people have made don't make any sense.

  2. Disagree 100%. ROTK did 8 mill, this is not a great number. This is the biggest loonie franchise, at least on par with SW. It should have done more than 13 mill.

    If you look at the biggest midnight numbers, you would know that all those films are either sequels, superhero movies or adaptations of RECENT books that skew younger....the hobbit doesn't fit into any of those categories.Also how is this the biggest loony franchise? A huge segment of LOTR fans are 40 years and older....not exactly midnight material like the young audiences of Potter and Twilight. And although this book has a huge following, it's not a recent phenomenon like those franchises either. It's a very old novel, that has fans of all ages. A 13M midnight is perfectly fine for this.
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  3. I just re-watched the extended versions and I think The Two Towers has to be my least favourite entry. Is this an unpopular opinion? I just found the battle of helms deep to be too central to the overall film, and it definitely suffers from having no definite beginning or end. Also Sam and Frodo don't really make much progress as far as their journey to Mordor is concerned. ROTK is easily the best. Most epic and emotional by far....ROTK: A+FOTR: ATT: AAnyways, yes, this is by far the greatest trilogy in history. All three films would probably make my top 10 list....

  4. This film was fantastic...something I wasn't expecting going in. I've always found the Twilight films to be mediocre and simplistic; nothing special but good entertainment. The finale was on a completely different level from the previous films though. The last half hour was very intense, and in many ways this was a better adaptation than DH2. Although DH2 was a better film just because the source material was better. Twilight: BNew Moon: DEclipse: C+Breaking Dawn Part 1: C+Breaking Dawn Part 2: B +

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  5. I don't think anyone was expecting this to go much farther than New Moon adjusted overall. It's just a given that as time progresses, rush factor increases, so we expected a larger initial here than before, and that would begin with midnights. It's not that unreasonable (actually it's pretty typical)

    But Twilight is the epitome of what frontloaded means. It can't really get much more frontloaded. BD1 had a 2.06x....that's as bad as it gets IMO. What were people expecting? a 1.75x?
  6. Phantom Menace adjusts to like 700M. Sorcerer's Stone adjusts to over 450M....it was logical to expect the finales for these franchises to take a hefty increase over its previous installments. They obviously have fans that dont show up for each and every film. Twilights highest ticket seller was New Moon, which adjusts to 310M. To expect anything more than that for BD2 was a little delusional....I mean, why would more people show up for the finale than any film in the franchises history? With the exception of LOTR, this is unprecedented among recent movie franchises.

  7. I will never forget when the teaser trailer for HBP came out. It looked like a horror film at first and had me absolutely captivated. I think I watched it about 20x in its first 24 hours. The last HBP trailer is a close second....it made the film look quite a bit more epic than the previous installments....which is odd because the film itself was one of the least action filled of the series. The amazing cinematography of the film didn't hurt either. It just looked very well-crafted. The first theatrical trailer for Sorcerer's Stone was also very well done. They succeeded brilliantly in making it look the must see film of the year....

  8. Yes, I do. Watching a new HP film for the first time is like a 2 hour orgasm. The 2nd and 3rd viewings are really great too, but after a while the flaws become more apparent and then it seems like the quality drastically declines. I think they're all great films, and very well crafted, but upon my first few viewings I view them as Oscar worthy. I get reallly excited! And that's what I miss the most.

  9. I found The Pianist to be a far more personal film that really emphasized how "luck" played the biggest role in surviving this period. Furthermore, its portrayal of events is much more accurate and emotional. Schindler's List relied too heavily on "imagery" to convey the horror of the holocaust and was a little too lengthy with its 186 min running time.

  10. Very few blockbuster films can compete with Potter when it comes to cinematography, one of the things I'm most proud about when it comes to this series.

    Anyways, Half-Blood Prince was the first film I thought of when I saw the title of this thread. Delbonnel should have won best cinematographer that year...and DH1 and DH2 - although visually beautiful - were both a step down from the sixth instalment. Almost every critic who reviewed the film mentioned and praised its cinematography.....

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  11. Its a sad depressing movie and Kate is not likeable at all in this film.I did not empathize with Kate in the film and I think it is what a lot of people felt.If you make a tragic love story you need both characters to be likeable

    It’s not that black and white. Both characters were multifaceted and the sympathy switches from each character to the next. I think suburbia and conformity was what destroyed April. She was a desperate woman looking for a way out. All she wants is possibility in life and something to hope for and there’s her husband having this affair with a young secretary and she can’t even see it. Winslet even said that she viewed April as a stronger character than Frank because of her “desperation” for change.
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