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Posts posted by AndyLL

  1. So did Rth really just come into the thread, hint at a number then leave without saying anything else? lol harsh


    Yup, pretty much. Though we could just be reading too much into it and there really might have not been a hint at all.


    Rth, I believe,  in the past has stated that he isn't allowed to predict preview numbers before the official numbers come out but if he's around preview night/early morning it sometimes it pays off to watch what he doesn't say.


    Or he's just screwing with us.

  2. Thursday night previews should stop counting as part of the weekend.




    Previews are for fanboys/girls.  Anyone that goes to a Thursday preview would've gone over opening weekend so it does't invalidate the numbers.


    Fanboys/girls love them because it gives them a chance to see their movies opening in a theater crowded with like minded fans.


    I'm sure theaters love them because it spreads the craziness of a huge opening day into 2 nights. 


    I'm sure studios love them because it starts the hype of a big opening earlier. ( can be a double edged sword )




    With my work/family I'd never be able to go to a 12 showing so the earlier previews gives me a chance to experience one of the funnest nights in moviews. 

  3. So you think it will match the most anticipated movie in history just like that, easily?




    I think by December that SW7 will become the most anticipated movie in history.


    And I am one of those idiots that waited over 4 hours to see TPM


    the first 3 did not even have VHS or piracy


    The OT is not Tele old... we did have VHS back then. 


    Early dvd releases and piracy does effect movie attendance these days.   However I believe SW7 falls outside of that.  It will be more of an experience as opposed to just a movie to go see.

    • Like 2
  4. Star Wars got nothing to do with Fast 7. I don't see SW breaking 1.5b, let alone Titanic.


    I don't understand comments like this.


    The Phantom Menace adjusts to 750 DOM and if you take the same % 883 OS.  That alone is 1.6 WW. 


    This will have 3D and IMAX and China.


    Do you really think this will do less then PM?


    Does anyone ever look at the history of a franchise before making predictions?

    • Like 2
  5. baumer is now predicting $2b for SW7 on the sole basis that because F7 is gonna hit 1.5b, then Star Wars is LOCKED to do it. I've also been seeing people predict 1.1b for MJ2.

    China's become a BIG influence, but that doesn't mean every big film is going to do as much or more than F7. That's absurd.


    The answer to your topic title is yes.


    However the examples you give in your post are poor.  There are valid reasons for both MJ2 and SW to hit the huge predictions.


    CF did 850.  Yes MJ1 did less but the reasons it did are well documented.  MJ2 is the conclusion to a very well received franchise.  It'll do 1 billion WW and 1.1 is in reach.


    Star Wars.  2 billion seems crazy.  However this forum is younger and you young guys don't understand how ingrained the Star Wars franchise is to us older people.


    SW will bring in multi-generations of people that are not the typical movie goers.  Add in the typical movie goers who won't miss a movie event like this and it has the potential to be huge.


    BTW... I believe Snipers unexpected success was for the same reason.  It brought in a non-typical movie goer crowd.

    • Like 2

    I fight for the users


    Just re-watched Legacy.


    I didn't appreciate this enough when I saw it in theaters.  My son was young and bored and I had trouble following it.


    After seeing it again on a free HBO preview I grew to really like it and bought the Blu-Ray.


    Yes... the story is confusing and anyone here could have written better dialog.


    However the visuals were amazing and the soundtrack became one of my favorites of all time.


    I'd kill to have the opportunity to see this in IMAX


     That Fall/Winter I was coding a website for a company a friend and I formed.  For months almost every day after everyone went to bed I'd turn off the lights and put this or the Social Network on and code halfway through the night.


    The music of Tron ( and the theme of the SN ) would kept me motivated to keep plugging away at the project.


    My kid... who interfered with my watching this in the theater became a huge fan also.  He made these 'Discs' and we'd run around the house throwing them at each other:




    The Tron Dance party at Disneyland was huge fun also.  We made a special trip to CA ( from CO ) just to see it one more time before it went away.  And of course I couldn't resist buying 'real' discs:




    I'm freakin' excited for Tron 3. 


    I'll be very disappointed if Daft Punk are not involved.

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