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Posts posted by AndyLL

  1. I dunno, given the predicament they were just in, I find it understandable for her to give in to a sense of desperation (and I especially loved how she threw the emotion v practicality conflict back in Cooper's face in the following scene)



    I can sorta buy her being so impassioned she felt she had to make the speech. What I can't buy is any of them taking her seriously.


    Yes... it wasn't an isolated scene.


    If I recall correctly Cooper used 'the power of love' to find the right moment in time to communicate with Murphy.


    So to Nolan... Brand's belief that love was a force as powerful as Gravity was not just the statement of a desperate lover but a central tenet to the film.

    • Like 2
  2. The first 12 minutes of Raiders is the best 12 minutes in the whole series. 


    That and the opening of the original SW are the 2 greatest moments I've had in theaters.


    As a teen I remember seating at the edge of my seat gripping the armrests just amazed at what I was seeing.



    Last Crusade

    Crystal Skull

    Temple of Doom


    I only have the last on BR... have the full set on my xmas list

    • Like 1
  3. I don't really think

    Affleck ended up very sympathetic at all

    . I thought the ending was pure poetic justice:

    they deserved each other.


    A better ending would've been:


    Harris's character locking her up and keeping her ( they portrayed him as a little pycho also ) and Affleck going to jail.


    Amy being able to fool the FBI so easily just didn't pass the smell test with me

  4. Shit. I may indeed need to see 66 episodes of Once Upon a Time to understand wtf is going on.


    Yeah... maybe.


    My wife and I always wanted to see the show but had missed the 1st season and didn't want to jump into the middle of it.


    When we got NetFlix last spring we sat down and watched seasons 1 & 2 in about a week or two.


    Liked it enough that we signed up for Hulu Plus just so we could watch season 3.

  5. Thanks, Blankments. I've gotten 60+ likes from you in this thread.  :D


    Derailment was beyond epic in this thread. I miss all of the derailments.  :(


    I believe it's removed a lot of the spontaneous social conversation that happened at night while waiting for numbers.


    These days I just pop in sometime during the day to see what they were... and if I have time during the evenings I'll read the other threads. 

    • Like 3
  6. They get to let off some anger that they have towards Nikki for whatever reason. It's tough to tell who working there has the biggest gripe with her. However, it just seems like revenge to kick her while she is down. Especially when this Deadline/Nikki situation still seems unresolved.


    It doesn't make sense for her other enemies to choose this moment to go after her. Her enemies in Hollywood would have wanted to go after her when she had power and was ripping into them. Or, when she started her own site, to make sure that she didn't succeed. Now, her site is being shut down and she has no power, so there's no reason for them to waste time to publicly go after her like that.


    With her enemies like Waxman and company, they can still take their swipes at her publicly. They don't need to go to that extreme to get revenge. They can kick Nikki while she is down without creating a website like this. I just don't believe that most people know who Nikki is or would go to all this trouble to make Nikki look bad. She's just not that important to most people.


    The most logical choice seems like someone who is really pissed at Nikki, feels like they can't express that anger in public for whatever reason, and actively wants revenge. It's possible that some people in Hollywood hold a grudge and want to kick her while she is down. But, this seems so extreme that the people at Deadline seem like the logical suspects.


    I don't get where you are coming from Disney.


    As Tele said... deadline has absolutely nothing to gain and plenty to loss.  They win this battle by shutting down her site and her.


    I don't get the partisan hate towards Deadline.


    All they did is buy it from her for 15 million and 1 million/year salary.


    Nikki is like a lot of entrepreneurs.  After they sell or give up their creations they seem don't to grasp that it isn't theirs anymore. They take the money and act like nothing has changed.


    While there has been some ugliness from both sides there is no way Deadline is going to allow Nikki to devalue what they have just paid millions for.

    • Like 2
  7. OK, you have a point, also who is the judge if what the proper “rating" is.


    The GA does.  Movies are not made for us... they are made for the public (general usually but sometimes for a niche audience) and made (usually) to make money.


    That's why it is so funny that people throw out the 'overrated' phrase anytime a movie they personally don't like does well.


    DM2 & Frozen were not overrated... they were underrated here on the forums compared to what the general audiences thought.


    HTTYD2 was overrated here on the forums.  It doesn't matter if we think it was great or that the critics think it was great... the general public rejected it.

    • Like 6
  8. This



    I also think that if this film is at least half decent, it could crawl to 200M, but 190 is probably the ceiling if this gets the same reception as the last (I personally didn't hate it but I can see the problems), with 150 being the floor




    Sometimes I don't get these forums.


    It made over 330 million DOM and 1 billion WW and won 2 oscars.


    If it gets the same reception as the last one I think Disney will be happy.

  9. ... The entire company is built solely around driving the stock-prices up and pleasing the shareholders and nearly every executive is only concerned about the short term and could care less about the long term viability of the company. 



    Say hello to every F500 company out there.  Iger leaving will not change anything... and it might become worst.


    And quite honestly you're wrong.  You don't invest > 8 billion in Marvel & LucusFilms plus abut 3 billion in theme park capital upgrades by only thinking of the short term.


    While I'm sure the Execs live and die by the quarterly numbers... come to a company like mine to really see what sacrificing the long term for the short term really means. 

    • Like 3
  10. The reason Interstellar could out open Inception is because of Inception itself. It pretty much cemented Nolan's status as a big time blockbuster filmmaker. Sure, when Inception came out, he was the guy who made the Dark Knight. But now he's more than that thanks to Inception.



    Only to a certain segment of the GA.  Since the discussion last week of what directors were recognizable names to the GA I've made it a point to ask my co-workers if they've heard of him.  Almost all of them have seen TDK & Inception but known recognized his name.  These are older males... upper 30s and 40s.


    And I don't think a non-action science fiction film will generate a lot of excitement to the GA.  Inception numbers will be a nice target for Interstellar.

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