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Posts posted by Orestes

  1. 12 minutes ago, The Mummified Panda said:


    I'm still not convinced how much reviews effect movies.  There's no way to really statistically test it like you can for tracking numbers, YouTube views, etc.


    I don't think they affect much at all. They might show how a movie will be received by audiences and thus how leggy it might be, but for OW? That's advertising, demand, reception of previous movies if its a sequel/franchise film, appeal of the leads in their roles, popularity of the source material if its an adaptation, and a host of other things.


    I can think of three movies over the last several years where reviews were any kind of deciding factor, and that's only because other things I listed worked against them. Two of those movies were part of the same franchise, too.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:

    I am amused that smoking weed is considered "better" and "more accepted" and "healthier" than smoking cigarettes...you know, you are still breathing in smoke and tar and blowing out smoke to those around you...the sole benefit to pot is usually for those with serious pre-existing health issues who benefit from the anti-nausea and/or pain relieving aspects, since they tend to not have to worry about health issues that could crop up 20-30 years from now.  If you're Joe or Jane regular, it's as terrible a habit as regular cigarettes, although I guess the definitive studies and lawsuits will probably be 20-30 years from now...


    I'm guessing it's healthier because a person with a weed habit isn't gonna smoke as much as a person with a tobacco habit, at least on average. I've known plenty of cig smokers who did a pack or more a day. I'm not even sure it's possible to smoke the equivalent amount of weed. Plus weed usually doesn't have the tons of other chems added to it that cigs do, at least for now.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Cmasterclay said:

    Last night, I said 8 mill would be disappointing, 10 mill would be right in line with expectations, 12 mill would be good, 14 would be outstanding, and 17 would make Tele have a successful club for the first time since the pyramids went up. So this fell right between in line with expectations and good by my book. I could see it having a better Friday and Saturday than Deadpool but a bigger Sunday drop. I could also see it having slightly wimpier legs. Frankly, anywhere from 90 to 130 wouldn't stun me, though my summer game prediction of 135 is out of reach (I dropped to 125 this week). 


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but if it gets over 100, isn't that the biggest OW for the first solo movie ever for a comic character since Spider-Man? Hell, behind MOS, wouldn't that be the biggest first solo entry period, including franchise reboots?


    Depends on how far over 100. IM has 102 counting its Thursday previews.


    edit: Also Deadpool at 132m for the 3 day.

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