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Posts posted by Orestes

  1. The difference between Wonder Woman and Justice League and why the audience of one might not necessarily all be the audience of the other can be summed up in two gifs:










    They're pretty similar moves, but one is focused on the bad ass while the other is just focused on the ass.



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  2. 5 minutes ago, filmlover said:

    And Thor's solo outings have basically been the overlooked child (give or take The Incredible Hulk) of the MCU until now. What a time to be alive.

    I wouldn't say TDW is overlooked. Its generally considered the worst, or one of the worst, MCU films.

  3. Ironically, the reason those big (DC) threads have such byzantine posting rules is because the mods here are super lenient and basically don't ban repeat trolls. They just ignore the rules, get thread banned for a few days, then do it all over again.


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  4. 14 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:


    Production Designer hired before the Director.  So much for The Director being in charge.





    But the 2nd director for IT, who I hope will be the, i wanna say 4th, director for The Flash, made a decent movie so the DCEU is clearly once again director driven (away.)

    • Haha 1
  5. 17 minutes ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

    There have been no spoilers in this thread. I'm sick of people on the interwebs claiming that every single thing is a spoiler.

    Where you here for TFA? Somehow even posting a reaction was a spoiler.


    "The new Star Wars was pretty good."

    "Thanks for ruining the film, jerk!"


    That was the point spoilerphobia descended into self-parody. Never seen anything quite like it.

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