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Posts posted by Orestes

  1. 3 hours ago, TalismanRing said:


    Eh he wasn't particularity a good thing about the film either.  I was surprised he was such a dull Johnny Storm.  But he wasn't alone, there wasn't one engaging performance in a group of talented actors and that has to come down to the director and the script.


    That's because his character in Chronicle was more Johnny Storm than his actual Johnny Storm. Probably didn't help that his Chronicle character got killed off, and Trank basically put a F4 skin over his Chronicle 2 ideas.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Barnack said:


    That is a bit surprising that the 2019 captain marvel was already set in 2014 before Ike being pushed out, but you right, that is far ahead they are locking things now. But that would mean Ike gave the ok to a female superheroe movie ?


    Probably helped that they could cast a newish actor cheap, instead of renegotiating a bigger payday for SJ.

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  3. 4 minutes ago, Barnack said:


    When Ike was in charge of the Marvel movies division, the reason was fairly clear (he did seem simply against women superheroes movie, box office wise and toys wise), but now that it is 100% in Disney control and run directly by them (since Ultron release) it is less obvious.


    Ike wasn't removed from the picture till phase 3 was aleady laid out.

  4. 2 minutes ago, grim22 said:

    2018 will be the most ridiculous superhero movie year ever. Might actually end up being the tipping point for superheroes. Justice League is this November closing the Superhero movies for this year. And next year we will, or may, have:


    - Black Panther

    - X-Men: Supernova or New Mutants

    - Avengers 

    - Ant-Man

    - Possibly Gotham City Sirens

    - Venom

    - Deadpool 2 (most likely on November 2)

    - Aquaman

    - Animated Spider-Man


    Big year for the genre. Will decide if there is such a thing as too many superhero movies.


    Supernova and Venom seem likely to disappoint. New Mutants, Aquaman and Sirens could go either way. It'll be interesting to see how Black Panther does internationally. Who cares about animated Spider-Man.

  5. 9 hours ago, TalismanRing said:


    Archibald Leach was British.   Born and raised in Bristol to a working class family (and one seriously fucked up horrific childhood)


    He re-invented himself as Cary Grant - unique accent included.




    Still doesn't explain what was going on in Gunga Din, though. He only had an accent for about half the movie. Maybe the half when he used it, he was trying to do a british accent in an american accent.

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